
2014-11-03 21:19黄连英
求学·理科版 2014年10期





(1)3分—— 条理不清,思维紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。








(2014年江西卷)假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。






Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.


Thank you!

通过审题,考生应该明确这篇文章的文体是演讲稿,文章内容要包含以下三个方面:1.学会学习; 2.学会做人; 3.学会其他。



Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on learn in senior high school.

Im LiHua, Im xingguang high student. I think, we should can learn, learn study. We should learn as a people, too. Learn cooperation, can make friends to us. to anyone better and anyone make friends.

It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on learn in senior high school.



What to learn in senior high school?

This senior aims is talk about study way and study make people. As my opinions, I think not study way, study reading, but study make people. A can study people, he know many very good study way, and have many good habits. A can make studies people, could study sinctrely and warm-heart. On the other hand, if you can good good study and good good make people, we can very like you! Besues I think will is a perfect people. So, Im looking forward to you be better! I like our school!

点评:这篇作文除了I like our school是完整句,其他句子都不完整,语言错误相当严重。文中虽有一些内容,但意思表达不清楚,内容不完整(缺少第三个要点内容),连贯性差。文章没有层次,一段到底。


In order to have a rich senior high schools life, and enrich our hirozongs. I have some suggestions to share with you.

As I just mentioned, In order to have a life of high school. You should have good command of study. And we must gasp some learning skills and hard work. The learning skills is studing ways and have a good studing hobby. In our high school life, friends is necessary to our life, so we must learning for our friends. In other ways, we should ,have a good command of hobby. For example, singing and painting, and we should reading some benefits book. Because the is good for our future.

All in all, I belive had a bright future is waiting for us, because we hard work.

点评:该篇作文文字勉强连贯,也包含了所给要点,基本切题。但有些地方意思表达不清楚,如so we must learning for our friends.这句话令人费解。语言错误随处可见,只有画线句子无错。


Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

Firstly, You should learn how to study. Study to every students need skills. So we can practice it by ourselves. And we also need to form the habits of study. It is important for us. Secondly, We should learn to get along well with teachers or students. During the progress, we should be honest to treat them and friendly. Finally, I think our health is important to study. So we should do exercise every day.

These are my opinion to you. We should become hard-working people. I believe you can do better in study and become more popular in school.

点评:该文章包含了所给三个要点,框架结构完整,表达清楚,文字连贯(使用了firstly, secondly,finally,so等连接词),语法结构和词汇的应用基本正确,但语言错误较多。如:(1)第二段第一行You和第三行的We要改为小写。(2)Study to every students need skills.应改为Every student needs skills in studying. (3)we should be honest to treat them and friendly. 应改为we should be honest and friendly to them. (4) And we also need to form the habits/habit of study. (5) These are my opinion/opinions to you.(以上斜线后的黑体字为正确答案)

同时,文章中也有一些高级词汇和高级句型。高级词汇有form the habit of、be important for、 get along well with、 do exercise、 do better in等。高级句型有(1)I think our health is important to study.(宾语从句)(2) I believe you can do better in study and become more popular in school.(宾语从句加并列句)


Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

Im Li Hua, from Xing Guang Middle School. I think that the most important thing for us is that we must learn how to study. We should study hard in school, good habits should be developed, too.

Then, importance must be attached to it that we should be friendly to others. After all, all friendship is that important for us all. Never can we live without friends.

Last but not least, it is no denying the fact that we should respect our teachers. Its our teachers that give us knowledge. They are worth being respected by us.

Only in this way can we lead a better future. Thank you for reading.

点评:这篇文章切合题意,要点全面;文字不仅通顺,而且用了较多高级词汇和句型。高级词汇有study hard,develop good habits,attach importance to,be friendly to, be important for sb., be worth doing等。而高级句型更是随处可见,如:(1)I think that the most important thing for us is that we must learn how to study. (宾语从句加表语从句)(2) importance must be attached to it that we should be friendly to others. (含情态动词的被动语态加上宾语从句) (3)含部分倒转的句子:Never can we live without friends./ Only in this way can we lead a better future.4) it is no denying the fact that we should respect our teachers.(同位语从句,不过it要改为there) 同时连贯性较好,像then, after all, last but not least很好地把句与句之间,段落与段落之间连接。通篇文章除了第二段第二行good前要加and,第四段第一行it要改为there,第四段第二行being respected要改为respecting,最后一段reading改为listening外,没有其他的语言错误。



1. 内容要充实,要点须全面


2. 单词书写要正确,避免犯低级错误


3. 注重句型积累,打好语法基础


4. 注意衔接紧凑,加强文章连贯性


5. 尽量使用高级词汇

高级词汇的使用是得高分必备条件之一,能显示出考生深厚的语言功底。何为高级词汇呢?笔者以为就是使用一些生动、具体、形象的词语,具体原则如下:(1)尽量用短语代替单词。这可反映出考生有较强的语言运用能力,避免词语单调乏味。如:Can you bear his rudeness?可改为:Can you put up with/ live with his rudeness?(2)用新学的词汇代替以前学的词汇,换句话说,尽量用别人少用的词汇。这样可做到张扬个性,标新立异。如:There is a mistake in your homework.可改为:There exists a mistake in your homework.(3)多用情感方面的词语。如:luckily,fortunately, really, obviously, to be honest, wholeheartedly等。这类词语的使用可增强文章的醒目性和感染力,易引起阅卷老师的共鸣。

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