
2014-04-06 06:02:39项目设计汤羽扬北京建工建筑设计研究院北京建筑大学建筑遗产研究院湖北省文物考古研究所
世界建筑 2014年12期





































项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client:湖北省荆门市文物事业管理局/Jingmen Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau of Hubei Province

项目团队/Project Team:刘昭祎,黄潇潇,王良苗,裴劭哲/LIU Zhaowei, HUANG Xiaoxiao, WANG Liangmiao, PEI Shaozhe

Site overview

Qujialing Site is a Neolithic settlement site to be discovered in 1954. After the second excavation in 1956, it is named after "Qujialing Culture". It is a typical site for researching the formation and development of Qujialing culture, and at the same time a large site in the representative of the culture of the middle Neolithic age at the middle reach areas of the Yangtze River. In 1988, it was listed in the third batch of important heritage sites under state protection by the State Council.

The Archaeological Park in this planning includes five site areas consisting of Qujialing, Zhongjialing, Zhongziba, Tudi Mountain and Dongwan Stoneware Site, covering an area of 89.96 hectares and accounting for 81% of the site areas.

Core value of the site

(1) Historical value

Qujialing Site is a prehistoric culture of the middle reaches of Yangtze River, a site named after "Qujialing Culture" as well as a large site for researching the formation and development of Qujialing culture, which provides a key support for the composition of archaeological culture pedigree of the middle Neolithic age at the middle reach areas of the Yangtze River.

Qujialing cultural stage is at an important historical period in the process of the origin and formation of Chinese civilization so that the excavation and research on the Site has important significance on the study of Chinese civilization, which demonstrates that the Yangtze River basin is another birthplace of Chinese civilization as important as the Yellow River basin.

(2) Scientific value

Potteries unearthed and rice hulls mixed into the sintering soil discovered from the Qujialing Site are important scientific data for paddy agriculture study in China.

The normalized fabrication of exquisite potteries in mass under the Qujialing Site reflects that the pottery making technique with a fast pottery wheel appear and popularize, which has significant scientific value.

It is found that mass use of sintering soil makes the buildings above the Qujialing Site well moistureproof, which establishes a typical example of the people who were adapting to the environment in living.

(3) Artistic value

A large number of unearthed potteries and decorative styles of the colored potteries reflect the aesthetic and artistic ideas of the people living at that time.

(4) Social value

Qujialing Site, known as one of areas indicative of the origin and the development of the civilization of the Yangtze River basin, is prominent in educational significance by virtue of its cultural heritage value, and is sufficient for playing a unique role in witness to history and promotion of traditional culture. In addition, it is an important patriotism education base in the field of social development in our country.

Qujialing Site has active effect on the promotion of ecological conservation in the locality.

The local residents attach great concern over the Site and feel pride for the Site and so the status, significance and development of the Site have become one of local social and cultural development themes.

General layout of the archaeological park

(1) Plan orientation

Plan orientation: to show the development processes of Qujialing from "farming in ancient times, agricultural cultivation in former years to agricultural valley today"; to drive the development of the surrounding areas relying on the concept of "China's Agricultural Valley" and liking with the "Qujialing Archaeological Park" so as to gradually create a Qujialing New Area integrating the functions of site preservation, tourism, recreation, research, etc.

Image orientation: "to show prehistoric civilization and to experience farming lifestyles". Qujialing Site, named after Qujialing culture in the Neolithic Age, is a settlement site of ancient humans. Qujialing Archaeological Park which displays the prehistoric civilization around production, living and so on has revealed various techniques such as farming, building, stone grinding, pottery making, fishing & hunting, pottery making with a wheel via a variety of ways. Meanwhile, interaction activities are additionally provided for the public fully experiencing the civilization of paddy cultivation and the farming culture.

Functional orientation: Qujialing Archaeological Park is a new suburb park as well as an exhibition area of paddy civilization in the Neolithic Age, which functions as preservation, archaeology, exhibition, education and research, and promotes the people having an understanding of the ownership forms and diversity of cultural heritage of humanity.

(2) Planning conception

The Qujialing Archaeological Park is designed based on the concept of full exploration and respect for the history of the Site while considering existing regional context and characteristics on spot as well as the features of the surrounding environment, such as times, scales, types. The relationship between the Site and the ground thereof has become a key to show and bear the features of the Park.

The core connotation of Qujialing culture lies in its history of faming culture in ancient China, especially in the achievements made in original period of paddy civilization at Yangtze River basin, which is an outstanding example of paddy agriculture in ancient China.

China has always been the origin as well as the most dominant paddy agriculture development area throughout the paddy development history and even in today's world development, and Jingmen has been one of advantageous development areas of roundgrained non-glutinous rice in China. The paddy cultivation of Qujialing areas keeps a continuous development. Now, an agricultural demonstration zone of China's Agricultural Valley will be settled in Jingmen, and the Qujialing Archaeological Park as a "place to inherit farming culture of China" will become an important part of the zone.

After an in-depth research on ancient and modern agricultural history and development at Jingmen and Qujialing areas, the Qujialing Archaeological Park will be treated as a "link" between the "paddy agriculture in ancient China" and the "construction of modern China's agricultural valley" to bridge historical agriculture and future agricultural valley, thereby fully and deeply presenting the agricultural history and development of Qujialing area and even Jingmen area to the public.

(3) Planning structure

General planning is structured by one ring, two zones, three areas, and four cores.

One ring refers to a ring road communicating four site areas;

Two zones refer to water landscape zones along Qingmu River and Qingmudang River;

Three areas include archaeological research, farming experience and tourist service areas;

Four cores include core presentation on Qujialing Site, Zhongjialing Site, Zhongziba Site, and Tudi Mountain Site.


褚冬竹:古人艰辛开创出与自然共生的稻作生产条件,世代相传,哺养了难以计数的中国人。由此源发的精神信仰、衣食住行、岁时节令、礼仪人情逐渐积淀,终成中华农耕文化的重要部分。如今,信息的捕获和传递是如此便利迅捷,而亲身体验、实物观察却成了难得的奢侈。农耕的本质便是与自然真实对话、赤诚相待,容不得半点虚假。如何实现“考古遗址”必须坚守的科学性、严谨性与“公园”的开放性、休闲性的深层融合,成为挑战规划者智慧的一道“大题”。时隔10余年,仍清晰记得电影《角斗士》中马克西蒙斯轻抚麦穗,丽莎·杰拉德低吟“The Wheat”旋律时悲怆却心存希望的画面——那是对“家园”的最高礼赞。这份规划,不仅有保护、研究、科普,更是一份关于“家园”和“故土”的答卷。



CHU Dongzhu: The rice production condition that the ancients created is symbiotic with nature, which has been passed down from generation to generation and fed numerous Chinese people. The spiritual beliefs, basic necessities of life, seasons, the gradual accumulation of human etiquette originating from the production eventually became an essential part of Chinese farming culture. Nowadays, information is spreading in such a rapid speed that it is a luxury to observe relevant objects in person. Farming is fundamentally a heart-to-heart dialogue with nature, allowing not a bit of pretense. Then, how to well combine an "archaeological site" that has to adhere to scientificity and rigidity with an open and recreational "park" is a big issue challenging planners. Though ten years has passed since I had watched the movie Gladiator, I can still remember clearly a sorrowful yet hopeful scene in which Maximus is stroking the ear of wheat while Lisa Gerrard crooning the melody of "the Wheat" - it is the highest praise for home. The planning for the Qujialing Archaeological Park aims not only at protection, research, and dissemination, it is also an answer sheet explaining what "home" and "homeland" mean.

ZHANG Jin: At present, archaeological park is a proposition more policy-oriented than research-driven. To a large extent, it aims to seize a large-scale land for archaeological sites during China's rapid process of urbanization. It is therefore far from to present an archaeological site. Under this circumstance, core urban areas, urban fringes and wilderness areas are treated differently. For different demands of archaeologists, conservators, heritage authorities and local governments, there exist great controversies with regard to planning contents, objectives, measures and duration. Archaeological park planning is therefore at a exploratory stage. The planning for Qujialing Archaeological Park presents a targeted response and serves as a model to archaeological sites far away from the urban. It integrates ecological agriculture with heritage exhibition to create a landscape of original ecology. As its concept matches the cultural connotation of heritage, the planning has avoided conflicts among different interest parties to the utmost.

Detailed Planning of Qujialing Archaeological Park, Jingmen, Hubei, China

Project Design:TANG Yuyang/Beijing Jiangong Architectural Design and Research Institute/Academy of Architectural Heritage, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture/Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics

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