
2014-07-17 19:37
中学生英语·中考指导版 2014年5期


一、 (A) 1~5 BCADC 6~10 CBBAD

(B) 1~5 ABCCD 6~10 DBABC

(C) 1~5 DCBAB 6~10 DCDBB

二、 (A) 1. cars 2. as 3. news

4. money 5. heard 6. become

7. other 8. Americans 9. watching

10. love

(B) 1. widely 2. necessary 3. better

4. print 5. other 6. machines

7. invented 8. fast 9. kinds

10. modern

三、 (A) 1. ways 2. dangerous 3. make

4. down 5. polite 6. hang

7. soon 8. wrong 9. after

10. without

(B) 1. no 2. lend 3. money

4. miracle 5. cost 6. enough

7. full 8. pay 9. much

10. where


1~5 CCAAC 6~10 DACBD

11~15 DADBC 16~20 ACACA

21~25 AABAA 26~30 ADADB

31~35 ACAAA 36~40 BDCBD


1~5 CADBB 6~10 CCADC

11~15 CABAA 16~20 AACAD


1~5 BACAA 6~10 BCBAD 11~15 DABDC

16~20 BBCAB 21~25 BCACC 26~30 CBBCC

31. deeply 32. crying 33. students

34. attention 35. care 36. instead

37. everything 38. spend 39. parents

40. looked

One possible version:

How to Protect Our Environment?

The environmental pollutionis worse and worse today. Water is polluted so that we have nocleanwater todrink.Many trees are being cut down, and animals are getting less and less. Somefactories are releasing dirty air in the sky. The populationis increasing faster and faster, and resources are getting less and less. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great influence in the future. Peoples health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, we need to protect our world.

We shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere. We should recycle things that have already been used. Dont waste things. It can save money and reduce pollution. We should not use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them down. We hopeour world is more andmore beautiful.


1~5 CADAD 6~10 ADBCC 11~15 BACCB

16~20 ACBCC 21~25 BACCC 26~30 ACCCA

31. means 32. gentle 33. follows

34. helping 35. part 36. found

37. mind 38. talk 39. person

40. ever

One possible version:

Give Me Another Chance

How time flies!We have spent three years living and studying together in the school.

Now, I am leaving our school. I want to enter a good school, but I am weak in English. Im afraid I cant succeed. I regret that I havent studied English hard in the past three years. I missed many chances though my teacher encouraged me.

As the saying goes, “Its never too late to learn”. If I had another chance, I would try my best to learn it well. I would practice listening, reading, speaking and writing as much as I can. I would preview lessons before class, listen carefully in class and finish my homework on time. I would ask my teacher for help if in trouble. I would cherish this chance and do it better.



第一节 听音选图 根据所听内容,选择相应的图画。听每个句子前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,每小题1分)

1. Its raining now.

2. Yao Ming is taller than Jordan.

3. You are not allowed to smoke here.

4. The boy was walking down the street when a UFO landed.

5. What is the boy doing? He is reading a book.

第二节 对话理解 听下面的对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共10小题,每小题1分)


M: What does your father do, Lucy?

W: He is an English teacher.


W: Hi, John!These shells are so beautiful. Are they yours?

M: Yes, my hobby is collecting shells.


M: Kate!Its 8 oclock now. Youll be late for school.

W: Yes, and I have to take a bus to school.


W: When is your father leaving for New York, Ed?

M: He is leaving on New Years Day.


W: Lets go to the park for a picnic tomorrow, shall we?

M: Im afraid not. The radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.


W: Wheres Jim, David?

M: He has gone to Paris for his holiday.

W: Have you ever been to Paris?

M: Yes. I went there with my parents last year.

W: How did you go there?

M: We went there by plane.


W: Vince, congratulations on winning the skating Marathon.

M: Thank you, Anna!

W: So, how long did you skate today?

M: About six hours.

W: How amazing!Was this your first skating Marathon?

M: No, I skated in the Marathon last year.

W: How long have you been skating?

M: Since I was seven years old.

W: Thats such a long time!

M: Yes, it is.

W: Who did you get your first skates from?

M: I got my first pair of skates on my seventh birthday from my grandmother.

第三节 笔录要点 根据你听到的短文,将下面表格中第16至第20小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过三个单词。听材料前,你将有25秒钟阅读表格内容。听完后,将给出25秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,每小题1分)

There are so many rules in Marys house. She has to get up at 6:00 oclock every morning and read Chinese and English before breakfast. She cant watch TV or play computer games on school nights. She has to do her homework after school. She has too much homework every day.


1~5 BCEAD 6~10 ACAAB 11~15 CBBCC

16. six / 6 17. English 18. watch TV

19. games 20. homework 21~25 ACABB

26~30 BCBAA 31~35 ACBCB 36~40 BACCA

41~45 CBABA 46~50 TTFTF 51~55 CBAAB

56~60 DBECA 61. specific 62. Reading

63. Studying 64. movies 65. improve

66. Yes, they did.

67. At the Outdoor Pool.

68. They took the bus back to school./By bus.

69. After lunch.

70. The class monitor.

71. 我太忙了。

72. I get up early.

73. 我过去常花很多时间和朋友们玩游戏。

74. I love music

75. 我真想念以前的日子。

One possible version:

How to keep healthy

Nowadays students physical fitness is declining year by year. I think there are some reasons. Students have too much homework to do, so they have little time to have sports. Some students eat too much junk food. Thats also bad for their health.

Then, how to keep healthy? Here are some useful advice. First, students should do more exercise. Second,students should eat a balanced diet. They should eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to eat less junk food. Finally, enough sleep is also very important.




1. W: Have we got any fruit in the fridge? I want to make a salad.

M: Let me see. Weve got somebananas.

2. W: Excuse me. May I use your dictionary, please?

M: Sure. Here you are.

3. W: What would you like to drink, dear?

M: A cup of coffee, please.

4. W: What did you do last weekend?

M: Last weekend? Oh, I went fishing with my grandpa.


请听一段对话,完成第5至第 6小题。

W: POMPOUS. How may I help you?

M: Id like to book a table for dinner.

W: How large a group are you expecting?

M: Six couples.

W: All right. May I have your name, sir?

M: My name is Ron Kollitz. K-O-L-L-I-T-Z.

W: What time will you be arriving?

M: Around 7:30 p.m.

W: All right, Mr. Kollitz. Weve reserved a table for you at 7:30 p.m. Thanks for calling.


W: Look, this place is so big!

M: It has to be. Football is the No. 1 sport in Brazil. In the United States we have the Big Three: baseball, football and basketball, but theres only one here in Brazil—football.

W: Can you play football, John?

M: I never have. I think my high school had a team , but I went out for baseball. Did you join any sports teams in school, Lily?

W: In high school I went out for 400-meter race.

M: Wow!Amazing!

W: Yeah. Were you a good baseball player?

M: I was so so ...


W: Hi, Ben, here are the Top Ten of this weeks Top Chart.

M: Oh, great!

W: Which is your favorite in these ten?

M: I like No. 4.

W: You mean “Sweetheart”?

M: Yes. I think its much better than this weeks No. 1. The singers voice is really sweet and moving.

W: What do you think about “Cold Wind”?

M: I like it as well, but I dont think this song is as good as “Sweetheart”.

W: So, No. 4 is your favorite. Which one dont you like?

M: Well, I dont like “Your Face” very much.

W: Why?

M: I think its too slow and too long. It makes me sleepy. In fact, its the worst in this weeks Top Ten, if you ask me.

W: Really? But its my favorite!


M: Hi, whats up?

W: Hi. Im trying to decide what subjects to take next term. Well, first, I dont know whether to take math or computer science. I like both subjects and Im pretty good at them too.

M: Whats the teacher like in math?

W: The teacher is funny and he actually makes math interesting.

M: What about computer science?

W: Hmm, the teacher is alright, but the activities are boring. I think Ill pick math.

M: What other courses are you thinking about?

W: English and history. English is a required course, so I have to take it. Im not that interested in history though.

M: Well, why not take geography instead ofhistory? Geography can be fun because you get to go on field trips.

W: Hmm, I think thats a good choice. And I have to include one of the sciences. Itll probably be physics because I find it more interesting than chemistry. Well, it looks like I now have my courses for next term. Thanks for your help.


W: This is the house I want to rent, Tom.

M: Why is it, Ann?

W: First, its comfortable and cozy. Second, it has a lovely view of the city. Third, it has all kinds of electric appliances we need, such as fridge, washing machine and TV. Fourth is the most important, the electricity is free to use. Finally, its in the centre of the city and its easy to go anywhere.

M: There is something in what you said. But how much do you need to pay for each week?

W: $ 200.

M: I think its much more expensive than that in other areas.

W: It certainly is, but the room is so large that I can share it with someone else and that will cut down the amount of the money.

M: But what if no one would like to share with you? You will have to pay for it all by yourself.

W: Dont you think I can save some bus fares since its near the place where I work?

M: I agree with you in this way, but how often do you go to work each week?

W: Twice.

M: In my opinion, you have to go to the university every day. If you live here far away from the university, the bus fare will cost you more.

W: Thats true. OK, Ill think about it.



Attention, please!This week in the local activities part of the show, we are taking a look at Science World, the new place to visit for a family day out. During your visit, youll be able to find out about all the developments inscience, as well as trying lots of experiments for yourself. This is not an ordinary museum. I promise you!Theres a program of special events, which includes a computer workshop on next Tuesday afternoon, and the chance to do some experiments with water on Wednesday morning. Of special interest is the regular Saturday evening talk: next week Science World welcomes a famous American scientist who is going to talk about future life.

It isnt expensive to visit Science World, with tickets priced at 3 pounds for adults and 1.75 pounds for children. If you want to go to a special event or talk, then book your tickets direct from Science World on 284311, or pick them up from the tourist office.

And now lets look at ...


1~4 ABAC 5~10 CBBAAB 11~16 CABCAC

17. Tuesday afternoon 18. water

19. future life 20. 1.75 21. 284311

22~27 ABBDDC


35~40 DCAABC

41~46 BBCDDC

47~52 DBCCDD


60~63 DCEA

64. Self-images are our own minds pictures of ourselves.

65. When we find that believing in ourselves is a bit hard.

66. Changing the way we think about ourselves.

67. By stepping back and deciding to pay attention to our successes.

68. What self-image is and how to build a positive self-image.

69. Why not

70. Youd better not

71. not only ... but also ...

72. didnt buy ... until

73. I dont think its necessary to look up every word

One possible version:

Dear Li Wen,

You are not only the friendliest but also the most helpful friend I have ever met.

I will always remember the sweet smile you gave to me on the first day. You are the one who offered to help me out when I was in trouble and the one who cheered me up when I was down. Do you still remember my 15th birthday? We really had a great time in the park, didnt we?

Finally, I hope your dream will come true and our friendship will last forever.


