
2014-08-26 14:46
新东方英语·中学版 2014年8期


In developing countries, clean drinking water is not a given1). According to the World Health Organization, every year around 3.4 million people die from water-related illnesses. Accessing clean water often means waiting in line for a truck to haul it to you, boiling it (an energy-hungry option) or running it through a ceramic2) filter (expensive). But the truth is, more often than not people don't clean it at all.

A new project from the Water Is Life organization is looking to simplify the purification process with a high-design solution. The Drinkable Book, as it's called, looks like something you'd keep on your coffee table, but it's actually a full-on3) water purification system.

Each page is its own little filter that can clean up to 100 liters of water (that's around a 30-day supply). This means each book can provide a single person with up to four years of clean water. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon and the University of Virginia developed a special kind of paper that's coated in silver nanoparticles4), which kill bacteria. "Some socks use silver nanoparticles to prevent fungus5) from growing on athletes' feet," explains chemist Theresa Dankovich, the project's lead scientist who has been researching this process since 2008.

The Drinkable Book isn't a water filter, exactly. While most water filters trap harmful content, the Drinkable Book works a little differently. As dirty water passes through the paper, bacteria absorbs the silver ions6) which causes it to die. Think of it like poison for the poison found in your water.

To make the paper, Dankovich soaks it in a bath of silver ions and a chemical reduction7) agent8). From there she drains9) the bath and heats the paper at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit for a few minutes. After the paper is full of silver nanoparticles it gets rinsed10) and dried again. The result is a rust11) orange color you see in the book.

Making the book is clearly a science-heavy process, but last summer Brian Gartside, a designer at DDB12), contacted Dankovich after finding her research online. He wanted to use the scientist's work and turn it into something that could be easily used in developing countries. "At the time, the whole thing was much clunkier13)," Dankovich explains. "Not something you'd see in a fancy video."

Gartside took the paper Dankovich was making and designed a system around it. In an effort to educate the people using the book, each page comes printed with guidelines and tips for safe water consumption. It's gorgeous.endprint

So how practical is something like this? Quite, says Dankovich. First, the paper and chemicals needed to produce this is cheaper than most other water-filtration mechanisms. "It should be something that's widely used," she says. "It doesn't require power and it's very intuitive14)." The team is planning to field test15) some form of the book later this year and are looking to have a commercially viable16) product ready for 2015.









1. given [?ɡ?vn] n. 理所当然的事实

2. ceramic [s??r?m?k] adj. 陶瓷的

3. full-on: 最典型的;具有一应特征的

4. nanoparticle [?n?n??pɑ?t?kl] n. 纳米粒子

5. fungus [?f??ɡ?s] n. 霉菌;真菌

6. ion [?a??n] n. 【化】离子

7. reduction [r??d?k?n] n. 【化】还原(作用)

8. agent [?e?d??nt] n. 剂;作用剂

9. drain [dre?n] vt. 慢慢排尽……的水(或液体)

10. rinse [r?ns] vt. 清洗,冲洗

11. rust [r?st] adj. 红褐色的

12. DDB: DDB传媒集团,全称为DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc.,是世界范围内的营销传媒网络,隶属于世界上最大的广告控股公司宏盟集团(Omnicom Group Inc.)。

13. clunky [?kl??ki] adj. <口> <主美>笨重的

14. intuitive [?n?tju??t?v] adj. 易于理解和使用的

15. field test: 现场试验;实地试验

16. viable [?va??bl] adj. 可行的endprint

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