关键词 菏豆19号;播期;种植密度;产量;性状
中图分类号 S565.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)26-08931-02
Effects of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Characteristics and Yield of Soybean Cultivar Hedou No. 19
(Heze Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heze, Shandong 274000)
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to give paly to the high yield potential of soybean cultivar Hedou No. 19, and explore it high yield cultivation technique. [Method] The trial of sowing date and planting density of Hedou No. 19 was conducted. The sowing date was May 19 and 30, and June 10, 20, 30; the planting density was 12.00×104, 17.25×104, 22.50×104, 27.75×104, 33.00×104 plants/hm2, resp. [Result] Different sowing date had smaller effects on Hedou No. 19s plant height, the main stalk pitch number, effective branch number, 100-kernel weight, while its number of pods and seeds per plant and the height of podding decreased gradually along with the delay of sowing date. Different planting density had smaller effects on 100-kernel weight of Hedou No. 19, along with the increase of planting density, its plant height, the height of podding rose gradually, while its the main stalk pitch number, effective branch number, and the number of pods and seeds per plant of Hedou No. 19 reduced gradually. When the sowing date was May 19 and the planting density was 12.00×104 plants/hm2, the yield of Hedou No. 19 was the highest, along with the delay of sowing date, the yield decreased gradually. [Conclusion] It should follow the principle of "early sowing should be rare, late sowing should be close" to win high yield of Hedou No. 19.
Key words Hedou No.19; Sowing date; Planting density; Yield; Characteristics
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
1.2 试验时间及地点
1.3 试验方法
试验设主处理与副处理,主处理为播期,副处理为种植密度。采用裂区设计,2次重复。小区长4.0 m,宽
2.5 m,5行區,行距为0.5 m,成熟时收获中间3行计产,并在中间3行连续取10株进行室内考种,考种后产量加入本小区产量。每一播期若墒情不适宜造墒种植。2012和2013年连续两年菏泽天气干旱没有遇到雨大不能种植的情况。
2 结果与分析
2.1 播期及种植密度对菏豆19号性状的影响
3 讨论
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