
2014-07-09 01:18邓晓兰等
重庆大学学报(社会科学版) 2014年2期




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公共债务的可持续性涉及两个问题:(1)什么样的公共债务政策是可持续的?(2)如何评价实践中特定政策的可持续性?大多数文献跳过了第一个问题而关注于第二个问题,但是这些研究中对可持续性蕴含了这样的含义:如果一个公共债务政策的运行轨迹满足预期的未来基本盈余现值等于初始债务,那么它是可持续的。Burnside认为公共债务的可持续性是指在不断偿付(而不是拖欠)债务的同时能够无限期地保持同样的一套政策[1]。显然,以上定义的出发点都是政府跨期预算约束,这些定义关注于公共债务的时间路径,而不是公共债务本身的规模,也就是说,这种定义存在着不符合直观认识的情况:即使当前的公共债务(或赤字)非常高,只要未来的基本盈余能够保证抵消这些债务(或赤字),它仍然是“可持续的”。Chalk 批评了上述定义中存在的“反直观情况”[2],他认为这种情况是从政府跨期预算约束出发定义公共债务可持续性的固有缺陷,于是,他从OGL模型出发对可持续性问题进行了研究,虽然没有给出可持续性的定义,但显然他认为可持续性的定义中还应当规定赤字或债务存量规模不能“过大”。同时,公共债务的可持续性与经济运行情况相联系:(1)经常的预算赤字并不能说明不可持续性,因为在低利率下,有可能在经常的(甚至是永久的)基本赤字下的公共债务仍然是可持续的;(2)一个稳定的债务负担率并不能证明公共债务的可持续性,不可持续政策并不一定有爆发式增长的债务负担率,例如在未来经济增长率低于利率时,即使基本盈余为零,(已存在的)债务不断滚动会违反可持续性。




















第五,关于可持续性检验的起点——现值预算约束受到质疑:现代财政主义提出的“价格决定的财政理论”(Fiscal Theory of Price Level)认为,政府预算等式并不是一个约束,而是一个均衡条件,也就是说,在均衡时,现值预算等式是确定成立的,在FTPL框架下,传统的“公共债务可持续性检验”只是一个统计问题而不具有理论意义。这一批评对公共债务的可持续性检验研究无疑是致命的,理应在实证检验之前对这一问题作出理论上的解释。


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A Review of Theory and Method of Research on Public Debt Sustainability

DENG Xiaolan1, HUANG Xianlin1, ZHANG Xutao2

(1. School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xian 710061, P. R .China;2. Postdoctoral Workstation, China Merchants Securities,Shenzhen 518026, P. R. China)


Since the financial crisis spreads around the world, there is a growing concern about the sustainability of public debt, which focuses on the path or level of public debt that is necessary for ruling out a fiscal crisis. This paper aims to provide an overview of research on public debt sustainability. Relative conceptions are introduced and redefined at first, and there are two approaches we comment to assessing sustainability of public debt, one is testing whether the IBC holds, and the other is using indicators to know how far public debt departs from sustainability. Then we introduce some opinions different from, but relative to the sustainability of public debt. Finally the advantages of those researches and future tasks are discussed.

Key words: public debt sustainability; government default; research theory and method

(责任编辑 傅旭东)

[20] ARGHYROU M G,LUINTEL K B.Government solvency: Revisiting some EMU countries[J].Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007,29(2):387-410.

[21] BOHN H.The behavior of U.S. public debt & deficits[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998(3):949-963.

[22] CANZONERI M, CUMBY R, DIBA B. Is the price level determined by the needs of fiscal solvency? [J].American Economic Review, 2001(6):1221- 1238.

[23] MENDOZA E G,OVIEDO P M.Fiscal policy & macroeconomic uncertainty in emerging markets: The tale of the tormented insurer[C]//Meeting Papers 377.Society for Economic Dynamics,2006.

[24]MENDOZA E G,OVIEDO P M.Public debt, fiscal solvency, & macroeconomic uncertainty in Latin America: The cases of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, & Mexico[R].Staff General Research Papers 12700, Iowa State University, Department of Economics,2006.

[25] BESANCENOT D, HUYNH K, VRANCEANU R. Default on sustainable public debt: Illiquidity suspect convicted[J].Economics Letters,2004,82:205-211.

[26] SARNO L.The behaviour of US public debt: a nonlinear perspective[J].Economics Letters,2001,74:119-125.

[27]BAHMANI S. Do budget deficits follow a linear or nonlinear path?[J].Economics Bulletin,2007,5(14):1-9.

A Review of Theory and Method of Research on Public Debt Sustainability

DENG Xiaolan1, HUANG Xianlin1, ZHANG Xutao2

(1. School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xian 710061, P. R .China;2. Postdoctoral Workstation, China Merchants Securities,Shenzhen 518026, P. R. China)


Since the financial crisis spreads around the world, there is a growing concern about the sustainability of public debt, which focuses on the path or level of public debt that is necessary for ruling out a fiscal crisis. This paper aims to provide an overview of research on public debt sustainability. Relative conceptions are introduced and redefined at first, and there are two approaches we comment to assessing sustainability of public debt, one is testing whether the IBC holds, and the other is using indicators to know how far public debt departs from sustainability. Then we introduce some opinions different from, but relative to the sustainability of public debt. Finally the advantages of those researches and future tasks are discussed.

Key words: public debt sustainability; government default; research theory and method

(责任编辑 傅旭东)

[20] ARGHYROU M G,LUINTEL K B.Government solvency: Revisiting some EMU countries[J].Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007,29(2):387-410.

[21] BOHN H.The behavior of U.S. public debt & deficits[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998(3):949-963.

[22] CANZONERI M, CUMBY R, DIBA B. Is the price level determined by the needs of fiscal solvency? [J].American Economic Review, 2001(6):1221- 1238.

[23] MENDOZA E G,OVIEDO P M.Fiscal policy & macroeconomic uncertainty in emerging markets: The tale of the tormented insurer[C]//Meeting Papers 377.Society for Economic Dynamics,2006.

[24]MENDOZA E G,OVIEDO P M.Public debt, fiscal solvency, & macroeconomic uncertainty in Latin America: The cases of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, & Mexico[R].Staff General Research Papers 12700, Iowa State University, Department of Economics,2006.

[25] BESANCENOT D, HUYNH K, VRANCEANU R. Default on sustainable public debt: Illiquidity suspect convicted[J].Economics Letters,2004,82:205-211.

[26] SARNO L.The behaviour of US public debt: a nonlinear perspective[J].Economics Letters,2001,74:119-125.

[27]BAHMANI S. Do budget deficits follow a linear or nonlinear path?[J].Economics Bulletin,2007,5(14):1-9.

A Review of Theory and Method of Research on Public Debt Sustainability

DENG Xiaolan1, HUANG Xianlin1, ZHANG Xutao2

(1. School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xian 710061, P. R .China;2. Postdoctoral Workstation, China Merchants Securities,Shenzhen 518026, P. R. China)


Since the financial crisis spreads around the world, there is a growing concern about the sustainability of public debt, which focuses on the path or level of public debt that is necessary for ruling out a fiscal crisis. This paper aims to provide an overview of research on public debt sustainability. Relative conceptions are introduced and redefined at first, and there are two approaches we comment to assessing sustainability of public debt, one is testing whether the IBC holds, and the other is using indicators to know how far public debt departs from sustainability. Then we introduce some opinions different from, but relative to the sustainability of public debt. Finally the advantages of those researches and future tasks are discussed.

Key words: public debt sustainability; government default; research theory and method

(责任编辑 傅旭东)