Author:Huang Ruicheng
is professor at Centre for Classics,Chongqing University(Chongqing 400044,China).Email:huangruicheng@cqu.edu.cn拉爾修·第歐根尼(Laertius Diogenes)的《名哲言行錄》(Lives of the Eminent Philosophers),
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Socrates Life in Laertius Diogenes
Laertius Diogenes Lives of the Eminent Philosophers is the oldest extant collection of biographies of Greek philosophers.According to the traditional Chinese categories of literatures,Diogenes Lives should belong to the category of Shi(History),somehow as“Shijia”(Kinship)or“Liezhuan”(Series of Biographies).If Nietzsche is right in claiming that Diogenes“is the night watchman of the history of Greek philosophy,”a minute investigationof Diogenes Lives may be of help to the understanding of ancient Greek philosophy.“Life of Socrates”in the book begins with Sophronicus,Socrates father,calling him“the best man”honored by Lysimachus,the son of Aristeides,“the Just.”As Socrates father,Sophronicus sows the seed of“goodness”into the psyche of Socrates;meanwhile,Socrates mother Phaenarete,the“born exceedingly,”who applies her midwifery to women,sets a good example for Socrates to apply his“psychmidwifery”to wellborn young men.This is the upbringing of Socrates.It seems that Socrates is born for Plato,who in return proves vital to the comprehension of him with his Socratic dialogues,especially the Theaetetus where Plato is the very first noble youth resulting from Socrates psychmidwifery.For Socrates,Plato is prior to the Athenian city,or even to his own deme,whereas for the philosophic tradition began by Socrates,the Platonic dialogues,which are writings of a philosopher,have priority over the city,and naturally over his deme.It is Plato who links Socrates with the Athenian city,which may provide us with a key to solve the ageold riddle why“Socrates talks but never writes”:Socrates probably knows that Plato is a born philosopher good at writing,whose outstanding ability of composition is no second to him to shoulder the responsibility of handing down the civilization to later generations.Accordingly,that Socrates gives up writing is without any regret.Diogenes mention of Alopece,the deme to which Socrates belongs,might be a hint of Socrates death with reference to that of Alope.If it is true,Diogenes narrative of Socrates life happens to begin with his birth and end with his death.
Socrates s life;Laertius Diogenes;Lives of the Eminent Philosophers;Plato
蘇格拉底身世 拉爾修·第歐根尼 《名哲言行錄》 《蘇格拉底傳記》 柏拉圖