阔永红 曾伟涛 陈 健
阔永红*曾伟涛 陈 健
(西安电子科技大学通信工程学院 西安 710071)
图1 误码率与误码码字比例的关系
(203,253)(607,895)(701,647)(827,607) (425,333)(761,539)(859,761)(911,787)
文献[10]文献[11]本文所提算法 m=h m=9 m=3
图3 不同码长在各种误码率下的识别率
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阔永红: 女,1967年生,博士,教授,研究方向为智能信号处理.
曾伟涛: 男,1988年生,硕士生,研究方向为通信编码识别技术.
陈 健: 男,1968年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为通信对抗、认知网络.
Blind Identification of Primitive BCH Codes Parameters Based on Probability Approximation
Kuo Yong-hong Zeng Wei-tao Chen Jian
To solve the issues of blind identification of primitive BCH codes encoding parameters, a novel identification algorithm with probability approximation is presented. Frist, by taking advantage of the approximation of random code words’ root probability character which uses Gaussian distribution and Poisson distribution, the thresholds for searching code length are structured. Second, though analyzing the checking ability of the primitive element and the impact of isomorphism on searching, the coding filed is determined by using the method of nearby fields pair which improves the performace of identification. Finally, the calculation is reduced by creating and using the conjugate roots table in the recognition of generator polynomial. Simulation results show that, the proposed algorithm achieves a significant improvement in identification probability even if in high BER situation.
Channel coding; BCH codes; Conjugate roots; Blind identification
阔永红 yhkuo@mail.xidian.edu.cn