
2014-08-20 02:11张建磊等
中国医学创新 2014年18期


【摘要】 目的:探讨血清同型半胱氨酸水平(Hcy)与多发性硬化(MS)的关系。方法:检测41例MS患者(MS组)和42例正常对照者(NC组)血清中Hcy浓度、叶酸及维生素B12浓度,并将结果进行比较分析。结果:MS组和NC组血清中Hcy浓度分别为(25.82±1.724)μmol/L、(13.60±1.517)μmol/L。MS组的Hcy浓度明显高于NC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而两组的叶酸、维生素B12浓度比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:MS患者血清Hcy水平升高,同型半胱氨酸可能在多发性硬化病理过程中起作用。

【关键词】 多发性硬化; 同型半胱氨酸; 叶酸; 维生素B12

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the relationship between the serum level of homocysteine(Hcy) and multiple sclerosis(MS).Method:The concentration of Hcy,folic acid and vitamin B12 in serum in 41 MS patients(MS group) and 42 normal controls(NC group) were detected,and the results were compared and analyzed.Result:The mean concentrations of Hcy in MS group and NC group were (25.82±1.724)μmol/L,(13.60±1.517)μmol/L respectively.The mean concentration of Hcy in the MS group was significantly higher than the NC group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01),while there were no statistically significant differences in folic acid and vitamin B12 between the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion:The level of Hcy is higher in MS patients,homocysteine may play a role in the pathological process of multiple sclerosis.

【Key words】 Multiple sclerosis; Homocysteine; Folic acid; Vitamin B12

First-authors address:Huaihe Hospital of Henan University,Kaifeng 475000,China


多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)是一种病理特点为中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘的自身免疫性疾病,该病的发病机制同病原体感染、自身免疫反应、遗传因素和外部环境作用等因素有关。同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)是一种氨基酸,具有神经毒性,维生素B12、叶酸能促进Hcy的代谢。如果饮食中叶酸、维生素B12摄入不足、甲基化障碍,则Hcy无法代谢生成蛋氨酸,就有可能导致Hcy在血清中蓄积。已有研究资料显示,多种神经系统疾病和血清同型半胱氨酸的升高有关,如脑血管病、阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病等[1-5]。脑白质病变与Hcy的关系亦有研究证实[6]。目前有的研究表明,高Hcy血症与MS具有相关性,但也有一些研究得出不同结论[7]。本研究拟通过比较MS患者与正常对照组的血清Hcy与维生素B12、叶酸的浓度,进一步探讨其内在联系,现报告如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选取2011年1月-2013年12月在本院神经内科住院的41例MS患者作为多发性硬化组(MS组),其中男14例,女27例,所有患者均符合McDonald的多发性硬化诊断标准[4]:(1)≥2次发作+≥2个病灶。(2)≥2次发作+1处病灶+a、b、c附加之一(a、MRI证实空间病灶的弥散性;b、有与MS一致的2个或2 个以上的病灶,加上脑脊液的阳性证据;c、等待提示另一病变的又一次临床发作)。(3)1次发作+≥2个病灶+a、b附加之一(a、MRI证实时间的弥散性;b、有第2次临床发作)。(4)1次发作+1个病灶+a、b、c附加之一(a、MRI上病灶空间的弥散性;b、≥2个与MS一致的MRI病灶+脑脊液阳性证据+MRI时间上的弥散性;c、有第2次临床发作)。入选的MS患者在3个月内未曾服用维生素B12以及叶酸,平均年龄(36.47±8.60)岁,病程3.5~74个月,平均(27.5±12.55)个月。另外选取42例健康志愿者作为正常对照组(NC组),其中男16例,女26例,无吸烟、酗酒等不良嗜好,平均年龄(37.82±10.31)岁。两组研究对象的年龄、性别等一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。

1.2 研究方法 被检者早晨空腹抽取静脉血3~5 mL,离心分离血清,-20 ℃冰箱保存待测。检测Hcy的仪器为奥林巴斯AU2700全自动生化分析仪,采用循环酶法检测血清Hcy浓度,检测试剂由四川迈克生物科技股份有限公司提供;血清叶酸、维生素B12的检测运用Beckman Coulter公司的ACESS2化学发光分析仪,采用化学发光免疫分析法检测血清叶酸、维生素B12的浓度,检测试剂由贝克曼库尔特有限公司提供。endprint

1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0软件对所得数据进行统计分析,计量资料用(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果


3 讨论





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[6] Khan U,Crossley C,Kalra L,et al.Homocysteine and its relationship to stroke subtypes in a UK black population the South London ethnicity and stroke study[J].Stroke,2008,39(11):2943-2949.

[7] Polman C H,Reingold S C,Edan G,et al.Diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis:2005 revisions to the “McDonald Criteria”[J].Ann Neurol,2005,58(6):840-846.endprint

[8] Ramsaransing G S M,Fokkema M R,Teelken A,et al.Plasma homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2006,77(2):189-192.

[9] Vrethem M,Mattsson E,Hebelka H,et al.Increased plasma homocysteine levels without signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis assessed by blood and cerebrospinal fluid homocysteine and methylmalonic acid[J].Multiple Sclerosis,2003,9(3):239-245.

[10] Rio J,Malinow M R,Montalban J,et al.Serum homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].Arch Neurol,1994,51(12):1181.

[11] Brosnan J T,Jacobs R L,Stead L M,et al.Methylation demand:a key determinant of homocysteine metabolism[J].Acta Biochim Pol,2004,51(2):405-414.

[12] Kim S,Lim I K,Park G H,et al.Biological methylation of myelin basic protein:enzymology and biological significance[J].Int J Biochem Cell Biol,1997,29(5):743-751.

[13] Reynolds E.Vitamin B12,folic acid,and the nervous system[J].Lancet Neurol,2006,5(11):949-960.

[14] Ho P I,Ortiz D,Rogers E,et al.Multiple aspects of homocysteine neurotoxicity:glutamate excitotoxicity,kinase hyperactivation and DNA damage[J].J Neurosci Res,2002,70(5):694-702.

[15] Kruman I I,Culmsee C,Chan S L,et al.Homocysteine elicits a DNA damage response in neurons that promotes apoptosis and hypersensitivity to excitotoxicity[J].J Neurosci,2000,20(18):6920-6926.

[16] Liao D,Tan H,Hui R,et al.Hyperhomocysteinemia decreases circulating high-density lipoprotein by inhibiting apolipoprotein AI Protein synthesis and enhancing HDL cholesterol clearance[J].Circ Res,2006,99(6):598-606.

[17] Sengupta S,Wehbe C,Majors A K,et al.Relative roles of albumin and ceruloplasmin in the formation of homocystine,homocysteine-cysteine-mixed disulfide,and cystine in circulation[J].Journal of Biological Chemistry,2001,276(50):46 896-46 904.

[18] Au-Yeung K K W,Yip J C W,Siow Y L,et al.Folic acid inhibits homocysteine-induced superoxide anion production and nuclear factor kappa B activation in macrophages.This paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue,entitled Young Investigators Forum[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol,2006,84(1):141-147.

(收稿日期:2014-03-21) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

[8] Ramsaransing G S M,Fokkema M R,Teelken A,et al.Plasma homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2006,77(2):189-192.

[9] Vrethem M,Mattsson E,Hebelka H,et al.Increased plasma homocysteine levels without signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis assessed by blood and cerebrospinal fluid homocysteine and methylmalonic acid[J].Multiple Sclerosis,2003,9(3):239-245.

[10] Rio J,Malinow M R,Montalban J,et al.Serum homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].Arch Neurol,1994,51(12):1181.

[11] Brosnan J T,Jacobs R L,Stead L M,et al.Methylation demand:a key determinant of homocysteine metabolism[J].Acta Biochim Pol,2004,51(2):405-414.

[12] Kim S,Lim I K,Park G H,et al.Biological methylation of myelin basic protein:enzymology and biological significance[J].Int J Biochem Cell Biol,1997,29(5):743-751.

[13] Reynolds E.Vitamin B12,folic acid,and the nervous system[J].Lancet Neurol,2006,5(11):949-960.

[14] Ho P I,Ortiz D,Rogers E,et al.Multiple aspects of homocysteine neurotoxicity:glutamate excitotoxicity,kinase hyperactivation and DNA damage[J].J Neurosci Res,2002,70(5):694-702.

[15] Kruman I I,Culmsee C,Chan S L,et al.Homocysteine elicits a DNA damage response in neurons that promotes apoptosis and hypersensitivity to excitotoxicity[J].J Neurosci,2000,20(18):6920-6926.

[16] Liao D,Tan H,Hui R,et al.Hyperhomocysteinemia decreases circulating high-density lipoprotein by inhibiting apolipoprotein AI Protein synthesis and enhancing HDL cholesterol clearance[J].Circ Res,2006,99(6):598-606.

[17] Sengupta S,Wehbe C,Majors A K,et al.Relative roles of albumin and ceruloplasmin in the formation of homocystine,homocysteine-cysteine-mixed disulfide,and cystine in circulation[J].Journal of Biological Chemistry,2001,276(50):46 896-46 904.

[18] Au-Yeung K K W,Yip J C W,Siow Y L,et al.Folic acid inhibits homocysteine-induced superoxide anion production and nuclear factor kappa B activation in macrophages.This paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue,entitled Young Investigators Forum[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol,2006,84(1):141-147.

(收稿日期:2014-03-21) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

[8] Ramsaransing G S M,Fokkema M R,Teelken A,et al.Plasma homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2006,77(2):189-192.

[9] Vrethem M,Mattsson E,Hebelka H,et al.Increased plasma homocysteine levels without signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis assessed by blood and cerebrospinal fluid homocysteine and methylmalonic acid[J].Multiple Sclerosis,2003,9(3):239-245.

[10] Rio J,Malinow M R,Montalban J,et al.Serum homocysteine levels in multiple sclerosis[J].Arch Neurol,1994,51(12):1181.

[11] Brosnan J T,Jacobs R L,Stead L M,et al.Methylation demand:a key determinant of homocysteine metabolism[J].Acta Biochim Pol,2004,51(2):405-414.

[12] Kim S,Lim I K,Park G H,et al.Biological methylation of myelin basic protein:enzymology and biological significance[J].Int J Biochem Cell Biol,1997,29(5):743-751.

[13] Reynolds E.Vitamin B12,folic acid,and the nervous system[J].Lancet Neurol,2006,5(11):949-960.

[14] Ho P I,Ortiz D,Rogers E,et al.Multiple aspects of homocysteine neurotoxicity:glutamate excitotoxicity,kinase hyperactivation and DNA damage[J].J Neurosci Res,2002,70(5):694-702.

[15] Kruman I I,Culmsee C,Chan S L,et al.Homocysteine elicits a DNA damage response in neurons that promotes apoptosis and hypersensitivity to excitotoxicity[J].J Neurosci,2000,20(18):6920-6926.

[16] Liao D,Tan H,Hui R,et al.Hyperhomocysteinemia decreases circulating high-density lipoprotein by inhibiting apolipoprotein AI Protein synthesis and enhancing HDL cholesterol clearance[J].Circ Res,2006,99(6):598-606.

[17] Sengupta S,Wehbe C,Majors A K,et al.Relative roles of albumin and ceruloplasmin in the formation of homocystine,homocysteine-cysteine-mixed disulfide,and cystine in circulation[J].Journal of Biological Chemistry,2001,276(50):46 896-46 904.

[18] Au-Yeung K K W,Yip J C W,Siow Y L,et al.Folic acid inhibits homocysteine-induced superoxide anion production and nuclear factor kappa B activation in macrophages.This paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue,entitled Young Investigators Forum[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol,2006,84(1):141-147.

(收稿日期:2014-03-21) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

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