【关键词】CorelDraw 教学 平面设计 问题
【Abstract】CorelDraw pays great importance in the field of graphic design as a main graphic design which is widely used at present. Meanwhile,it is also currently an important subject in art design teaching. Seeking in the traditional teaching mode, CorelDraw teaching is in need of improvement. Based on the daily teaching practice, the paper analysizes the problems in the teaching, from teaching content and mode, teaching practice and teaching evaluation and so on. Then the paper answers how to improve teaching methods and means.
【Key words】CorelDraw; teaching; graphic design; problem
【中图分类号】TP319 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)04-0214-01
CorelDraw 是当今最流行的计算机图形设计软件之一,作为一个成熟且功能强大的图形处理及平面排版软件,它为用户提供