Ever thought that chewing gum could land you in jail? Well, in Singapore, it has been completely illegal since 1992. The only exception is nicotine gum, but even smokers can only get it from a pharmacy with a prescription. Chewing gum is legal in New York, of course, but cinema owners there must chisel all gum off the undersides of their auditorium seats every month. Popcorn seem positively pleasant.
In the remote Arctic town of Longyearbyen, dying is against the law. Actually, this is because it was found that bodies didnt decompose in the permafrost. The graveyard stopped accepting newcomers 70 years ago; so if someone fall serious ill there now, he will be hastily dispatched by plane to the mainland, where he can end his days without getting arrested.
The people of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia simply love the durian fruit, which looks a little like a cross between a pineapple and a porcupine. However, many local authorities have completely banned the consumption of this delicacy from buses, subways, hotels and airports.
You are forbidden to be fat in Japan. Although their country already has one of the worlds lowest obesity rates (less than 5 per cent, in contrast to the USAs 35 per cent), that didnt stop Japanese lawmakers from setting a maximum waistline size in 2009. Every man aged 40 and over must not have a waist measuring 80cm or above, every woman, 90cm or above. And it is this country that brings us sumo wrestling…
If you ever suffer at the rubber-gloved hands of a suspicious and painfully overzealous British customs officer, dont be tempted to take him to court—no matter how innocent you are. Section 268 of the Customs Laws Consolidation Act 1876 rules that no action can be brought against such an official without one months notice. While Section 272 of the same Act insists that any action must be started within one month of the incident.
When dining at a restaurant in Denmark, you dont have to pay for your food unless, in your own opinion, you are full at the end of your meal.
In Denmark, you legally have to check under your car for children who may be sleeping there before you start the engine. If you forget and run over some catnapping kids you will get thrown in jail. But in Denmark it is not against the law to escape from prison.
You must plan your movements very carefully in Switzerland. Flushing the toilet after 10pm in an apartment building is illegal there. The Government curiously considered noise pollution to be more anti-social than olfactory pollution. Not sure we agree with them on that one. Anyway, whether you relieve yourself and leave the flat humming, or you just wait until morning, the choice is completely yours.
It is still illegal to leave your house in Thailand if you are not wearing underwear. And you cant drive your car if youre not wearing a shirt, not matter whats going on in your trousers. Nor should you step on any of the nations currency. And dont even think of insulting the king. You could get 15 years in jail.
If youre on a safari in Kenya and your guide suddenly removes all of his clothes before wandering off towards the wildlife, do resist the temptation to do the same. While its completely legal for Kenyan citizens to streak across the Masai Mara, it is illegal for foreigners to do so.
Its against the law to wear camouflage clothing in Trinidad and Tobago and St Lucia. Apparently this is to prevent people from imitating military and other officials, and you could be detained and have your kit confiscated. That is, of course, if they can find you.
According to the brilliantly named ‘The Outer Space Act 1986, the Secretary of State is permitted to use ‘reasonable force to prevent an alien invasion of the UK—as long as the aliens dont possess a licence to invade. In this case, they can operate their ‘space objects in perfect legality.
Drinking a lot is sometimes confusing enough. For example, in St Louis you cant drink beer while sitting on a city street, but in Chicago you can be arrested for drinking standing up anywhere in the city. You cannot be served wine in a teacup in Topeka, Kansas; while in Cleveland, no more than one person may drink from a whisky bottle. In Saskatchewan, Canada, it is against the law to drink water in beer parlours.