“空难”,英语译为 air disaster。例如:1. 由于这两次马航灾难,今年死于空难的人数显著增长。The number of people killed in air disasters has increased significantly this year, due to the two Malaysia Airlines disasters. 2. 最近发生的四次空难,连同失联的马航MH370班机,对全球航空业是一个需要加强安全的紧急警报。The four air disasters that have occurred recently, together with the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, are an urgent alarm for the global aviation industry to tighten up security.“坠机”或“坠毁”,译为 to crash, to crash-land, to smash, to fall from the sky。例如:3. 7月24日,阿尔及利亚航空公司的一架客机坠毁,造成机上118人死亡。 On July 24, an Air Algerie flight crashed, killing the 118 people aboard. 4. 8月10日,一架客机在伊朗首都德黑兰郊区坠毁,造成机上48人全部死亡。On Aug. 10, a passenger plane crash-landed on the outskirts of Iran's capital Tehran, killing all the 48 people on board. 5. 7月23日,台湾GE222 班机在澎湖岛坠毁后,已确认有48人遇难。 48 people were confirmed dead after Taiwan Flight GE222 smashed in Penghu Island on July 23. “击落”,英语译为 to shoot down。例如:6. 7月17日,马航MH17班机在乌克兰上空被击落,造成298人死亡。The Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine on July 17, with 298 fatalities. “残骸”,译为 wreck of a plane, wreckage of a plane。例如:7. 一架7月24日飞往阿尔及利亚在暴雨中坠毁的客机的残骸在马里被发现,机上载有118人。The wreck of a plane that crashed in a rainstorm on July 24 with 118 people on board on a flight to Algiers has been found in Mali.▲(本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)