Four Famous Football Cities in the Would世界四大足球名城

2014-07-17 19:24曹娟
中学生英语·中考指导版 2014年5期




Milan is a shrine of art. For example, famous painting The Last Supper drew by Leonardo Da Vinci is stored in Santa Maria monastery. And there is the largest Gothic cathedral in Italy and one of the worlds top opera houses. Milan is the worlds fashion capital. Brands like Armani, Valentino and Dolce & Gabbana are well known in the fashion industry. Of course, FC Internazionale Milano and Associazione Calcio Milan are the famous football clubs in the city. Both the teams have made a glorious record and won many obsessive fans. 米兰是一个艺术的圣地。例如,画家达芬奇所画的著名油画《最后的晚餐》就贮藏在圣玛丽亚修道院中。而且米兰有意大利最大的哥特式教堂和世界顶级的歌剧院。米兰是世界时尚之都:像阿玛尼,华伦天奴和杜嘉班纳等品牌在时装界都是众所周知的。当然,国际米兰和AC米兰是市内著名的足球俱乐部。这两个队都取得过辉煌的纪录,赢得了众多球迷的迷恋。


布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)是阿根廷最大的城市、首都和政治、经济、文化中心,素有“南美巴黎”的美誉。风景秀美,气候宜人。

Buenos Aires is the soul of Argentinas football. Here is the home of Maradona, and there are nearly hundreds of clubs such as Boca Juniors, almost standing for the Argentine footballs history and present situation. Atmosphere at football pitch is unparalleled. At the same time, there are papers all around, hysterical fans as well as crazy commentators. The Argentine football makes the people in Argentina feel happiness, honor and dignity. 布宜诺斯艾利斯是阿根廷足球的灵魂。这里是马拉多纳的故乡,有像博卡青年等数百个足球俱乐部,它们几乎代表了阿根廷足球的历史和现状。足球场上气氛是无与伦比的。与此同时,四周还有满天飞的报纸,歇斯底里的球迷以及疯狂的足球评论员。阿根廷足球让阿根廷人民感到幸福,拥有荣誉和尊严。


里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)依山傍水,风景优美,是巴西和世界著名的旅游观光胜地。在葡萄牙语里,“里约热内卢”意为“一月之河”,是一个充满诗情画意的词,因为一月是里约的盛夏季节,阳光灿烂,鲜花盛开,山青水蓝,游人如织。

There is the most brilliant sunshine, the most beautiful beaches, the worlds largest carnival and the most fanatical passion Samba in Brazil. Brazil is widely recognized as the kingdom of the football and Rio de Janeiro is the center of the kingdom. There are many football clubs such as Vasco Da Gama and Flamengo. 里约热内卢有最灿烂的阳光,最美丽的海滩,世界上最大的狂欢节以及巴西最狂热的激情桑巴舞。巴西被认为是足球的王国,而巴西里约热内卢则是王国的中心,拥有诸如达伽马和弗拉门戈等许多足球俱乐部。



Compared to the famous Manchester derby and Liverpool derby, London derby seems less likely to be mentioned. It is not because there is no London derby. In fact, Arsenal VS Tottenham, Chelsea VS West Ham United FC and Charlton VS Fulham are all the London derbies. In Europe, no cities have so many high-level professional teams except London. London has become a real football capital. 比起著名的曼彻斯特德比(比赛的日子)和利物浦德比,伦敦德比似乎不太可能被提及。这并不是因为没有伦敦德比。事实上,阿森纳对托特纳姆热刺,切尔西西汉姆联队和查尔顿对富勒姆都是伦敦德比。在欧洲,除伦敦外,没有任何城市有这么多的高层次专业队伍。伦敦已经成为一个真正的足球之都。
