“安检”,即“安全检查”,英语译为security inspection 或security check。例如:1.在机场,旅客与其个人物品均需接受安检。At the airport, both passengers and their personal belongings need to undergo security check.
“边检”,即“边防检查”,英语译为immigration inspection 或frontier inspection。例如:2.“中国边检”是负责控制其边境的政府机构。China Immigration Inspection is the governmental agency responsible for controlling its borders.3.所有进出国境的旅客都需接受边检。All the passengers entering or leaving the country must go through frontier inspection.
“ 通关”, 就是“ 完成边防检查手续”,英语译为to complete the immigration inspection procedures。例如:4.在这个口岸,95%的旅客可以在25分钟以内通关。At this port, 95% of the passengers can complete the immigration inspection procedures within 25 minutes. ▲