沈宇峰 陆学胜
[摘 要] 目的:对高血压合并慢性肾病患者不同服药时间对心血管事件的发生影响进行研究。 方法:330例高血压合并慢性肾病患者,根据服药时间将患者分为清晨服药与睡前服药两组,每3个月及每次对药物或剂量进行调整后,两组患者均进行24h的动态血压检测,通过随访记录患者心血管事件发生情况。结果:心血管发病率两组有明显差异,睡前服药组(6.1%)低于清晨服药组(25.9%)。而在心力衰竭方面,睡前服药组的发生率(4.3%)也低于清晨服药组的发生率(15.1%)。结论:慢性肾病伴高血压患者睡前比清晨服药能更有效减少心血管事件发生。
[关键词] 慢性肾脏病;高血压;心血管事件
中图分类号:R255.2 文献标志码: 文章编号:2095-5200(2014)03-089-03
慢性肾脏病(CKD)已经成为影响人类健康的重大公共卫生问题。高血压是CKD的重要病因和合并症,有研究显示超过60%的成人CKD 患者合并高血压[1]。高血压是引起CKD 患者肾功能进展的独立危险因素,是心血管疾病发病和死亡的重要危险因素[2],有效的降压治疗可以延缓肾功能降低并显著减少心血管事件的发生[3-4]。有国外报道指出[5],早晚不同服药时间的差异对降血压药物的功效、持续时间以及安全性均有不同临床意义。本研究以曹家渡社区330例CKD合并高血压患者为研究对象,比较不同服药时间对心血管事件发生的影响。报道如下:
1 对象和方法
1.1 研究对象
2011年4月~2013年9月本社区CKD合并高血压患者330例,纳入标准:①年龄>18岁;②收缩压≥140mmHg(1mmHg = 0.133kPa)和(或)舒张压≥90mmHg,或正在服用降压药物。③CKD诊断标准符合《慢性肾脏病及透析的临床实践指南》;④患者均经治疗病情稳定后出院。排除标准:①正在服用糖皮质激素;②合并急性心力衰竭、急性心肌梗死、脑出血等病情不平稳者;③急性肾衰竭。
1.2 诊断标准
高血压依照WHO的诊断标准:收缩压(SBP)≥140mm Hg和(或)舒张压(DBP)≥90mm Hg, 或服用降压药;高血脂判定参照我国血脂异常防治建议[6]:
总胆固醇≥5.17mmol /L, 甘油三酯≥1.17mmol/L;
慢性肾脏病( CKD )的诊断标准:(1)肾脏损伤(肾脏结构或功能异常)≥3个月,可以有或无肾小球滤过率(GFR)下降,辅助检查可见肾脏病理学检查异常、血、尿成分异常或影像学检查异常。(2)GFR<60ml/min/1.73m2持续3个月以上,有或无肾脏损伤证据[7]。根据美国NKF-K/DOQI工作组推荐CKD分期标准进行分期[8],标准见下表1。
1.3 研究方法
1.4 统计学分析
使用SPSS 17.0,分别采用 t 检验和χ2检验。
2 结果
2.1 基本情况
2.2 用药及动态血压控制情况
2.3 心血管事件发生情况
3 讨论
CKD患者中肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAS)激活是导致高血压的重要原因。使用ACEI和(或) ARB 类阻断RAS系统可降低血压、减少蛋白尿同时保护心、肾等重要器官,减少CKD患者病死率和心血管事件发生率。国外有研究显示[12],睡前服用降压药对于高血压伴CKD患者的获益要大于清晨服药。在本次研究中,睡前服药组在心血管事件方面的总体发生率低于清晨服药组(6.1% vs 25.9%),具有统计学差异。在心肌梗塞发生率方面,睡前服药组为3.0%,而清晨服药组为9.0%;心绞痛方面,睡前服药组发生率为1.8%,而清晨服药组为10.2%;在血压控制方面,睡眠时睡前服药组的血压控制明显优于清晨服药组。endprint
从机理上看,CKD患者非杓型病人较多,晚间血压控制不好,无法形成有效的昼夜规律,因此这类患者心血管并发症也多。夜间用药,可以让CKD患者的昼夜血压规律正常化,帮助这些患者在夜间控制血压,从而减少心血管事件的发生。但同时也得注意避免夜间血压已经是正常杓型的病人, 因血压下降过多, 而发生心血管病危险。从本次研究结果看,对于高血压伴CKD的患者,睡前服药的收益优于清晨服药,能够显著减少患者的心血管事件的发生率,值得医院进行临床推广。
参 考 文 献
[1] Muntner P, He J, Astor BC, et al. Traditional and nontraditional risk factors predict coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: results from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2005, 16(2): 529-538.
[2] Fox CS, Larson MG, Leip EP, et al. Predictors of new–onset kidney disease in a community–based population [J]. JAMA, 2004, 291(7): 844-850.
[3] Ruggenenti P, Perna A, Gherardi G, et al. Renal function and requirement for dialysis in chronic nephropathy patients on long–term ramipril: REIN follow-up trial [J].The Lancet, 1998, 352(9136): 1252-1256.
[4] Brenner BM, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D, et al. Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy [J]. N Engl J Med, 2001, 345(12): 861-869.
[5] Smolensky MH, Hermida RC, Ayala DE, et al. Administration-time-dependent effect of blood pressure-lowering medications: Basis for the chronotherapy of hypertension [J]. Blood Press Monit, 2010, 15: 173-180.
[6] 方圻, 王钟林, 宁田海, 等.血脂异常防治建议[J]. 中华心血管病杂志, 1997, 25(3): 169-172.
[7] Vassalotti JA, Stevens LA, et al. Testing for chronic kidney disease: a position statement from the National Kidney Foundation [J]. Am J Kid Dis, 2007, 50: 168-180.
[8] Julie L, Eric L, et al. A comparison of prediction equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate in adults without kidney disease [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2003, 14: 2573-2580.
[9] Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, Goff DC Jr., Grimm RH, Jr., Cutler JA, Simons-Morton DG, Basile JN, Corson MA, Probstfield JL, Katz L, Peterson KA, Friedewald WT, Buse JB, Bigger JT, Gerstein HC, Ismail-Beigi F, ACCORD Study Group: Effects of intensive bloodpressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med, 2010, 362: 1575–1585.
[10] 王庆芳, 张强, 蔡安萍, 等. 高血压慢性肾脏病患者的流行病学研究[J]. 医药论坛杂志, 2008, 29(10): 8-10.
[11] Appel LJ, Wright JT, Jr., Greene T,et al. AASK Collaborative Research Group: Intensive blood-pressure control in hypertensive chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med, 2010, 363: 918-929.
[12] Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Fernandez JR, et al. Circadian rhythms in blood pressure regulation and optimization of hypertension treatment with ACE inhibitor and ARB medications [J]. Am J Hypertens, 2011, 24: 383-391.endprint
从机理上看,CKD患者非杓型病人较多,晚间血压控制不好,无法形成有效的昼夜规律,因此这类患者心血管并发症也多。夜间用药,可以让CKD患者的昼夜血压规律正常化,帮助这些患者在夜间控制血压,从而减少心血管事件的发生。但同时也得注意避免夜间血压已经是正常杓型的病人, 因血压下降过多, 而发生心血管病危险。从本次研究结果看,对于高血压伴CKD的患者,睡前服药的收益优于清晨服药,能够显著减少患者的心血管事件的发生率,值得医院进行临床推广。
参 考 文 献
[1] Muntner P, He J, Astor BC, et al. Traditional and nontraditional risk factors predict coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: results from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2005, 16(2): 529-538.
[2] Fox CS, Larson MG, Leip EP, et al. Predictors of new–onset kidney disease in a community–based population [J]. JAMA, 2004, 291(7): 844-850.
[3] Ruggenenti P, Perna A, Gherardi G, et al. Renal function and requirement for dialysis in chronic nephropathy patients on long–term ramipril: REIN follow-up trial [J].The Lancet, 1998, 352(9136): 1252-1256.
[4] Brenner BM, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D, et al. Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy [J]. N Engl J Med, 2001, 345(12): 861-869.
[5] Smolensky MH, Hermida RC, Ayala DE, et al. Administration-time-dependent effect of blood pressure-lowering medications: Basis for the chronotherapy of hypertension [J]. Blood Press Monit, 2010, 15: 173-180.
[6] 方圻, 王钟林, 宁田海, 等.血脂异常防治建议[J]. 中华心血管病杂志, 1997, 25(3): 169-172.
[7] Vassalotti JA, Stevens LA, et al. Testing for chronic kidney disease: a position statement from the National Kidney Foundation [J]. Am J Kid Dis, 2007, 50: 168-180.
[8] Julie L, Eric L, et al. A comparison of prediction equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate in adults without kidney disease [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2003, 14: 2573-2580.
[9] Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, Goff DC Jr., Grimm RH, Jr., Cutler JA, Simons-Morton DG, Basile JN, Corson MA, Probstfield JL, Katz L, Peterson KA, Friedewald WT, Buse JB, Bigger JT, Gerstein HC, Ismail-Beigi F, ACCORD Study Group: Effects of intensive bloodpressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med, 2010, 362: 1575–1585.
[10] 王庆芳, 张强, 蔡安萍, 等. 高血压慢性肾脏病患者的流行病学研究[J]. 医药论坛杂志, 2008, 29(10): 8-10.
[11] Appel LJ, Wright JT, Jr., Greene T,et al. AASK Collaborative Research Group: Intensive blood-pressure control in hypertensive chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med, 2010, 363: 918-929.
[12] Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Fernandez JR, et al. Circadian rhythms in blood pressure regulation and optimization of hypertension treatment with ACE inhibitor and ARB medications [J]. Am J Hypertens, 2011, 24: 383-391.endprint
从机理上看,CKD患者非杓型病人较多,晚间血压控制不好,无法形成有效的昼夜规律,因此这类患者心血管并发症也多。夜间用药,可以让CKD患者的昼夜血压规律正常化,帮助这些患者在夜间控制血压,从而减少心血管事件的发生。但同时也得注意避免夜间血压已经是正常杓型的病人, 因血压下降过多, 而发生心血管病危险。从本次研究结果看,对于高血压伴CKD的患者,睡前服药的收益优于清晨服药,能够显著减少患者的心血管事件的发生率,值得医院进行临床推广。
参 考 文 献
[1] Muntner P, He J, Astor BC, et al. Traditional and nontraditional risk factors predict coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: results from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2005, 16(2): 529-538.
[2] Fox CS, Larson MG, Leip EP, et al. Predictors of new–onset kidney disease in a community–based population [J]. JAMA, 2004, 291(7): 844-850.
[3] Ruggenenti P, Perna A, Gherardi G, et al. Renal function and requirement for dialysis in chronic nephropathy patients on long–term ramipril: REIN follow-up trial [J].The Lancet, 1998, 352(9136): 1252-1256.
[4] Brenner BM, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D, et al. Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy [J]. N Engl J Med, 2001, 345(12): 861-869.
[5] Smolensky MH, Hermida RC, Ayala DE, et al. Administration-time-dependent effect of blood pressure-lowering medications: Basis for the chronotherapy of hypertension [J]. Blood Press Monit, 2010, 15: 173-180.
[6] 方圻, 王钟林, 宁田海, 等.血脂异常防治建议[J]. 中华心血管病杂志, 1997, 25(3): 169-172.
[7] Vassalotti JA, Stevens LA, et al. Testing for chronic kidney disease: a position statement from the National Kidney Foundation [J]. Am J Kid Dis, 2007, 50: 168-180.
[8] Julie L, Eric L, et al. A comparison of prediction equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate in adults without kidney disease [J]. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2003, 14: 2573-2580.
[9] Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, Goff DC Jr., Grimm RH, Jr., Cutler JA, Simons-Morton DG, Basile JN, Corson MA, Probstfield JL, Katz L, Peterson KA, Friedewald WT, Buse JB, Bigger JT, Gerstein HC, Ismail-Beigi F, ACCORD Study Group: Effects of intensive bloodpressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med, 2010, 362: 1575–1585.
[10] 王庆芳, 张强, 蔡安萍, 等. 高血压慢性肾脏病患者的流行病学研究[J]. 医药论坛杂志, 2008, 29(10): 8-10.
[11] Appel LJ, Wright JT, Jr., Greene T,et al. AASK Collaborative Research Group: Intensive blood-pressure control in hypertensive chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med, 2010, 363: 918-929.
[12] Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Fernandez JR, et al. Circadian rhythms in blood pressure regulation and optimization of hypertension treatment with ACE inhibitor and ARB medications [J]. Am J Hypertens, 2011, 24: 383-391.endprint