[摘要] 目的 探讨别嘌醇与苯溴马隆在治疗高尿酸血症小鼠时对小鼠糖代谢水平的影响。 方法 腹腔注射尿酸造成小鼠高尿酸血症模型,动物分为正常对照组、高尿酸组、别嘌醇组和苯溴马隆组,给予相应药物14 d与28 d后,取静脉血检测各组小鼠血尿酸值、空腹血糖值、20 d糖耐量、24 d胰岛素耐量等因素的变化水平。 结果 高尿酸模型小鼠血尿酸水平显著上升(P < 0.01),空腹血糖值显著增加(P < 0.01),糖耐量与胰岛素耐量的实验中,高尿酸小鼠在各时间点的血糖值与正常对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。给予苯溴马隆与别嘌醇干预后,苯溴马隆组在14 d与28 d将血尿酸值分别降至(35.58±6.31)mg/L和(67.37±7.15)mg/L (P < 0.01),空腹血糖值为(8.13±0.51) mmol/L和(8.18±0.82) mmol/L;别嘌醇组血尿酸值更低,分别为(25.37±9.08)mg/L和(22.97±4.26)mg/L(P < 0.01),空腹血糖为(9.62±0.48)mmol/L和(9.82±0.53)mmol/L。对于糖耐量和胰岛素耐量的考察发现,口服葡萄糖后,苯溴马隆组小鼠在30、60、120 min时血糖水平分别为(20.14±2.01)、(13.14±1.32)、(9.74±1.32)mmol/L,与高尿酸组比较,呈现显著下降趋势(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),而别嘌呤组未见明显差异。注射胰岛素后,苯溴马隆组在30、60、90、120 min时血糖值分别为(4.97±0.25)、(4.15±0.25)、(4.13±0.78)、(4.77±0.66)mmol/L,与高尿酸组比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),而别嘌醇组则未见这样的作用。 结论 别嘌醇与苯溴马隆在治疗高尿酸血症时均有很好的作用,而苯溴马隆具有纠正糖负荷或胰岛素负荷下血糖异常的作用,所以对于合并血糖升高时,苯溴马隆对高尿酸引起的异常的空腹血糖值、胰岛素耐量与糖耐量的调控更有优势。
[关键词] 高尿酸血症;2型糖尿病;胰岛素抵抗;降尿酸药物
[中图分类号] R969.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)09(a)-0018-04
[Abstract] Objective To explore the effects on glucose metabolism when Allopurinol and Benzbromarone in the treatment of hyperuricemia. Methods Hyperuricemia model mice caused by intraperitoneal injection of uric acid. Animals were divided into normal control group, high uric acid group, Allopurinol group and Benzbromarone group. After 14 d and 28 d administration, the levels of uric acid, fasting glucose, 24 d insulin tolerance and 20 d glucose tolerance in blood of mice in each group were tested. Results Significant differences in uric acid levels and blood sugar levels in blood were found, after comparing between the model group and the control group (P < 0.01). Model group had significant differences compared with the control group for blood glucose at the time point, in experiments of glucose tolerance and insulin resistance (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The uric acid levels of Benzbromarone group decreased to (35.58±6.31) mg/L and (67.37±7.15) mg/L after 14 d and 28 d of administration (P < 0.01), while fasting glucose values were (8.13 ±0.51) mmol/L and (8.18±0.82) mmol/L. In the Allopurinol group after 14 d and 28 d of administration, the uric acid levels were (25.37±9.08) mg/L and (22.97±4.26) mg/L (P < 0.01), fasting glucose values were (9.62±0.48) mmol/L and (9.82±0.53) mmol/L. Blood glucose values were (20.14±2.01), (13.14±1.32), (9.74±1.32) mmol/L at 30, 60, 120 min after oral glucose in Benzbromarone group. Compared with the model group, showed a downtrend (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference between Allopurinol group and model group. Blood glucose values were (4.97±0.25), (4.15±0.25), (4.13±0.78), (4.77±0.66) mmol/L at 30, 60, 90, 120 min after the injection of insulin in the Benzbromarone group. The values showed a significant difference compared with the model group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). However, there was also no significant difference between Allopurinol group and model group. Conclusion Allopurinol and Benzbromarone play good role in the treatment of hyperuricemia. However, in the treatment of diabetic patients with hyperuricemia, Benzbromarone has more advantages than Allopurinol.
[Key words] Hyperuricemia; Type 2 diabetes; Insulin resistance; Drugs for regulating blood uric acid
尿酸是人体嘌呤代谢的产物,人体血尿酸水平升高与体内核酸代谢异常和肾脏排泄减少相关。近年来,国内外大量流行病学研究表明,高尿酸血症的患病率正逐年升高[1-2]。最新荟萃分析显示,尿酸每升高1 mg/dL,糖尿病发生的相对危险度增加1.17倍[3]。Chien等[4]对中国社区人群的前瞻性研究发现,糖尿病发生率与尿酸的浓度呈正相关,血尿酸浓度较高的人群发生糖尿病的风险比尿酸较低的人群增加1.4倍。高尿酸血症主要治疗药物有两类:一类是促排尿酸药物如苯溴马隆(Benzbromarone),另一类抑制尿酸生成药物如别嘌醇(Allopurinol)[5]。本研究旨在系统评价苯溴马隆与别嘌醇治疗高尿酸血症的同时对糖代谢的影响,以期为治疗原发性高尿酸血症的药物选择提供实验证据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物
1.2 药物及试剂
别嘌醇片(世贸天阶制药有限责任公司,批号2012 1123);苯溴马隆片(宜昌长江药业有限公司,批号0061206002);尿酸标准品(分析纯,Sigma公司,批号U2625);胰岛素(Novo Nordisk公司,批号J20100012);血糖试纸(德国罗氏诊断有限公司,批号2307432);尿酸测定试剂盒(南京建成生物工程研究所,批号130315);生理盐水(南京小营制药厂,批号121123)。
1.3 主要仪器
TP-5000A电子天平(湘仪天平仪器厂)、血糖检测仪(德国罗氏诊断有限公司)、台式高速冷冻离心机(Thermo Electron)。
1.4 方法
1.4.1 高尿酸血症小鼠模型的制备及处理 取BALB/c小鼠,适应性饲养1周后,随机分组。取9只作为正常对照组,其余小鼠腹腔注射尿酸生理盐水溶液2周,注射剂量为250 mg/kg,每日1次,构建小鼠高尿酸血症模型[6]。2周后取末梢静脉血测定血尿酸值,血尿酸能维持在较高的水平,与空白对照组差异有统计学意义,表明模型成功。将高尿酸血症小鼠随机分成高尿酸组、苯溴马隆组和别嘌醇组,每组9只。除正常对照组外,其余各组每日腹腔注射尿酸生理盐水溶液1次,正常对照组每日腹腔注射等量生理盐水溶液。每日于造模1 h后各组分别给予药物:苯溴马隆组每天灌胃给予6.5 mg/kg苯溴马隆水溶液;别嘌醇组每天灌服39 mg/kg别嘌醇水溶液。正常对照组和高尿酸组分别灌服等量蒸馏水。连续给药28 d。
1.4.2 血尿酸及空腹血糖检测 给药第14天和第28天,禁食16 h,取尾尖静脉血测空腹血糖值。各组造模给药1 h后,通过眼球后静脉丛取血。37℃条件下凝血约1 h,4000 r/min离心10 min获得血清。将其置于-20℃保存,用于尿酸值检测。
1.4.3 糖耐量实验 连续给药20 d后,禁食16 h,一次性腹腔注射10%葡萄糖溶液,注射容积为0.2 mL/10 g,于0、30、60、90、120 min时,尾尖静脉采血,测定血糖值,进行糖耐量检测。
1.4.4 胰岛素耐量实验 连续给药24 d后,动物禁食6 h,给予0.75 U/kg的胰岛素注射液腹腔注射,于注射前及注射后15、30、60、90、120 min测量小鼠尾静脉血糖水平,进行胰岛素耐量检测。
1.5 统计学方法
使用SPSS 15.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,组间两两比较采用LSD-t检验,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2.2.3 别嘌醇与苯溴马隆对模型小鼠糖耐量的影响 腹腔注射相同剂量的葡萄糖后,各组小鼠血糖均先升高,而后逐步下降。糖负荷后,苯溴马隆组在30、60、120 min时血糖水平与高尿酸组比较,呈现显著下降趋势(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),别嘌醇组在120 min时血糖水平与高尿酸组比较,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01),见表7。
2.2.4 别嘌醇与苯溴马隆对模型小鼠胰岛素耐量的影响 腹腔注射相同剂量的胰岛素后,小鼠血糖呈先下降后上升的趋势,但下降与回升幅度有所不同。与高尿酸组比较,苯溴马隆组在30、60、90、120 min时血糖值差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),别嘌醇组与高尿酸组趋势相似,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),见表8。
3 讨论
别嘌醇被证实为有效降低尿酸的药物已使用多年,别嘌醇及其代谢产物,可抑制黄嘌呤氧化酶,使次黄嘌呤及黄嘌呤不能转化为尿酸,即尿酸合成减少,进而降低血中尿酸浓度[10-11]。苯溴马隆是苯并呋喃衍生物,为近曲小管强效而可逆性的尿酸-阴离子交换剂,能阻断肾小管对尿酸的再吸收,从而有效降低血尿酸浓度[12]。Jitapunkul等[13]报道,别嘌醇可以显著提高糖化血红蛋白,认为糖化血红蛋白升高可能是别嘌醇的直接作用。本研究显示,别嘌醇与苯溴马隆均能显著降低高尿酸血症小鼠血清尿酸水平,苯溴马隆具有降低高尿酸诱发小鼠血糖异常升高的作用,而别嘌醇却引起高尿酸小鼠血糖进一步升高。在小鼠糖耐量实验中,苯溴马隆改善了高尿酸引起血糖升高的水平,而别嘌醇的改善效果明显较弱。同样的情况出现在小鼠胰岛素耐量的实验当中,血清中的高尿酸引起小鼠对胰岛素的敏感性下降,苯溴马隆组与高尿酸组比较,对胰岛素的敏感性从30 min开始至120 min有明显提高,而别嘌醇对胰岛素负荷下血糖的影响与高尿酸组比较没有明显差别。本实验中别嘌醇对高尿酸引起的糖耐量与胰岛素耐量异常并没有明显的影响。
[1] 关宝生,白雪,王艳秋,等.痛风/高尿酸血症患者生活习惯的危险因素[J].中国老年学杂志,2014,32(4):455-457.
[2] 沈永刚.1205例中老年人血尿酸检测结果分析[J].吉林医学,2014,35(1):63-64.
[3] Kodama S, Saito K, Yachi Y, et al. Association between serum uric acid and development of type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2009,32(9):1737-1742.
[4] Chien KL,Chen MF,Hsu HC,et al. Plasma uric acid and the risk of type 2 diabetes in a Chinese community [J]. Clin Chem,2008,54(2):310-316.
[5] 谭冰,熊毅.痛风的药物治疗研究进展[J].中国药业,2013,22(14):111-112.
[6] 陈光亮,徐叔云.高尿酸血症动物模型研究进展[J].中国药理学通报,2004,20(4):369-373.
[7] Enriori PJ,Evans AE,Sinnayah P,et al. Diet-induced obesity causes severe but reversible leptin resistance in arcuate melanocortin neurons [J]. Cell Metab,2007,5(3):181-194.
[8] 张惠敏.代谢综合征发病风险预测指标研究进展[J].中国全科医学,2014,17(2):127-129.
[9] Carnethon MR,Fortmann SP,Palaniappan L,et al. Risk factors for progression to incident hyperinsulinemia:the Ather osclerosis Risk in Communities Study,1987-1998 [J]. Am J Epidemiol,2003,158(11):1058-1067.
[10] Chao J,Terkeltaub R. A critical reappraisal of allopurinol dosing,safety,and efficacy for hyperuricemia in gout [J]. Curr Rheumatol Rep,2009,11(2):135-140.
[11] Chohan S,Becker MA,MacDonald PA,et al. Women with gout: efficacy and safety of urate-lowering with febuxostat and allopurinol[J]. Arthritis Care Res:Hoboken,2012,64(2):256-261.
[12] Kurajoh M,Koyama H,Shoji T,et al. Relationship between serum allantoin and urate in healthy subjects and effects of benzbromarone in gout patients [J]. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther,2012,50(4):265-271.
[13] Jitapunkul S,Chalaprawat M,Bunnag S,et al. The relationship between glucose and uric acid metabolism:influence of short term allopurinol on glucose metabolism [J]. Med Assoc Thai,1991,74(2):80-86.
[14] Dehghan A,van Hoek M,Sijbrands EJ,et al. High serum uric acid as a novel risk factor for type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2008,31(2):361-362.
[15] Johnson RJ,Perez-Pozo SE,Sautin YY,et al. Hypothesis:could excessive fructose intake and uric acid cause type 2 diabetes [J]. Endocr Rev,2009,30(1):96-116.
(收稿日期:2014-04-09 本文编辑:程 铭)
[1] 关宝生,白雪,王艳秋,等.痛风/高尿酸血症患者生活习惯的危险因素[J].中国老年学杂志,2014,32(4):455-457.
[2] 沈永刚.1205例中老年人血尿酸检测结果分析[J].吉林医学,2014,35(1):63-64.
[3] Kodama S, Saito K, Yachi Y, et al. Association between serum uric acid and development of type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2009,32(9):1737-1742.
[4] Chien KL,Chen MF,Hsu HC,et al. Plasma uric acid and the risk of type 2 diabetes in a Chinese community [J]. Clin Chem,2008,54(2):310-316.
[5] 谭冰,熊毅.痛风的药物治疗研究进展[J].中国药业,2013,22(14):111-112.
[6] 陈光亮,徐叔云.高尿酸血症动物模型研究进展[J].中国药理学通报,2004,20(4):369-373.
[7] Enriori PJ,Evans AE,Sinnayah P,et al. Diet-induced obesity causes severe but reversible leptin resistance in arcuate melanocortin neurons [J]. Cell Metab,2007,5(3):181-194.
[8] 张惠敏.代谢综合征发病风险预测指标研究进展[J].中国全科医学,2014,17(2):127-129.
[9] Carnethon MR,Fortmann SP,Palaniappan L,et al. Risk factors for progression to incident hyperinsulinemia:the Ather osclerosis Risk in Communities Study,1987-1998 [J]. Am J Epidemiol,2003,158(11):1058-1067.
[10] Chao J,Terkeltaub R. A critical reappraisal of allopurinol dosing,safety,and efficacy for hyperuricemia in gout [J]. Curr Rheumatol Rep,2009,11(2):135-140.
[11] Chohan S,Becker MA,MacDonald PA,et al. Women with gout: efficacy and safety of urate-lowering with febuxostat and allopurinol[J]. Arthritis Care Res:Hoboken,2012,64(2):256-261.
[12] Kurajoh M,Koyama H,Shoji T,et al. Relationship between serum allantoin and urate in healthy subjects and effects of benzbromarone in gout patients [J]. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther,2012,50(4):265-271.
[13] Jitapunkul S,Chalaprawat M,Bunnag S,et al. The relationship between glucose and uric acid metabolism:influence of short term allopurinol on glucose metabolism [J]. Med Assoc Thai,1991,74(2):80-86.
[14] Dehghan A,van Hoek M,Sijbrands EJ,et al. High serum uric acid as a novel risk factor for type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2008,31(2):361-362.
[15] Johnson RJ,Perez-Pozo SE,Sautin YY,et al. Hypothesis:could excessive fructose intake and uric acid cause type 2 diabetes [J]. Endocr Rev,2009,30(1):96-116.
(收稿日期:2014-04-09 本文编辑:程 铭)
[1] 关宝生,白雪,王艳秋,等.痛风/高尿酸血症患者生活习惯的危险因素[J].中国老年学杂志,2014,32(4):455-457.
[2] 沈永刚.1205例中老年人血尿酸检测结果分析[J].吉林医学,2014,35(1):63-64.
[3] Kodama S, Saito K, Yachi Y, et al. Association between serum uric acid and development of type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2009,32(9):1737-1742.
[4] Chien KL,Chen MF,Hsu HC,et al. Plasma uric acid and the risk of type 2 diabetes in a Chinese community [J]. Clin Chem,2008,54(2):310-316.
[5] 谭冰,熊毅.痛风的药物治疗研究进展[J].中国药业,2013,22(14):111-112.
[6] 陈光亮,徐叔云.高尿酸血症动物模型研究进展[J].中国药理学通报,2004,20(4):369-373.
[7] Enriori PJ,Evans AE,Sinnayah P,et al. Diet-induced obesity causes severe but reversible leptin resistance in arcuate melanocortin neurons [J]. Cell Metab,2007,5(3):181-194.
[8] 张惠敏.代谢综合征发病风险预测指标研究进展[J].中国全科医学,2014,17(2):127-129.
[9] Carnethon MR,Fortmann SP,Palaniappan L,et al. Risk factors for progression to incident hyperinsulinemia:the Ather osclerosis Risk in Communities Study,1987-1998 [J]. Am J Epidemiol,2003,158(11):1058-1067.
[10] Chao J,Terkeltaub R. A critical reappraisal of allopurinol dosing,safety,and efficacy for hyperuricemia in gout [J]. Curr Rheumatol Rep,2009,11(2):135-140.
[11] Chohan S,Becker MA,MacDonald PA,et al. Women with gout: efficacy and safety of urate-lowering with febuxostat and allopurinol[J]. Arthritis Care Res:Hoboken,2012,64(2):256-261.
[12] Kurajoh M,Koyama H,Shoji T,et al. Relationship between serum allantoin and urate in healthy subjects and effects of benzbromarone in gout patients [J]. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther,2012,50(4):265-271.
[13] Jitapunkul S,Chalaprawat M,Bunnag S,et al. The relationship between glucose and uric acid metabolism:influence of short term allopurinol on glucose metabolism [J]. Med Assoc Thai,1991,74(2):80-86.
[14] Dehghan A,van Hoek M,Sijbrands EJ,et al. High serum uric acid as a novel risk factor for type 2 diabetes [J]. Diabetes Care,2008,31(2):361-362.
[15] Johnson RJ,Perez-Pozo SE,Sautin YY,et al. Hypothesis:could excessive fructose intake and uric acid cause type 2 diabetes [J]. Endocr Rev,2009,30(1):96-116.
(收稿日期:2014-04-09 本文编辑:程 铭)