
2014-08-27 12:57
时代英语·高一 2014年4期

Lawnmower parents 割草机父母

The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned parents increasingly tring to clean the problems from their childrens lives.

Instead of hovering over their children closely monitoring them as helicopter parents are said to, lawnmower parents get out in front of their children to try and clear the way for them. They try to remove obstacles that children might need to face.

Constant monitoring, overscheduling and protecting children from their own problems can come at a cost. Overprotection may be contributing to the rising number of children who have anxiety disorders.




Peer pressure 同伴压力

Peer pressure can happen when we are influenced to do something we usually would not do, or we are stopped from doing something we would like to do. This may be because we want to be accepted by our peers.

A peer can be anyone you look up to or someone who you would think is an equal in age or ability. A peer could be a friend, someone in the community or even someone on TV. You may experience peer pressure as you live up to either the individuals or groups expectations, or follow a particular fashion or trend.



Idle car owners 捧车族

Idle car owners are the car owners who rarely get behind the wheel of their cars because of rising petrol, insurance and registration costs. Their cars park in parking lots or on streets most of the time, only being used at weekends or during holidays and vacations.

Having a car is convenient for commuting or taking trips. But nowadays, some private car owners are leaving their cars in the garage, driving as little as possible. Surveys show that ten percent of private car owners in Beijing have become “idle car owners”.

Many factors, like traffic, economic status, and parking fees, have restricted peoples driving. The deterioration of these conditions has resulted in rising driving costs. Improved public transportation is another factor leading people to drive less.




Data shadow 数据影子

A data shadow refers to the sum of all the small traces of information that an individual leaves behind through everyday activities. A data shadow is a minute pieces of data created when someone emails, updates social media profiles, swipes a credit card, uses an ATM, and so on. The concept of a data shadow has become a serious concern because it is difficult to control who is looking at a persons data shadow, what conclusions they are drawing and what actions they are taking based on those conclusions.

This can happen when an employer, for example, fires an employee based on his or her Facebook friends or photos. Data privacy laws exist and more are being created to prevent abuse of a persons data shadow. Unfortunately, privacy legislation generally lags behind companies ability to collect, compile and analyze data.


