摘 要:针对太阳能热泵采暖系统存在的问题,本文利用ANSYS软件的数值模拟功能,探索该系统的地板表面辐射能量温度场,通过改变初值,拟得出太阳能提供的热水初始温度值。
关键词:太阳能 热泵采暖系统 ANSYS 温度场
中图分类号:TK519 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2014)02(a)-0009-02
Probe the Solar Heat Pump Heating Systems Optimization Program Based on ANSYS
Zhang Hailing
(Department of Civil Engineering,Loop College,Inner Mongolia Bayannaoer,015000,China)
Abstract:Contrary to the Solar heat pump heating systems problems,we use numerical simulation capabilities of ANSYS software and explore the Solar heat pump heating systems temperature field of floor surface radiant energy.By changing the initial value, we intend to reach conclusion of the initial hot water temperature of the solar heat.
Key Words:Solar Heat;Pump Heating System;ANSYS;Temperature Field