
2014-09-10 07:32:22王少新综述樊晋川审校
中国肿瘤临床 2014年9期

刘 洪 李 超 王少新 王 薇 综述 樊晋川 审校


刘 洪①李 超②王少新②王 薇②综述 樊晋川②审校


多形性腺瘤 手术方式 腮腺肿瘤 外科学


1 腮腺肿瘤手术术式的演变


2 腮腺多形性腺瘤的安全边界研究及腮腺肿瘤术式革新

近年来随着患者对生存质量要求不断提高,许多研究显示腮腺浅叶切除虽降低肿瘤复发率,但相比包膜外切除却增加了面神经损伤率、Frey综合征发生率[4-5,25]。又因腮腺浅叶的彻底切除造成了耳垂下区凹陷影响了患者术后的颜面外观。因此,如何在减少复发率的基础上提高患者生存质量已经成为目前腮腺肿瘤外科治疗研究的热点。因其并发症显著,人们开始思考对于腮腺多形性腺瘤这种临界肿瘤进行腮腺浅叶切除是否矫枉过正。由此,腮腺部分切除术被提出并开始应用于临床,腮腺浅叶部分切除术为腮腺浅叶切除和腮腺剜除术的折中切除术式,近似于包膜外切除,但切除范围较包膜外切除术稍宽。有研究[6,26-27]显示腮腺浅叶部分切除术可以减低术后并发症,其疗效得到肯定。基础研究方面,通过对多形性腺瘤的连续切片观察发现肿瘤具有包膜外浸润和出芽生长的特点,但这种浸润和出芽距肿瘤包膜均在1 cm以内[28]。

本研究组前期研究发现直径<4 cm的腮腺多形性腺瘤肿瘤的浸润和出芽均局限在包膜3.127~8.476 mm,与传统的手术相比改良术式组在Frey综合征、耳廓区麻木感、面部外形发生率明显降低。因而认为直径<4 cm的肿瘤,安全切缘为1 cm,而直径>4 cm的肿瘤行腮腺浅叶切除为腮腺手术的标准术式[29-30]。这也为腮腺肿瘤个体化的治疗提供了理论和实验依据。


3 新技术在腮腺外科治疗中的应用


3.1 超声刀在腮腺手术中的应用

超声刀(US)是一种振动频率可达55 500 HZ的超声波,是组织蛋白气化,氢键断裂而达到的切割止血效果。超声刀在刀锋边1 mm的温度为40℃,5 mm测不出温度变化,散热非常有效[31],所以腮腺手术时,只要分离出面神经后,均可使用超声刀进行手术,术后通过组织病理学检查,腮腺的切缘细胞未见明显热灼伤。更有研究[32-35]表明,超声刀的使用可以明显缩短手术时间,减少患者术后引流量,减少术后涎瘘的发生率,减少患者住院时间,操作简单,目前已经广泛应用于临床。

3.2 力确刀在腮腺手术中的运用

力确刀是对双极电刀改进的成果。其优点在于可以闭合7 mm内的血管,闭合时局部温度不高,热扩散少,热传导距离仅1.5~2 mm,对周围组织损伤小,是腮腺手术可靠和安全的设备,相比传统的手术止血效果好,节约手术时间,术后并发症明显减少、减轻[36-37]。

3.3 螺旋水刀在腮腺手术中的应用


3.4 内镜和显微镜辅助下腮腺手术


4 小结


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Development and history in parotid pleomorphic adenoma surgery

Hong LIU1,Chao LI2,Shaoxin WANG2,Wei WANG2,Jinchuan FAN2

Chao LI;E-mail:sclichao@qq.com
1Guangxi Medical University,Nanning 530021;2Department of Head and Neck Surgery,Sichuan Cancer Hospital&Cancer Institute,Chengdu 610041,China.

Pleomorphic adenoma ranks first among parotid gland tumors.Surgical procedure,which includes enucleation,extra-capsular resection,partial superficial parotidectomy(PSP),superficial parotidectomy(SP),and total parotidectomy(TP),remains to be the treatment of choice for pleomorphic adenoma.In the last century,physicians lacked understanding on the pathological characteristics of pleomorphic adenoma and facial neurotomia.Thus,simple enucleation of tumors has always been the major therapy for patients to reduce the rate of facial nerve injury.However,postoperative recurrence was frequently observed in patients that have undergone simple enucleation.In this study,the surgeons attempted to control the relapse rate by enlarging the scope of excision when removing a pleomorphic adenoma,and by performing an extra-capsular resection procedure that was developed in the clinic.Although the tumor peplos was excised,the surgeons failed to control the relapse rate.SP and TP apparently decreased the relapse rate of the pleomorphic adenomas.However,these therapies seem to be overcorrected by the aggravation of facial nerve injuries.PSP is a relatively advanced technique that is currently used in parotid surgery.PSP reduces the rate of relapse and facial nerve injury,as verified by basic pathology research.Nevertheless,the controversy between advanced PSP and classic SP still exists.Plastic surgery,pathology research,and gene testing were used to evaluate the advantages of advanced PSP and classic SP.However,the research failed to derive a confirmed result that can determine which treatment method is fit and unfit to treat pleomorphic adenoma.Our study reviews the trend of parotid surgery from a historic point of view.

pleomorphic adenoma,surgical procedure,parotid neoplasm,surgery




李超 sclichao@qq.com

The study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81302375:Mechanism research on microenvironment change,EXOSOME with mir-155 in deoxygen MDS/Treg,prior to oral cancer metastasis),theApplied Projects of Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Science and Technology(No.2012JY0125:Research on the safe margin of parotid pleomorphic adenoma,fundament and clinic for modifying function preserving surgery,adds Meta Analysis),and the Projects of Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Science and Technology(No.130230 and 110259:Comparative research on Frey's syndrome and facial mobility with surgery after parotidectomy).


刘洪 硕士研究生。研究方向为头颈部肿瘤的综合治疗。

