摘要 人口生育率已经大大低于更替水平, 中国陷入了“超低生育率”陷阱,而人口预期寿命的延长将会进一步加重人口老龄化格局。从欧洲16国家的人口政策来看,一方面,均鼓励国民生育,因此,国民的生育会被认为是一种丰厚的“福利”;另一方面,他们均采取了移民来改变人口老龄化问题。但是,对于中国这样一个人口基数大、老龄化速度迅猛的发展中国家,是否也可以在一定意义上有所启示呢?鉴于此,笔者引入了一个静态开放式的人口模型,对人口迁移率和生育率做一个权衡和取舍。通过对中欧各国人口年龄结构,人口迁移率及人口生育率的测算与对比结果,发现人口迁移能够减轻移入国家和区域的人口老龄化程度;有人口迁入的国家,其人口老龄化有较强的减弱效应,人口年龄结构将会达到一个均衡的状态。移民可以在很大程度上提高人口增长率,会使得人口的年龄分布更加年轻化。这对于中国人口老龄化的缓解具有很强的借鉴意义,笔者从在适当的范围内提高中国内部人口的生育率和适度“高技术”移民政策这两个视角提出了解决中国人口老龄化问题的建议,即一方面,应该在适当的范围内提高中国内部人口的生育率。选择适当的生育模式,进一步落实父母“单独”家庭的“二孩”的生育政策;另一方面,政府应制定各种吸引政策,鼓励国外高素质人力资源移民中国,更好的完善人力资源结构。
关键词 更替水平;权衡;人口平衡状态;老龄化;人口迁移
中图分类号 C924.24 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0114-07
随着欧洲各国工业文明和社会的发展,人口骤降和老龄化趋势不断加强,这使得他们开始尝试通过移民来改变人口年龄结构(United Nations[1]; Juham[2])。然而,中国目前也正面临同样的人口生育率大大低于更替水平和人口老龄化困境,并由此会导致将在2030年左右出现较为严重的人口负增长状态(彭秀健[3]; 彭希哲,胡湛[4]; 张熠[5])但是通过中国第六次人口普查数据来看,负增长的时间会在2020年之前(国家统计局网站)出现,这将会使得这种趋势进一步被提前。中国能否在这仅剩的6年的时间里做好应对人口负增长状态呢?从欧洲16国家的人口政策来看,一方面,均鼓励国民生育,国民的生育会是一种丰厚的“福利”;另一方面,他们均采取了“高技术”移民来改变人口老龄化问题。但是,对于中国这样一个人口基数大、老龄化速度迅猛的发展中国家,是否也可以通过类似的模式来缓解人口结构失调性的矛盾呢?鉴于此,笔者将结合欧洲16国的人口结构及移民状况来分析这一问题。
1 文献综述
从目前已有的人口增长理论和人口模型来看,其假设均是人口的增长是指数形式的(Keyfitz[6]; Espenshade. et al[7]; 贾绍凤, 孟向京[8]; 朱农, 曾昭俊[9]; 胡鞍钢[10]),这不符合实际状况,特别是当把人口预测和优化目标区间设定在30年以上时,研究结果将会产生很大的偏差,使得研究结论失真。尽管不同的静态模型可以用不同的方程表达,这也能够提供一定的解释力,但是这些模型的构建是在人口迁移率为常数的前提下展开的(Mitra[11];Schmertmann[12];唐家龙,马忠东[13];王桂新等[14];陈沁,宋铮[15])。实际上,人口迁移并不总是常数的形式,迁移率与人口的年龄规模是成正比的(Rogers[16])。为了使得研究更加符合现实人口迁移状况,本文假定,正向或负向的队列净迁移与人口出生状况是成正比的。这将便于我们分析生育和迁移变量组的均衡点。本文采用了人口封闭状态下的相关方程对人口增长率和年龄分布进行分析和测算。
5 结论与建议
5.1 在适当的范围内提高中国内部人口的生育率
5.2 制定各种吸引政策,鼓励国外高素质人力资源移民中国,更好的完善人力资源结构
在这方面,我们可以参照欧洲的做法,很长一段时间以来,欧洲国家通过比较优势,不断地从发展中国家中获得优质劳动力资源,我们称之为“高技术”移民,这些人力资源不仅仅是处于劳动力年龄的人口,更多的还是在科技上有高能力的受到良好教育的人力资源。实际上,欧洲很多国家中拥有高度发达的经济及科技和信息是因为他们高度发达的教育培养的以及通过比较优势获得国外优秀劳动力人口建立起来的,不是简单的劳动力人口堆积。而且一个国家只有拥有了高素质的人力资源,才能站在经济和信息化的制高点,而不仅仅是拥有劳动力。因此, 本文建议,中国应该制定更多的吸引政策,鼓励国外高素质人力资源移民中国,更好的完善中国人力资源结构,从而为中国经济的快速健康发展做出更大的贡献。
(编辑:常 勇)
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Studying on Population Aging Problem of Migration and Fertility Rate in the State
of Steady Population
WANG Zengwen1,2
(1.School of Public Management Nanjing, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China;
2.Institute of Urban Development Studies, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China)
Birth rate is well below replacement level; China is coming into a state of ‘super low fertility trap, while populations life expectancy will further aggravate the aging of the population pattern. From the point of view of 16 European countries population policy, we can see that, on the one hand, they have been encouraging the birth, and, therefore, the national family planning will be considered a huge ‘welfare; they also take migration measure to change population aging problem, which also can bring the enlightenment in a certain sense for Chinese. In view of this, the author introduces an open static state population model to make a balance and tradeoff for the migration rate and the fertility rate. Through the comparison results of the population age structure, population migration calculation and the fertility rate of EU countries, we found that the population migration can reduce the extent of the aging of the population on a nation or region; the aging trend of the population have been weakened strongly for a country with immigrant population, and the population age structure will be achieved a balanced state. Migration can improve population growth rate to a large extent, which can make the age distribution of population be much younger. It has great valuable reference significance for China, the author proposes some suggestions to solve the problem of Chinas aging population from two angles, and one is the raising of Chinese internal population birth rate; the other is the moderate for ‘high tech immigration policy in the proper range. On the one hand, we should improve the Chinese internal population birth rate in the proper range and select the appropriate growth model, and we should further implement the ‘second children fertility policy; on the other hand, the government should formulate various attractive policies to encourage foreign immigrants highquality human resources, which also can improve Chinese human resources structure.
Key words replacement level; balance; state of population balance; aging; population migration
Studying on Population Aging Problem of Migration and Fertility Rate in the State
of Steady Population
WANG Zengwen1,2
(1.School of Public Management Nanjing, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China;
2.Institute of Urban Development Studies, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China)
Birth rate is well below replacement level; China is coming into a state of ‘super low fertility trap, while populations life expectancy will further aggravate the aging of the population pattern. From the point of view of 16 European countries population policy, we can see that, on the one hand, they have been encouraging the birth, and, therefore, the national family planning will be considered a huge ‘welfare; they also take migration measure to change population aging problem, which also can bring the enlightenment in a certain sense for Chinese. In view of this, the author introduces an open static state population model to make a balance and tradeoff for the migration rate and the fertility rate. Through the comparison results of the population age structure, population migration calculation and the fertility rate of EU countries, we found that the population migration can reduce the extent of the aging of the population on a nation or region; the aging trend of the population have been weakened strongly for a country with immigrant population, and the population age structure will be achieved a balanced state. Migration can improve population growth rate to a large extent, which can make the age distribution of population be much younger. It has great valuable reference significance for China, the author proposes some suggestions to solve the problem of Chinas aging population from two angles, and one is the raising of Chinese internal population birth rate; the other is the moderate for ‘high tech immigration policy in the proper range. On the one hand, we should improve the Chinese internal population birth rate in the proper range and select the appropriate growth model, and we should further implement the ‘second children fertility policy; on the other hand, the government should formulate various attractive policies to encourage foreign immigrants highquality human resources, which also can improve Chinese human resources structure.
Key words replacement level; balance; state of population balance; aging; population migration
Studying on Population Aging Problem of Migration and Fertility Rate in the State
of Steady Population
WANG Zengwen1,2
(1.School of Public Management Nanjing, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China;
2.Institute of Urban Development Studies, Nanjing University of Finances and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China)
Birth rate is well below replacement level; China is coming into a state of ‘super low fertility trap, while populations life expectancy will further aggravate the aging of the population pattern. From the point of view of 16 European countries population policy, we can see that, on the one hand, they have been encouraging the birth, and, therefore, the national family planning will be considered a huge ‘welfare; they also take migration measure to change population aging problem, which also can bring the enlightenment in a certain sense for Chinese. In view of this, the author introduces an open static state population model to make a balance and tradeoff for the migration rate and the fertility rate. Through the comparison results of the population age structure, population migration calculation and the fertility rate of EU countries, we found that the population migration can reduce the extent of the aging of the population on a nation or region; the aging trend of the population have been weakened strongly for a country with immigrant population, and the population age structure will be achieved a balanced state. Migration can improve population growth rate to a large extent, which can make the age distribution of population be much younger. It has great valuable reference significance for China, the author proposes some suggestions to solve the problem of Chinas aging population from two angles, and one is the raising of Chinese internal population birth rate; the other is the moderate for ‘high tech immigration policy in the proper range. On the one hand, we should improve the Chinese internal population birth rate in the proper range and select the appropriate growth model, and we should further implement the ‘second children fertility policy; on the other hand, the government should formulate various attractive policies to encourage foreign immigrants highquality human resources, which also can improve Chinese human resources structure.
Key words replacement level; balance; state of population balance; aging; population migration