曹建海 温政实
摘 要: 遵循里昂惕夫的投入产出模型,本文基于社会核算矩阵的研究框架,通过扩展的收入产出循环体系清晰地阐释了产业增加值、收入分配和最终需求的内在关系。在此基础上对中国2010年的社会核算矩阵进行了奇异值分解。结果表明,经济内部的相互作用隐含了一组宏观乘数,每一宏观乘数都对应着一系列遵循相同路径的产业组合,这些产业组合及其变化情况可以被识别和量化。这一方法的现实意义在于从需求层面探讨了经济政策的制定及其目标评估的可能性。
关键词: 最终需求;宏观乘数;社会核算矩阵
中图分类号: F56 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000176X(2014)04000308
最早的需求乘数分析可以追溯到Rasmussen的研究。Rasmussen[1]指出,整个产业系统产出增长必须与最终需求对j产业产品需要量的增长相匹配,i产业产出的增长也必须符合最终需求对所有产业产品需要量的增长。近些年来,越来越多的国外学者采用不同的方法对这一问题进行了不同程度的研究。Do Amaral等[2]采用“欧几里德距离乘数”对西班牙、葡萄牙、巴利阿里群岛和亚速尔群岛的数据研究发现,最终需求的结构变化比规模变化对产业部门产出的冲击更为显著。沈利生[3]利用投入产出模型研究了最终需求结构和三次产业结构的关系,他认为三次产业结构的优化必须依赖于需求结构的调整;刘瑞翔和安同良[4]基于最终需求的视角,通过非竞争性投入产出模型分析了中国经济增长的动力来源后发现,最终需求是经济增长的主要动力,但动力来源结构却不断变化。
最初的投入产出问题是在产业间结构不变和固定价格的假设下,研究与最终需求相关的产业部门的均衡产出。产业间相互作用结构不变是指固定系数假设,Rose 和 Casler[5]指出,这意味着规模报酬不变和投入比例不变,后者反映了投入的非互补性,即对某一产业的投入替代不会引起相应的产出增加。产出向量x由产业部门预先给定的最终需求向量f诱导。均衡产出向量可表示为:
五、结 论
通过以上分析,本文展示了最终需求变动对产出变动的宏观乘数效应。在其他条件不变的情况下,如果将最终需求的变动视为政策调控的结果,那么新的产出变动即为政策调控所能达到的政策目标。逆向考察的分析结果显示,我们能够找到一组政策调控措施,通过产业部门和机构部门的内在作用来提高服务业在三次产业中的比重。这些政策充分展示了内生决定的多部门政策调控和多部门政策目标的特征,也就是政策调控对多部门目标变量的影响效应。鉴于政策调控对政策目标的总体影响可以根据宏观变量构成的波动进行量化,这为宏观经济的政策设计和结果评估提供了可行的方法。 参考文献:
Rasmussen, P N Studies in Inter-Sectoral Relations[M] Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1956134-136
[2] Do Amaral, J F ,Dias,J,Lopes,JC A New Kind of Production and Value-Added Multiplier for Assessing the Scale and Structure Effects of Demand Shocks in Input–Output Frameworks[J] The Annals of Regional Science, 2012,49(1):103-115
[3] 沈利生 最终需求结构变动怎样影响产业结构变动[J] 数量经济技术经济研究, 2011,(12):82-95
[4] 刘瑞翔,安同良 中国经济增长的动力来源与转换展望[J] 经济研究, 2011,(7):30-41
[5] Rose, A, Casler, S Input–Output Structural Decomposition Analysis: A Critical Appraisal[J] Economic Systems Research, 1996,8(1):33-62
[6] Miller, R E, Blair, P D Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions[M] New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009243-257endprint
[7] Ciaschini, M, Socci, C Final Demand Impact On Output: A Macro Multiplier Approach[J] Journal of Policy Modeling, 2007,29(1):115-132
[8] Miyazawa, K Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution[M] New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 19761-129
[9] Pyatt, G Some Early Multiplier Models of the Relationship between Income Distribution and Production Structure[J] Economic Systems Research, 2001,13(2):139-163
[10] Oosterhaven, J, Polenske, K R 21 Modern Regional Input–Output and Impact Analyses[D] Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, 2009423-439
[11] Golub, G H, Reinsch, C Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions[J] Numerische Mathematik, 1970,14(5):403-420
The Macro Multiplier Effects of Final Demand to Total Output:
Based on Social Accounting Matrix Perspective
CAO Jian-hai1,WEN Zheng-shi2
(1Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS,Beijing 100836,China;
2Graduate School of CASS, Beijing 102488,China)
Abstract: Following Leontief Input-Output model and based on Social Accounting Matrix, we illustrate the interrelationships among industrial value added, income distribution and final demand by an extended income-output cycle system Then, the spectral decomposition techniques of physic was applied to Chinas economic data analysis, which indicates the interactions in the economy create sets of clusters of industries that follow the same path and can be identified and quantified through macro multipliers Macro multiplier decomposition has important practical significance, since the method explores the possibility of formulating economic policies as well as evaluating the policy objectives
Key words: final demand;macro multiplier;social accounting matrix;policy control
(责任编辑:刘 艳)endprint
[7] Ciaschini, M, Socci, C Final Demand Impact On Output: A Macro Multiplier Approach[J] Journal of Policy Modeling, 2007,29(1):115-132
[8] Miyazawa, K Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution[M] New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 19761-129
[9] Pyatt, G Some Early Multiplier Models of the Relationship between Income Distribution and Production Structure[J] Economic Systems Research, 2001,13(2):139-163
[10] Oosterhaven, J, Polenske, K R 21 Modern Regional Input–Output and Impact Analyses[D] Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, 2009423-439
[11] Golub, G H, Reinsch, C Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions[J] Numerische Mathematik, 1970,14(5):403-420
The Macro Multiplier Effects of Final Demand to Total Output:
Based on Social Accounting Matrix Perspective
CAO Jian-hai1,WEN Zheng-shi2
(1Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS,Beijing 100836,China;
2Graduate School of CASS, Beijing 102488,China)
Abstract: Following Leontief Input-Output model and based on Social Accounting Matrix, we illustrate the interrelationships among industrial value added, income distribution and final demand by an extended income-output cycle system Then, the spectral decomposition techniques of physic was applied to Chinas economic data analysis, which indicates the interactions in the economy create sets of clusters of industries that follow the same path and can be identified and quantified through macro multipliers Macro multiplier decomposition has important practical significance, since the method explores the possibility of formulating economic policies as well as evaluating the policy objectives
Key words: final demand;macro multiplier;social accounting matrix;policy control
(责任编辑:刘 艳)endprint
[7] Ciaschini, M, Socci, C Final Demand Impact On Output: A Macro Multiplier Approach[J] Journal of Policy Modeling, 2007,29(1):115-132
[8] Miyazawa, K Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution[M] New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 19761-129
[9] Pyatt, G Some Early Multiplier Models of the Relationship between Income Distribution and Production Structure[J] Economic Systems Research, 2001,13(2):139-163
[10] Oosterhaven, J, Polenske, K R 21 Modern Regional Input–Output and Impact Analyses[D] Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, 2009423-439
[11] Golub, G H, Reinsch, C Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions[J] Numerische Mathematik, 1970,14(5):403-420
The Macro Multiplier Effects of Final Demand to Total Output:
Based on Social Accounting Matrix Perspective
CAO Jian-hai1,WEN Zheng-shi2
(1Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS,Beijing 100836,China;
2Graduate School of CASS, Beijing 102488,China)
Abstract: Following Leontief Input-Output model and based on Social Accounting Matrix, we illustrate the interrelationships among industrial value added, income distribution and final demand by an extended income-output cycle system Then, the spectral decomposition techniques of physic was applied to Chinas economic data analysis, which indicates the interactions in the economy create sets of clusters of industries that follow the same path and can be identified and quantified through macro multipliers Macro multiplier decomposition has important practical significance, since the method explores the possibility of formulating economic policies as well as evaluating the policy objectives
Key words: final demand;macro multiplier;social accounting matrix;policy control
(责任编辑:刘 艳)endprint