摘要: 为满足航炮在射击过程中的高速稳定性,以及与飞机通信的可靠性,采用以DSP TMS320F2812为核心,加以CPLD、铁电存储器、信号调理电路为其硬件设备,模块化、安全可靠性、可测试性、人机交互的测控系统软件设计。其中任务管理模块进行故障报错,并在脉冲传输过程中通过CPLD对余弹脉冲信号进行相应滤波处理,排除杂波对余弹脉冲所产生的干扰,以及根据任务管理模块控制指示灯的闪烁次数,判断错误类型并进行自动纠错。当测试或射击过程中出现错误状态,系统将按逻辑切断所有输出,以保护航炮电路和测控系统的安全性,并且指示灯按照规定的错误码报告当前错误,根据错误类型进行自动排误,并重新初始化测控系统。经验证此系统安全可靠,保证航炮顺利完成任务。
关键词: 模块化设计; 航炮; 射击稳定性; 通信可靠性; DSP
中图分类号: TN911⁃34 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1004⁃373X(2014)08⁃0055⁃03
DSP⁃based monitoring and control system for aircraft gun
ZHANG Yuan, LIU Xiao⁃long
(Electronic Infomation Institute, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710129, China)
Abstract: In order to meet the high⁃speed stability in shooting process of aircraft gun, and the communication reliability between gun and aircraft, the software design of the monitoring system with high modularization, high reliability and perfect human⁃computer interaction was realized by taking DSP TMS320F2812 as its core, and CPLD, ferroelectric memory and signal conditioning circuit as its hardware devices. Its task management module reports fault error, and executes the corresponding filtering processing for the pulse signal of rest shells through CPLD in the process of pulse transmission, so as to eliminate clutter interference, judge the error type according to the number of the control indicator light flashing, and then correct error automatically. When an error state occurs in the process of test or shooting, the system cuts off all output on the basis of the logic, so as to protect the circuit and the monitoring system of the aircraft gun. The indicator light report the current error according to the rules of error code, and then the system corrects the error automatically and reinitializes the system. The system security and reliability was validated. The system can complete the task smoothly.
Keywords: modularization design; aircraft gun; shooting stability; communication reliability; DSP
该航炮综合测控系统以DSP TMS320F2812为核心,其具有较高的电机控制稳定性。再加以CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device)、铁电存储器(FRAM)、信号调理电路等[3]。其中,信号调理电路对各路模/数转换A/D、数/模转换D/A以及I/O信号进行相应信号的转换、输出及采集,以满足测控系统的各项指标与要求。