Corbel 指出,教学文本的构建分四步:(1)找到学生的兴趣点和需要,并用广义的主题词表达出来;(2)找出与此主题词有关的一系列交际情境;(3)找出与此情境适合的故事等材料;(4)从故事等材料中选出需重点关注的语言素材。分析以上四步可见,教学文本的构建是从学生的兴趣和需要出发,最后到达语言素材的掌握的。下面试以两本教材中有关动物的两个文本,阐述文本构建时第二、三步的重要性。
文本1:Sam and Candy visited Animal Land
Dear Jane,
Last week Sam and I visited Animal Land. It was great. First, we rode through Lion Land on a train. After that, we drove to Hippo Pool in little cars. Then, we had lunch in the Spring Restaurant. After lunch, we stood near Monkey Mountain. We had some food. The monkeys came to us. After that, we saw the zebras in Zebra Zoo. They really are black and white! Then we went to the gift shop and bought this postcard!
Candy and Sam
文本2: I Can Trick a Tiger
Floppy was dreaming that he was in the jungle.
A tiger jumped out. “Got you!” he said.
“I can trick a tiger,” said Floppy.
“Look out!”said Floppy. “There's a bee on your nose.”
“Oh no!” said the tiger, and he let Floppy go.
A crocodile jumped out. “Got you!” she said.
“I can trick a crocodile,” said Floppy.
“Look out!” said Floppy. “There's a bee on your nose.”
“Oh no!” said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go.
A snake slid out. “Got you!” she said.
“I can trick a snake,” said Floppy.
“Look out!” said Floppy.“ There's a bee on your nose.”
“Oh no!” said the snake, and she let Floppy go.
A rabbit jumped out.
“Got you!” said Floppy.
“Look out!” said the rabbit. “There's a bee on your nose.”
“Oh no!” said Floppy.
两个文本都选用了小学生感兴趣的主题——动物,但文本1说的是去动物园,文本2说的是去丛林,丛林自然比动物园更具神秘性、刺激性,从而更吸引人,所以在交际情景上文本2就具有先天的优势。从故事的情节来看,文本2展现的情节跌宕起伏又有一个出人意料的结尾,文本的用词也生动形象。而文本1基本上是参观动物园的流水账,没有细写每个场景,只是用几个动词词组对游览动物园进行了概述, 编者的意图很明显,是为了学习前一课中罗列的这几个动词词组,是从语言到兴趣的构建过程,可实际上造成了兴趣点的缺失。文本2的编者似乎更偏重于故事的有趣性和机智性,当然他也考虑到了文本读者的英语水平,因为其中很多语言素材都是反复出现的。可见,文本的有趣性和学生有限的英语水平是可以兼顾的。
文本3:In the Jungle
Tippi was in the jungle.
A tiger jumped out. “Got you !” he said.
Tippi was not frightened.
She told the tiger, “We are friends.”
“Yes!” said the tiger, and he let Tippi play with him.
A crocodile jumped out.“Got you !”she said.
Tippi was not frightened.
She told the crocodile, “ We are friends.”
“Yes!” said the crocodile, and she let Tippi climb on her.
A snake slid out. “Got you !”she said.
Tippi was not frightened.
She told the snake, “ We are friends.”
“Yes!” said the snake, and she let Tippi play with her.
Tippi was happy in the jungle.
责任编辑 魏文琦endprint