摘要: 本文旨在探讨存在型强势主位结构(即“存在(小)句”或“存在结构”)的语篇功能。本研究表明,除了在“话语修复”中的“更正功能”外,该结构主要有三大功能:语篇发起功能、语篇延续功能和语篇总结功能。语篇发起功能又可分为三类:引入主题功能、铺设场景功能、标明体裁(及同时引入主题)功能。语篇延续功能又可分为九类:(1)发展主题功能;(2)预示话题转换功能;(3)突出典型事例功能;(4)着重确认功能;(5)列举功能;(6)提醒功能;(7)建议功能;(8)补偿(信息)功能;(9)评价功能。所有这些语篇功能最终被绘制成一个分类表。
关键词: 存在型强势主位结构;语篇功能;分类表
中图分类号: H314文献标志码: A文章编号:1009-055X(2014)01-0067-06
本文讨论的存在型强势主位结构(the existential enhanced theme construction)即是传统语法中的存在(小)句或存在结构。因笔者从“加的夫(模式的系统功能)语法”(the Cardiff Grammar)①的角度对它进行过研究[1][2][3][4],故仍沿用这一术语。根据加的夫语法的主位分析[5][6]][7],“强势”意为存在型强势主位结构(以下简称为“强势结构”)中的主位的值(thematic value)得到强化(enhanced),其主位通过“主位引发语”(thematic buildup)被放在远离它原来的句首的位置[5]87,[7]113,从而得到突出和强化(见图1)。(1) Theres a bee in Ivys hair 主位引发语 强势主位图1加的夫语法对强势结构的主位分析本文将先回顾前人对强势结构的语篇功能的研究,对其进行梳理,然后探讨这类结构的其他语篇功能,并对其所有的语篇功能进行分类。
我们的研究表明,有的强势结构具有“语篇修复”中的“更正功能”:(1)A: Were those films as boring as you thought theyd be?
B: No, actually there were one or two of them very interesting [10]160
A Bthose films vs one or two of themboring vs very interesting图2强势结构的更正功能图示
在上例中,A原以为B认为那些电影都很无聊,但B更正了A的假定——“并非所有的电影都很无聊”,这一更正的信息的传递是通过将“对比新信息”(contrastively new information)放在突出的位置(图2):把“one or two of them”作为存在型强势主位;又把“(very)interesting”作为信息的焦点。因此,B的更正信息可能是:不仅“并非所有的电影都很无聊”,而且其中的一、两部还很精彩。
强势结构的“引入主题”功能最为常见(如例(2)),Biber et al[9]951、Fawcett[5] 、Fawcett[7]75、Jespersen[12]110、Quirk和Greenbaum[13]418、邓云华[16]、张克定[17]、张绍杰和于飞[18]都有相关的论述,这里不再赘述。(2)There are two other types of circumstantial ‘Beneficiary besides Client These are (1) Pleasee (ie ‘one who is to be pleased), for which Hallidays nearest equivalent term is ‘Behalf (which is sometimes misleading, as we shall shortly see); and (2) Replacement (for which he has no equivalent)[19]1482铺设场景功能
邓云华[16]211和张克定[17]都注意到强势结构也往往被放在语篇的开头,用于铺设故事发生的场景,因此具有“铺设场景”功能:(3)There hadnt been any rain months The earth was bare and dry There wasnt a blade of grass growing anywhere … [20]194例(3)中的两个强势结构描述一个非常干旱的景象,为随后的故事铺设一个干旱的场景。
有时读者在语篇的开头读到强势结构时,就能猜到这一语篇的体裁。例如,读者读到例(4)中的强势结构,就能猜到这一语篇属于“童话故事”,这类强势结构因此具有标明(语篇)体裁的功能。(4)Once upon a time there were three bears Mama bear, Papa bear, baby bear – [They] all went for a walk down the woods (CONV)
强势结构不仅可以“引入主题”,而且还可以发展这一主题。例(5)中的第一个强势结构引入“every kind of commodity you could think of”这一主题,随后的四个强势结构发展了这一主题,详述了街市上售卖的一些物品:“水果和蔬菜”、“小狗和鸟”、“真正的古董和廉价的旧杂物”。(5)The street market is in full swing There was every kind of commodity you could think of being offered At one end there were fruit and vegetables for sale, and at the other [there were] puppies and cage-birds There were stalls selling genuine antiques and there were stalls selling just junk And above all there was an incredible noise [21]2322预示话题转换
说话人在转换话题时往往会使用强势结构做出预示,使听话人对其谈论的新话题有心理准备。例(6)中说话人先谈论保守党对罗得西亚(津巴布韦的旧称)犹豫不决的态度,继而转到多年来保守党在议会中对中非政策上的分歧。话题的转换正是通过“Theres another point”这一强势结构进行预示的:通过将“another point”当作“强势主位”和信息的焦点,引起读者(或听话人)对即将转换的话题关注。(6)If Conservative leaders are now having second thoughts, they should explain why; if not, it is equally incumbent upon them to reiterate their arguments This is a case in which silence can be as influential upon affairs as speech and, in some circumstances, could more dangerous The Conservative attitude to Rhodesia in the days to come is a matter of the greatest interest to the Rhodesian Government, and they also have a right to know where they stand
Theres another point The Tory Party in Parliament and out has been divided on Central African policy for years [22]186-1873突出典型事例
有学者认为例(7)中的强势结构的语篇功能是“重提旧话题”[17],但笔者认为它们具有“突出典型事例”功能。如果说话人觉得某件事特别值得注意,可借助强势结构突出这一事件。在例(7)中,当说话人被问及他们对航班上的服务是否满意时,他们在表明自己总体上满意的同时,也提到一次例外——一次让他们不愉快的乘机经历。说话人用了两个强势结构突出这一不愉快的经历。第一个强势结构通过将“one flight where we had one problem”当作“强势主位”和把其中的“one problem”作为信息的焦点,形成了“one flight”…“one problem”的双重突出手段;第二个强势结构则是通过把“one problem”既作为“强势主位”又作为信息的焦点引起读者(或听话人)关注这一例外的经历。(7)I think there was one flight where we had one problem It wasnt ours, but there was that one flight Other than that, I believe the answer to the remaining flights is yes (转引自张克定[17])4着重确认功能
Hannay[10]12指出,强势结构有时被用来强化(或否定)一个命题的真实性。因此,这类强势结构具有“着重确认(否认)的功能”。例(8)中的A怀疑B提供的有关火车运行的信息是错误的,而B则通过一个强势结构强调他提供的信息是正确的。B着重确认信息的真实性的语气可以从他把表示存在意义的动词IS作为他说的话的信息焦点得到验证。(8)A: You said there was a train at four in the morning but I dont believe you.
B: But there IS one I tell you [10]125列举功能
有时强势结构引入的不是一个人或物,而是满足某一条件的一系列的人或物,这就是强势结构所具有的列举功能。[14]例(9)中的强势结构列出了桌上的三件物品。(9) There was a book, a pencil, and a lamp on the desk [23]6提醒功能
有时强势结构引入的是说话人(暂时)遗忘的信息,因此具有提醒功能。例(10a)中的强势结构引入的是说话人A“还需邀请的人”,例(10b)中的强势结构引入的则是说话人A “还需打电话通知的人”,这些信息都是说话人A(暂时)遗忘的信息,因此这两个强势结构都能起到提醒的作用。(10a)A: ‘Who else should we invite?
B: ‘Well, theres John, and the people upstairs [24]422
(10b)A: I guess weve called everybody.
B: No, theres still Mary and John [25]ex 3实际上,例(10a)和(10b)中的强势结构不仅具有提醒功能,同时还具有列举功能,因为它们都列举了满足某一条件的人——说话人A “还需邀请的人”或“还需打电话通知的人”。
强势结构可以引入一(系列)满足某一条件的待选的人或物,如例(11)中的强势结构引入的是满足“适合作为生日礼物的物品”这一条件的一本书。Abbott[8]认为,这类语境化(contextualized)的强势结构实际上是礼貌地建议听话人把某一(熟悉的)物质(包括人)作为满足当前的目的的人或物,其功能相当于“You could send your sister ‘Johns book on birdwatching as her birthday gift”。(11)Q: What could I give my sister for her birthday?
A: Theres Johns book on birdwatching [15]8补偿(信息)功能
有时强势结构引入的信息是对说话人的行为的一种解释或补充说明,因而具有补偿(信息)功能。例(12)中的M先告诉听话人他母亲总希望他不要途经迈阿密去看她,而是要直接上高速公路,他然后补充听话人不具备的信息——他母亲那样说是因为有人在去迈阿密的路上在车内被枪击了。(12)M: Oh, used to go through Miami, on the way to Mums.
R: Did you?
M: Yes, she used to say to me “Dont go through Miami You come round by the highway” There was somebody shot in a car you know
E: Oh yes I remember [25]4319评价功能
Hunston 和 Sinclair[11]发现了五种用以表达评价意义的句型,其中之一即是强势结构。这类具有评价意义的强势结构的结构如下:THERE+系动词+ SOMETHING/ANYTHING/ NOTHING +形容词词组+ ABOUT/IN + 名词词组或-ING小句。例(13a)中的强势结构引入是说话人对“晚上能在城里度过”这一事的评价——“挺吸引人的”,例 (13b) 中的强势结构引入是说话人对“在摄影棚无情的灯光下拍情爱戏”的评价——“一点也不浪漫”。(13a)Theres something rather appealing about being able to spend the evening in a town [11]85
(13b)There isnt exactly anything romantic about trying to do a love scene under ruthless studio lights [11]85这类强势结构的作用是“对某事(物)做出主观的判断,而这往往是一种好或坏的判断” [11]85。
张克定[17]认为例(14a)和(14b)中的强势结构分别起到“断言”式小结指交际者表达自己对上文所述内容的结论性观点,参张克定《英语存在句强势主位语义语用分析》,余渭深、李红、彭宣维(主编)《语言的功能——系统、语用和认知》(重庆大学出版社1998版)。 和“悬念”式小结指交际者对话语内容做一展望性或预言性的小结,参张克定《英语存在句强势主位语义语用分析》,余渭深、李红、彭宣维(主编)《语言的功能——系统、语用和认知》(重庆大学出版社1998版)。的功能。(14a)It must be pointed out that there are, of course, functions other than those presented in Figure 27 above, and that it simply reports our thinking at this stage of our research (转引自张克定[17])
(14b)But we still know relatively little about the magnificent organization of bee society For instance, in spite of the painstaking studies of Von Frisch and others, we probably understand only a very small part of the bees language Even the professor himself points out that there are plenty of exciting discoveries still to come (转引自张克定[17])据笔者观察,以上两例中的强势结构实际上都是对前面讨论的内容进行结论性的总结,指出目前研究的局限性,还有待进一步进行研究。因此它们都具有相同的总结功能,是否需细分为“断言”式小结和“悬念”式小结还值得商榷。
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[25] Collins, P. Cleft Existentials in English [J]. Language Sciences, 1992(4): 419-433.
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[18] 张绍杰,于飞. 英语存在句信息传递再探索 [J]. 外国语,2004(2):34-41.
[19] Fawcett, R. P. The Semantics of Clause and Verb for Relational Processes in English [A]. In Halliday, M. A. K. and Fawcett, R. P. (eds.). New Developments in Systemic Linguistics [C]. London: Pinter, 1987: 130-183.
[20] Alexander, L. G. Longman English Grammar [M]. London: Longman, 1988.
[21]Ungerer, F., Meier, G. E. H., Schafer, K. & Lechler, S. B. A Grammar of Present-Day English [M]. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1984.
[22] Winter, E. O. Towards a Contextual Grammar of English – The Clause and its Place in the Definition of Sentence [M]. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982.
[23] Abbott, B. A Pragmatic Account of the Definiteness Effect in Existential Sentences [J]. Journal of Pragmatics, 1993 (19): 39-55.
[24] van Ek, J. A. & Robat, N. J. The Students Grammar of English [M]. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984.
[25] Collins, P. Cleft Existentials in English [J]. Language Sciences, 1992(4): 419-433.