
2014-04-16 07:59:58姚立辉戴文静孙玲玲
中国临床医学影像杂志 2014年4期

姚立辉,戴文静,曾 乔,孙玲玲

(1.中国医科大学附属第四医院放射科,辽宁 沈阳 110032;2.中国医科大学附属盛京医院放射科,辽宁 沈阳 110004)


1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料

收集2010年6月—2013年9月在我院接受CT及MR检查并经手术病理证实的8例弹力纤维瘤患者,均为女性,年龄41~88岁,平均年龄(59.2± 6.7)岁;病史10天~5年,其中7例患者以“发现肩胛下角下方肿物”为主诉就诊,1例患者为胸部平扫时意外发现,5例患者双侧同时受累,2例位于右侧,1例位于左侧;5例患者局部疼痛不适伴上肢活动时背部异物感,3例患者无临床症状。

1.2 设备与方法

采用GE LightSpeed VCT 64排128层螺旋CT机和GE SIGNA HDe 1.5T MR。所有患者均接受胸部CT平扫,扫描范围自肺尖至肺底,其中2例于平扫后接受胸部双期增强扫描,增强扫描采用高压注射器经肘前静脉注射非离子型对比剂碘佛醇(320 mgI/mL),总量80 mL,流率3.5 mL/s,分别于注药后30 s(动脉期)和60 s(静脉期)进行扫描。扫描参数:管电压120 kV,管电流250 mA,层厚、层间距均为2.5 mm。采用软组织函数重组。1例患者接受MR扫描;扫描范围上方达胸廓上口,下缘至肋弓水平;行轴位、冠状位及矢状位成像。扫描参数:轴位T1:TR 520.00,TE 8.88,TI 0.00;轴位T2:TR 2840.00,TE 86.26,TI 0.00;轴位 STIR:TR 4 820.00,TE 69.44,TI 150.00;冠状位T1:TR 660.00,TE 8.89,TI 0.00;冠状位 STIR:TR 4 600.00,TE 71.87,TI 150.00。

1.3 图像分析


1.4 手术及病理

所有患者均进行肿瘤切除术。将标本固定,石蜡包埋,4 μm层厚切片,HE染色,光镜观察切片。

2 结果

2.1 CT及MR检查结果


2.2 手术及病理结果


图1 为同一患者。图1a:CT平扫:左背部肩胛骨下前锯肌内侧见半圆形软组织肿物,范围约6.2 cm×2.4 cm× 6.5 cm,密度不均,主要呈肌肉密度,内见条纹状脂肪密度与肌肉密度交替排列,内缘与肋骨及肋间肌分界不清,外缘与前锯肌脂肪间隙消失,前锯肌受压向外移位。图1b~ 1d:MR轴位T1、T2及STIR序列:左背部前锯肌内侧见梭形肿块影,以等T1等T2信号为主,其内夹杂条纹状短T1长T2信号。Figure 1. Same patient.Figure 1a:plain CT:The semicircular soft tissue mass under the left scapular angle area,the extent of the mass about 6.2 cm×2.4 cm× 6.5 cm,mass were flat mound-like or semi-circular in shape,mainly were muscular-like density.The inner edge had no clear boundary between adjacent ribs and intercostal muscle,fat gap disappears between the mass and serratus anterior muscle,serratus anterior was displaced outward.Figure 1b~1d:MRI axial T1,T2and STIR sequences:The fusiform mass inside serratus anterior in left back,with isointense T1and isointense T2signal mixed with stripes of fat which had hyperintense T1and hyperintense T2signal.

图3 为同一患者,双侧肩胛骨下角区前锯肌及背阔肌内侧见软组织密度影,内夹杂条纹状低密度区,右侧呈半圆形,左侧呈丘状,右侧范围约为6.3 cm×3.4 cm×6.5 cm,左侧范围约为6.3 cm×1.7 cm×4.5 cm,内缘不清,外缘与前锯肌及背阔肌脂肪间隙存在,增强扫描肿块未见强化。Figure 3. Same patient with bilateral soft tissue lesion under the latissimus dorsi muscle and serratus anterior muscle and the inferior angle of scapula,there were striated low-density areas within the inclusions.The size of right semicircular mass was about 6.3 cm×3.4 cm×6.5 cm.The size of the left maundy mass was about 6.3 cm×1.7 cm×4.5 cm.Their inner edge were unclear.The fat gap between the mass and the latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior muscle existed.Lesions showed no enhancement on enhanced scan.

图4 双侧肩胛骨下方前锯肌内侧见丘状软组织影,其内夹杂条纹状低密度区,右侧范围约为5.4 cm×2.3 cm× 4.5 cm,左侧范围约为2.8 cm×2.0 cm×3.0 cm,与周围软组织分界欠清。 图5 病理:光镜下大量粉染胶原纤维,其内有梭形细胞弥漫分布,未见病理核分裂,其内有红染小球状结构,串珠或波浪状分布。病理诊断:弹力纤维瘤。Figure 4. The bilateral moundy soft tissue lesions under the serratus anterior muscle and the inferior angle of scapula,the striated low-density areas within the inclusions.The right mass size was of about 5.4 cm ×2.3 cm×4.5 cm,the extent of left side was about 2.8 cm×2.0 cm×3.0 cm.They had no clear boundary with surrounding soft tissues. Figure 5. Pathology:A lot of pink dyed collagen fibers under light microscope,with diffuse distribution of spindle cells,no aryokinesis.There were small red stained spherical structures,beaded or wave-like in distribution.Pathological diagnosis:EFD.

3 讨论






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