
2014-04-06 06:02:39
世界建筑 2014年12期











Dear Reader,

In this issue of World Architecture, we focus on preservation projects in contemporary China.

The zealous reception of modernity in modern China used to result in voluntary separations with our own history. Firstly, there was the Cultural Revolution from the 1960s to 1970s, the historical argument of which still lingers around in China quite unlike its political argument. Secondly, there has been the consumerism and mass communication from the 1990s up to now. We genuinely believed that Banham's "There isn't a city in the world that wouldn't benefit from some ruthless modernization." and Sting's "History will teach us nothing." are omens of a new and better civilization. Finally, we come to the understanding now that no culture can be forged rapidly by sheer courage and passion. For every culture there is a root. And our root resides right in the history that we have chosen to forget.

Yet what a hard mission it is to retake history. After the mainstream narrative has turned history from "the simply bad" to "the simply good", what we see in all Chinese preservation projects is the stark contrasts between a will of "the simply good" and a reality of the consistently complicated. There are the contradictions between historical authenticity and economic viability. There are conflicts between the local life style of the aboriginal community and the global life style of the newly gentrified community. There are clashes between the honesty of recording the morphological evolution and the scenography of forging a whole scale historical appearance. And so on. Every preservation project is destined to be a focus of public controversy. Everyone who steers such a project needs to be not only intellectual, but also brave.

Fortunately, there are always brave intellectuals, like the ones that we are publishing in this issue. Whether coming from an academic, engineering or administrative background, they share one thing in common: the true love of history of the place. It is out of this love that all of them have tried to connect the memories of the past to the lives of the present in a creative way, even if this means more controversy and more unpredictability.

We do hope that every architect today would have the same love of historytoday, history is one of the few things that still can humble an arrogant architect. For one who has been repetitively washed by the beliefs of modernity (or "post-modernity"), the biggest irony would be that, after a lifetime of endeavors trying to separate from history, in the end he (she) finds out the he (she) has never truly left it.

Our special thanks to Professor LU Zhou who made this issue possible.

Editor-in-Chief (2013-), World Architecture

Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

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