[摘要] 目的 观察PI-103在体外对人黑色素瘤A375细胞迁移和侵袭能力的影响,并探讨可能的作用机制。 方法 应用MTT法检测不同浓度PI-103对A375细胞增殖的影响,Transwell小室实验检测0.1、0.2 μmol/L PI-103对A375细胞迁移能力和侵袭能力的影响,Western Blot法测定细胞基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-2、MMP-9的表达。 结果 0.1、0.2 μmol/L PI-103对A375细胞增殖的抑制作用不明显(P > 0.05);在浓度高于0.4 μmol/L时,PI-103能够明显抑制A375细胞的增殖(P < 0.05)。0.1 μmol/L PI-103作用后,迁移实验和运动实验穿膜细胞数分别为(91.73±13.80)、(63.67±8.54),与对照组比较明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);0.2 μmol/L PI-103作用后,迁移实验和运动实验穿膜细胞数分别为(64.07±9.22)、(34.80±7.89),与对照组比较明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。0.1、0.2 μmol/L PI-103作用后,A375细胞MMP-2、MMP-9蛋白表达明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 PI-103可通过下调MMP-2、MMP-9的表达抑制A375细胞迁移和侵袭,为其应用于抗恶性黑素瘤转移治疗提供了实验依据。
[关键词] PI-103;黑色素瘤;迁移;侵袭
[中图分类号] R739.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)09(a)-0014-04
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effects of PI-103 on the migratory and invasive abilities of human melanoma A375 cells in vitro and its mechanism. Methods The effects of PI-103 with different concentration on the proliferation of A375 cells were detected by MTT assay. The effects of PI-103 at 0.1, 0.2 μmol/L concentration on the migratory and invasive abilities of A375 cells were detected by transwell chamber assay. The expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in A375 cells were determined by Western Blot. Results The inhibition effects on the proliferation of A375 cells treated with PI-103 at 0.1, 0.2 μmol/L concentration were not significant (P > 0.05). The proliferation of A375 cells treated with PI-103 at the concentration higher than 0.4 μmol/L was significantly inhibited (P < 0.05). The numbers of transmembrane cells in the migration and invasion experiment treated with PI-103 at 0.1 μmol/L concentration were (91.73±13.80), (63.67±8.54) respectively, which were significantly decreased compared with control group (P < 0.05). The numbers of transmembrane cells in the migration and invasion experiment treated with PI-103 at 0.2 μmol/L concentration were (64.07±9.22), (34.80±7.89) respectively, which were significantly decreased compared with control group (P < 0.05). The expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in A375 cells treated with PI-103 at 0.1, 0.2 μmol/L concentration were significantly decreased compared with control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion PI-103 can inhibit the migration and invasion of A375 cells by down-regulation of the expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9, which provide the experimental basis for the prevention of melanoma metastasis.
[Key words] PI-103; Melanoma; Migration; Invasion
恶性黑素瘤是一种起源于黑色素细胞的高度恶性肿瘤,易转移是其死亡率高的主要原因。黑色素瘤细胞的侵袭转移与信号转导通路的异常激活密切相关,在有关信号转导通路抑制剂中,筛选出高效、低毒的抗黑色素瘤细胞转移药物已成为其研究重要的发展趋势。哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)是一种非典型的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,与其上游的磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(phosphoinositide 3-kinase,PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(PKB,又称Akt)构成了PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号转导通路。笔者前期及既往其他研究结果显示,PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路与黑素细胞的增殖和转移密切相关[1-2]。PI-103是PI3K和mTOR的双重抑制剂,已有研究报道,PI-103在较低浓度下就能导致黑色素瘤细胞周期阻滞,从而抑制其增殖并诱导凋亡[3],但有关PI-103对黑色素瘤细胞迁移和侵袭的影响国内外鲜见报道。本研究旨在观察PI-103在体外对人黑色素瘤A375细胞迁移和侵袭能力的影响,并探讨可能的作用机制。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
PI-103(纯度99.59%)购自美国MCE公司;人黑色素瘤A375细胞购自中国科学院上海细胞生物研究所;RPMI1640培养液购自美国Gibco公司;四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)购自美国Sigma公司;胎牛血清(FBS)购自杭州四季青生物工程材料有限公司;Millicell悬挂式Transwell小室(孔径8 μm)购自美国Millipore公司;Matrigel购自美国BD公司;鼠抗人基质金属蛋白酶-2(matrix metalloproteinases-2,MMP-2)、MMP-9单抗、碱性磷酸酶标记羊抗鼠IgG购自北京中杉金桥生物技术有限公司。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 细胞培养 将A375细胞置于37℃、5%CO2的孵箱中常规培养,培养液为含10%FBS的RPMI1640。每隔48 h换液1次,以1∶3的比例传代。
1.2.2 MTT法检测PI-103对A375细胞增殖的影响 取对数生长期A375细胞,调整细胞密度为1×105/mL,接种于48孔板,200 μL/孔。培养24 h后吸除培养液,每孔分别加入200 μL不同浓度的PI-103(0.1、0.2、0.4、0.8、1.6 μmol/L),每组设5个复孔,同时设空白对照组,对照组加入等量不含PI-103的培养液。24 h后加入20 μL MTT(5 mg/mL),37℃作用4 h后加150 μL DMSO,振荡10 min,酶标仪测490 nm处吸光度(OD)值,计算细胞增殖抑制率。细胞增殖抑制率=(1-实验组OD/对照组OD)×100%。
1.2.3 Transwell迁移实验检测PI-103对A375细胞迁移力的影响 取对数生长期A375细胞以1×105/mL细胞悬液接种于24孔板,24 h后加入不同浓度的PI-103(终浓度0.1、0.2 μmol/L),设空白对照组,对照组加入等量不含PI-103的培养液,48 h后收集细胞。各组细胞消化、离心后用无血清RPMI1640培养液重悬,调整细胞密度至1×106/mL。将Transwell小室置入24孔板,上室加入200 μL无血清RPMI1640培养液,37℃放置1 h,吸除小室内培养液,上室加入200 μL各组细胞重悬液,下室加500 μL含10%FBS的RPMI1640培养液,37℃、5%CO2孵育24 h后取出小室,棉签擦去滤膜上层细胞,PBS清洗滤膜,4%的多聚甲醛固定15 min,0.1%结晶紫染色15 min。400倍显微镜下随机计数不重叠5个视野的穿膜细胞数,计算平均值。实验重复3次,每组设3个复孔。
1.2.4 Transwell侵袭实验检测PI-103对A375细胞侵袭力的影响 4℃溶解Matrigel过夜,用预冷的无血清培养液以1∶8稀释Matrigel,取50 μL均匀涂于Transwell小室上室的聚碳酸酯膜上,37℃放置30 min,使Matrigel聚合成凝胶,后续同迁移实验。细胞接种密度为2×105/mL。
1.2.5 Western Blot法测定PI-103对A375细胞MMP-2、MMP-9表达的影响 同“1.2.3”项下操作收集细胞,加入细胞裂解液,离心提取蛋白质定量,进行SDS-PAGE电泳分离,电转至PVDF膜上,5%的脱脂奶粉封闭,加入鼠抗人MMP-2、MMP-9单抗作一抗,4℃过夜,TBST洗膜,用碱性磷酸酶标记羊抗鼠IgG作为二抗,37℃孵育2 h,TBST洗膜,加入ECL进行曝光,洗片后用图像分析系统进行吸光度扫描,以GAPDH作为内参,用各蛋白吸光度值/内参吸光度值进行比较。
1.3 统计学方法
采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,组间两两比较采用LSD-t检验,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
3 讨论
Transwell小室能够较为理想地模拟和反映肿瘤细胞的迁移和侵袭能力,是检测肿瘤细胞体外迁移力和侵袭力最经典的实验方法。本实验旨在研究PI-103对A375细胞迁移和侵袭的影响,若出现细胞活力下降则影响结果的判断,因此本研究选择了PI-103对A375细胞活力影响小的浓度(低于0.4 μmol/L)来进行Transwell体外迁移和侵袭实验。结果显示,经0.1、0.2 μmol/L PI-103作用后穿过小室的A375细胞数量减少,提示PI-103可以降低A375细胞的迁移力和侵袭力。
[1] 陆茂,叶俊儒,樊元春,等.磷酸化mTOR在恶性黑素瘤中的表达及与CyclinD1的关系[J].四川医学,2010,31(2):163-165.
[2] Uzdensky AB,Demyanenko SV,Bibov MY. Signal transduction in human cutaneous melanoma and target drugs [J]. Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2013,13(8):843-866.
[3] Lopez-Fauqued M,Gil R,Grueso J,et al. The dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor PI-103 promotes immunosuppression, in vivo tumor growth and increases survival of sorafenib-treated melanoma cells [J]. Int J Cancer,2010,126(7):1549-1561.
[4] Wu P,Hu YZ. PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitors in cancer: a perspective on clinical progress [J]. Curr Med Chem,2010,17(35):4326-4321.
[5] Mazzoletti M,Bortolin F,Brunelli L,et al. Combination of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors: antitumor activity and molecular correlates [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(13):4573-4584.
[6] 刘俊,蔡云朗,任慕兰,等.PI-103对人卵巢癌细胞株SKOV3/DDP顺铂化疗效果的影响[J].东南大学学报:医学版,2013,32(5):574-579.
[7] Saturno G,Valenti M,De Haven Brandon A,et al. Combining trail with PI3 kinase or HSP90 inhibitors enhances apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells via suppression of survival signaling [J]. Oncotarget,2013,4(8):1185-1198.
[8] Yi YW,Hong W,Kang HJ,et al. Inhibition of the PI3K/AKT pathway potentiates cytotoxicity of EGFR kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer cells [J]. J Cell Mol Med,2013,17(5):648-656.
[9] Santo EE,Stroeken P,Sluis PV,et al. FOXO3a is a major target of inactivation by PI3K/AKT signaling in aggressive neuroblastoma [J]. Cancer Res,2013,73(7):2189-2198.
[10] 李娜,祝聪聪,肖永红,等.PI3K抑制剂对四氯化碳刺激的肝星状细胞增殖和Ⅰ型胶原表达的影响[J].西安交通大学学报:医学版,2013,34(2):164-167.
[11] 邢建武,于硕鹏.抑制剂PI-103对786-O细胞株PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路的影响[J].河南医学研究,2013,22(5):649-651.
[12] Hsu RY,Chan CH,Spicer JD,et al. LPS-Induced TLR4 Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells Increases {beta}1 Integrin-Mediated Cell Adhesion and Liver Metastasis [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(5):1989-1998.
[13] Bagci-Onder T,Wakimoto H,Anderegg M,et al. A dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, PI-103, cooperates with stem cell-delivered TRAIL in experimental glioma models [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(1):154-163.
[14] Toulany M,Minjgee M,Saki M,et al. ERK2-dependent reactivation of Akt mediates the limited response of tumor cells with constitutive K-RAS activity to PI3K inhibition [J]. Cancer Biol Ther,2014,15(3):317-328.
[15] Zhang XX,Fu Z,Zhang Z,et al. Miemeystin-LR promotes melanoma cell invasion and enhances matrix metallopmteinase-2/-9 expression mediated by NF-KB activation [J]. Environ Sci Technol,2012,46(20):11319-11326.
[16] Sonoda Y,Warita M,Suzuki T,et al. Proteolipid protein 2 is associated with melanoma metastasis [J]. Oncol Rep,2010,23(2):371-376.
[17] Shi H,Liu L,Liu L,et al. β-Elemene inhibits the metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells by downregulation of the expression of uPA,uPAR,MMP-2,and MMP-9 [J]. Mela noma Res,2014,24(2):99-107.
[18] Rey MC,Bonamigo RR,Cartell A,et al. MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in cutaneous melanoma: association with prognostic factors and description in cutaneous metastases [J]. Am J Dermatopathol,2011,33(4):413-414.
(收稿日期:2014-05-23 本文编辑:程 铭)
[1] 陆茂,叶俊儒,樊元春,等.磷酸化mTOR在恶性黑素瘤中的表达及与CyclinD1的关系[J].四川医学,2010,31(2):163-165.
[2] Uzdensky AB,Demyanenko SV,Bibov MY. Signal transduction in human cutaneous melanoma and target drugs [J]. Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2013,13(8):843-866.
[3] Lopez-Fauqued M,Gil R,Grueso J,et al. The dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor PI-103 promotes immunosuppression, in vivo tumor growth and increases survival of sorafenib-treated melanoma cells [J]. Int J Cancer,2010,126(7):1549-1561.
[4] Wu P,Hu YZ. PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitors in cancer: a perspective on clinical progress [J]. Curr Med Chem,2010,17(35):4326-4321.
[5] Mazzoletti M,Bortolin F,Brunelli L,et al. Combination of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors: antitumor activity and molecular correlates [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(13):4573-4584.
[6] 刘俊,蔡云朗,任慕兰,等.PI-103对人卵巢癌细胞株SKOV3/DDP顺铂化疗效果的影响[J].东南大学学报:医学版,2013,32(5):574-579.
[7] Saturno G,Valenti M,De Haven Brandon A,et al. Combining trail with PI3 kinase or HSP90 inhibitors enhances apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells via suppression of survival signaling [J]. Oncotarget,2013,4(8):1185-1198.
[8] Yi YW,Hong W,Kang HJ,et al. Inhibition of the PI3K/AKT pathway potentiates cytotoxicity of EGFR kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer cells [J]. J Cell Mol Med,2013,17(5):648-656.
[9] Santo EE,Stroeken P,Sluis PV,et al. FOXO3a is a major target of inactivation by PI3K/AKT signaling in aggressive neuroblastoma [J]. Cancer Res,2013,73(7):2189-2198.
[10] 李娜,祝聪聪,肖永红,等.PI3K抑制剂对四氯化碳刺激的肝星状细胞增殖和Ⅰ型胶原表达的影响[J].西安交通大学学报:医学版,2013,34(2):164-167.
[11] 邢建武,于硕鹏.抑制剂PI-103对786-O细胞株PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路的影响[J].河南医学研究,2013,22(5):649-651.
[12] Hsu RY,Chan CH,Spicer JD,et al. LPS-Induced TLR4 Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells Increases {beta}1 Integrin-Mediated Cell Adhesion and Liver Metastasis [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(5):1989-1998.
[13] Bagci-Onder T,Wakimoto H,Anderegg M,et al. A dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, PI-103, cooperates with stem cell-delivered TRAIL in experimental glioma models [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(1):154-163.
[14] Toulany M,Minjgee M,Saki M,et al. ERK2-dependent reactivation of Akt mediates the limited response of tumor cells with constitutive K-RAS activity to PI3K inhibition [J]. Cancer Biol Ther,2014,15(3):317-328.
[15] Zhang XX,Fu Z,Zhang Z,et al. Miemeystin-LR promotes melanoma cell invasion and enhances matrix metallopmteinase-2/-9 expression mediated by NF-KB activation [J]. Environ Sci Technol,2012,46(20):11319-11326.
[16] Sonoda Y,Warita M,Suzuki T,et al. Proteolipid protein 2 is associated with melanoma metastasis [J]. Oncol Rep,2010,23(2):371-376.
[17] Shi H,Liu L,Liu L,et al. β-Elemene inhibits the metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells by downregulation of the expression of uPA,uPAR,MMP-2,and MMP-9 [J]. Mela noma Res,2014,24(2):99-107.
[18] Rey MC,Bonamigo RR,Cartell A,et al. MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in cutaneous melanoma: association with prognostic factors and description in cutaneous metastases [J]. Am J Dermatopathol,2011,33(4):413-414.
(收稿日期:2014-05-23 本文编辑:程 铭)
[1] 陆茂,叶俊儒,樊元春,等.磷酸化mTOR在恶性黑素瘤中的表达及与CyclinD1的关系[J].四川医学,2010,31(2):163-165.
[2] Uzdensky AB,Demyanenko SV,Bibov MY. Signal transduction in human cutaneous melanoma and target drugs [J]. Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2013,13(8):843-866.
[3] Lopez-Fauqued M,Gil R,Grueso J,et al. The dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor PI-103 promotes immunosuppression, in vivo tumor growth and increases survival of sorafenib-treated melanoma cells [J]. Int J Cancer,2010,126(7):1549-1561.
[4] Wu P,Hu YZ. PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway inhibitors in cancer: a perspective on clinical progress [J]. Curr Med Chem,2010,17(35):4326-4321.
[5] Mazzoletti M,Bortolin F,Brunelli L,et al. Combination of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors: antitumor activity and molecular correlates [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(13):4573-4584.
[6] 刘俊,蔡云朗,任慕兰,等.PI-103对人卵巢癌细胞株SKOV3/DDP顺铂化疗效果的影响[J].东南大学学报:医学版,2013,32(5):574-579.
[7] Saturno G,Valenti M,De Haven Brandon A,et al. Combining trail with PI3 kinase or HSP90 inhibitors enhances apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells via suppression of survival signaling [J]. Oncotarget,2013,4(8):1185-1198.
[8] Yi YW,Hong W,Kang HJ,et al. Inhibition of the PI3K/AKT pathway potentiates cytotoxicity of EGFR kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer cells [J]. J Cell Mol Med,2013,17(5):648-656.
[9] Santo EE,Stroeken P,Sluis PV,et al. FOXO3a is a major target of inactivation by PI3K/AKT signaling in aggressive neuroblastoma [J]. Cancer Res,2013,73(7):2189-2198.
[10] 李娜,祝聪聪,肖永红,等.PI3K抑制剂对四氯化碳刺激的肝星状细胞增殖和Ⅰ型胶原表达的影响[J].西安交通大学学报:医学版,2013,34(2):164-167.
[11] 邢建武,于硕鹏.抑制剂PI-103对786-O细胞株PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路的影响[J].河南医学研究,2013,22(5):649-651.
[12] Hsu RY,Chan CH,Spicer JD,et al. LPS-Induced TLR4 Signaling in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells Increases {beta}1 Integrin-Mediated Cell Adhesion and Liver Metastasis [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(5):1989-1998.
[13] Bagci-Onder T,Wakimoto H,Anderegg M,et al. A dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, PI-103, cooperates with stem cell-delivered TRAIL in experimental glioma models [J]. Cancer Res,2011,71(1):154-163.
[14] Toulany M,Minjgee M,Saki M,et al. ERK2-dependent reactivation of Akt mediates the limited response of tumor cells with constitutive K-RAS activity to PI3K inhibition [J]. Cancer Biol Ther,2014,15(3):317-328.
[15] Zhang XX,Fu Z,Zhang Z,et al. Miemeystin-LR promotes melanoma cell invasion and enhances matrix metallopmteinase-2/-9 expression mediated by NF-KB activation [J]. Environ Sci Technol,2012,46(20):11319-11326.
[16] Sonoda Y,Warita M,Suzuki T,et al. Proteolipid protein 2 is associated with melanoma metastasis [J]. Oncol Rep,2010,23(2):371-376.
[17] Shi H,Liu L,Liu L,et al. β-Elemene inhibits the metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells by downregulation of the expression of uPA,uPAR,MMP-2,and MMP-9 [J]. Mela noma Res,2014,24(2):99-107.
[18] Rey MC,Bonamigo RR,Cartell A,et al. MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in cutaneous melanoma: association with prognostic factors and description in cutaneous metastases [J]. Am J Dermatopathol,2011,33(4):413-414.
(收稿日期:2014-05-23 本文编辑:程 铭)