
2014-05-04 10:36郑有飞等
湖北农业科学 2014年4期




中图分类号:P405 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)04-0771-06

The Improvement of the Exponential Evapotranspiration(ET) Model and Its Application on Monitoring Drought in Northern China

ZHENG You-feia,b,JIANG Fei-yana,WU Rong-juna,b

(a.College of Atmospheric Physics;b.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,

Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044, China)

Key words: remote sensing; evapotranspiration; drought monitoring


卫星遥感技术具有宏观、快速、动态、经济等特点。研究人员将瞬时的蒸散速率与卫星所观测到的地表温度和植被覆盖部分相联系起来,得到了许多干旱监测模型,如温度与植被指数的特征三角空间方法[2](Temperature/NDVI triangle method)、陆地表面能量平衡算法[3](Surface energy balance algorithm for land,SEBAL)、地表能量平衡系统[4](Surface energy balance system,SEBS)和双层能量平衡模型[5](Two-source energy balance model,TSEB)等。Carlson等[6]和Gillies等[2]都针对土壤和水分评估工具 (SWAT)提出了LST-NDVI特征三角空间方法的反转技术用来估算土壤湿度。Nagler等[7]利用SEBS能量平衡方程估算了美国西部的河岸植被的蒸散情况。Verstraeten等[8]结合物理模型和经验模型预测大面积的蒸散值。这些蒸散模型都以能量传输的物理过程为基础,输入一系列通过遥感或地面仪器直接或间接测量的数据,再利用余项法,通过地表能量平衡来估算蒸发散射(ET)。在估算地表通量时,需要大量的地表观测数据[9,10],且需要复杂的地面模型和遥感数据配合,使得计算过程变得繁杂[11]。


1 材料与方法

1.1 数据资料

本研究建模及进行干旱监测时所用到的遥感数据主要有:全球能源和水循环试验(The global energy and water cycle experiment,GEWEX)的长、短波辐射数据,分辨率为1°×1°;中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS(Moderate-resilution imaging spectroradio-meter)的L2级产品MOD11系列的日夜地表温度,及16天合成产品MOD13系列的MODIS加强型植被指数(Enchanced vegetation index, EVI),分辨率都为0.05°×0.05°。

为得到修正型指数化蒸散模型的系数,从ARM(Atmospheric radiation measurement)、美国和欧洲通量观测网站上选取了分布全球的21个站点(表1)的地面观测数据,利用非线性回归分析得到模型系数。

1.2 修正型指数化蒸散模型

2.2 模型应用





3 小结与讨论




[1] 邓振镛,张 强,尹宪志,等.干旱灾害对干旱气候变化的响应[J]. 冰川冻土,2007,29(1):114-118.

[2] GILLIES R,KUSTAS W,HUMES K. A verification of the ‘triangle method for obtaining surface soil water content and energy fluxes from remote measurements of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and surface[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,1997,18(15):3145-3166.

[3] BASTIAANSSEN W, MENENTI M,FEDDES R,et al. A remote sensing surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL). 1. Formulation[J]. Journal of Hydrology,1998,212(12):198-212.

[4] SU Z. The surface energy balance system (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes[J]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions,2002,6(1):85-100.

[5] NORMAN J N, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S. Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3-4):263-293.

[6] CARLSON T N, GILLIES R R, SCHMUGGE T J. An interpretation of methodologies for indirect measurement of soil water content[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3):191-205.

[7] NAGLER P L, CLEVERLY J, GLENN E, et al. Predicting riparian evapotranspiration from MODIS vegetation indices and meteorological data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005, 94(1):17-30.

[8] VERSTRAETEN W W, VEROUSTRAETE F, FEYEN J. Estimating evapotranspiration of European forests from NOAA-imagery at satellite overpass time:Towards an operational processing chain for integrated optical and thermal sensor data products[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005,96(2):256-276.

[9] STEWART J B, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S, et al. Sensible heat flux-radiometric surface temperature relationship for eight semiarid areas[J]. American Meteorological Society,1994,33(9):1110-1117.

[10] MALLICK K, BHATTACHARYA B, CHAURASIA S, et al. Evapotranspiration using MODIS data and limited ground observations over selected agroecosystems in India[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007,28(10):2091-2110.

[11] JIANG L, ISLAM S, GUO W, et al. A satellite-based daily actual evapotranspiration estimation algorithm over South Florida[J]. Global and Planetary Change,2009,67(1-2):62-77.

[12] YAO Y, LIANG S, QIN Q, et al. Monitoring drought over the conterminous United States using MODIS and NCEP reanalysis-2 data[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2010,49(8):1665-1680.

[13] HARGREAVES G H. Accuracy of estimated reference crop evapotranspiration[J]. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering,1989,115(6):1000-1007.

[14] 闫 娜,李登科,杜继稳,等. 基于MODIS产品LST_NDVI_EVI的陕西旱情监测[J].自然灾害学报,2010,19(4):178-182.


3 小结与讨论




[1] 邓振镛,张 强,尹宪志,等.干旱灾害对干旱气候变化的响应[J]. 冰川冻土,2007,29(1):114-118.

[2] GILLIES R,KUSTAS W,HUMES K. A verification of the ‘triangle method for obtaining surface soil water content and energy fluxes from remote measurements of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and surface[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,1997,18(15):3145-3166.

[3] BASTIAANSSEN W, MENENTI M,FEDDES R,et al. A remote sensing surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL). 1. Formulation[J]. Journal of Hydrology,1998,212(12):198-212.

[4] SU Z. The surface energy balance system (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes[J]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions,2002,6(1):85-100.

[5] NORMAN J N, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S. Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3-4):263-293.

[6] CARLSON T N, GILLIES R R, SCHMUGGE T J. An interpretation of methodologies for indirect measurement of soil water content[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3):191-205.

[7] NAGLER P L, CLEVERLY J, GLENN E, et al. Predicting riparian evapotranspiration from MODIS vegetation indices and meteorological data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005, 94(1):17-30.

[8] VERSTRAETEN W W, VEROUSTRAETE F, FEYEN J. Estimating evapotranspiration of European forests from NOAA-imagery at satellite overpass time:Towards an operational processing chain for integrated optical and thermal sensor data products[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005,96(2):256-276.

[9] STEWART J B, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S, et al. Sensible heat flux-radiometric surface temperature relationship for eight semiarid areas[J]. American Meteorological Society,1994,33(9):1110-1117.

[10] MALLICK K, BHATTACHARYA B, CHAURASIA S, et al. Evapotranspiration using MODIS data and limited ground observations over selected agroecosystems in India[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007,28(10):2091-2110.

[11] JIANG L, ISLAM S, GUO W, et al. A satellite-based daily actual evapotranspiration estimation algorithm over South Florida[J]. Global and Planetary Change,2009,67(1-2):62-77.

[12] YAO Y, LIANG S, QIN Q, et al. Monitoring drought over the conterminous United States using MODIS and NCEP reanalysis-2 data[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2010,49(8):1665-1680.

[13] HARGREAVES G H. Accuracy of estimated reference crop evapotranspiration[J]. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering,1989,115(6):1000-1007.

[14] 闫 娜,李登科,杜继稳,等. 基于MODIS产品LST_NDVI_EVI的陕西旱情监测[J].自然灾害学报,2010,19(4):178-182.


3 小结与讨论




[1] 邓振镛,张 强,尹宪志,等.干旱灾害对干旱气候变化的响应[J]. 冰川冻土,2007,29(1):114-118.

[2] GILLIES R,KUSTAS W,HUMES K. A verification of the ‘triangle method for obtaining surface soil water content and energy fluxes from remote measurements of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and surface[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,1997,18(15):3145-3166.

[3] BASTIAANSSEN W, MENENTI M,FEDDES R,et al. A remote sensing surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL). 1. Formulation[J]. Journal of Hydrology,1998,212(12):198-212.

[4] SU Z. The surface energy balance system (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes[J]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions,2002,6(1):85-100.

[5] NORMAN J N, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S. Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3-4):263-293.

[6] CARLSON T N, GILLIES R R, SCHMUGGE T J. An interpretation of methodologies for indirect measurement of soil water content[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1995,77(3):191-205.

[7] NAGLER P L, CLEVERLY J, GLENN E, et al. Predicting riparian evapotranspiration from MODIS vegetation indices and meteorological data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005, 94(1):17-30.

[8] VERSTRAETEN W W, VEROUSTRAETE F, FEYEN J. Estimating evapotranspiration of European forests from NOAA-imagery at satellite overpass time:Towards an operational processing chain for integrated optical and thermal sensor data products[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment,2005,96(2):256-276.

[9] STEWART J B, KUSTAS W P, HUMES K S, et al. Sensible heat flux-radiometric surface temperature relationship for eight semiarid areas[J]. American Meteorological Society,1994,33(9):1110-1117.

[10] MALLICK K, BHATTACHARYA B, CHAURASIA S, et al. Evapotranspiration using MODIS data and limited ground observations over selected agroecosystems in India[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2007,28(10):2091-2110.

[11] JIANG L, ISLAM S, GUO W, et al. A satellite-based daily actual evapotranspiration estimation algorithm over South Florida[J]. Global and Planetary Change,2009,67(1-2):62-77.

[12] YAO Y, LIANG S, QIN Q, et al. Monitoring drought over the conterminous United States using MODIS and NCEP reanalysis-2 data[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2010,49(8):1665-1680.

[13] HARGREAVES G H. Accuracy of estimated reference crop evapotranspiration[J]. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering,1989,115(6):1000-1007.

[14] 闫 娜,李登科,杜继稳,等. 基于MODIS产品LST_NDVI_EVI的陕西旱情监测[J].自然灾害学报,2010,19(4):178-182.
