报刊英语,“主要指英美报刊,乃至英美记者或专栏作家作品中所使用的英语”[1]。作为英语的一个语体 (genre),报刊英语一直被学者关注和研究。早在20世纪60年代,英国学者David Crystal&Derek Davy就研究过报刊英语[2]。此外,Geoffrey S.Land[3-4]和 美 国 学 者 Brian S.Brooks[5],Paul Sanderson[6],Terry L.Fredrickson & Paul F.Wedel[7]都曾对报刊英语作过深入的研究。在国内先后研究报刊英语的有:王佐良[8]、周学艺[9]、侯维瑞[10]、端木义万[11]、张健[12]、刘宓庆[13]等学者。这些研究内容广泛,包括语篇特点、结构特点、语法特点、修辞特点、词汇特点、标点特点等,对培养报刊英语阅读能力、提高报刊英语阅读水平、了解报刊英语文化知识诸方面有重要的指导意义。但笔者发现,以上研究在报刊英语的词汇方面还有进一步深入的空间。鉴于此,本文试图对报刊英语的词汇特点作进一步的探讨。
例1 The Chinese government continued Tuesday to duck questions about Xi’s whereabouts.(The Washington Post,Sept.11,2012)
例2 Japanese government officials have made the case that the purchase should do little to fray ties with Beijing.(The Washington Post,Sept.11,2012)
例3 The cancellation of the Clinton meeting was also seen as a possible snub,to show the Beijing leaderships’pique with the Obama administration’s China policies.(The Washington Post,Sept.11,2012)
例4 A prominent Chinese writer has been barred from leaving China to attend a literary festival next week in Australia,the writerand festival officials said on Monday.(The Washington Post,May 2,2011)
例5 On Friday,China’s foreign ministry welcomed the decision,which capped years of exhaustive diplomatic efforts to have Mr.Lai returned to China to stand trial.(New York Times,Jul.27,2011)
例6 A political drive to extend the EU bonus cap beyond the banking sector was stopped in its tracks on Wednesday as the bloc’s main legislative body narrowly voted against strict curbs on retail fund managers’pay.(Financial Times,Jul.3,2013)
例7 Thousands gathered Tuesday in New York,suburban Washington and rural Pennsylvania to mark the 11th anniversary of the Sept.11 attacks,but at the somber day’s biggest venue,Ground Zero in lower Manhattan,this year’s observance was missing a key feature from years past:politicians’voices.(New York Times,Sept.11,2012)
例1中的duck=avoid;例2中的fray=damage,ties=relations;例3中的snub=cold treatment,pique=dissatisfaction;例4中的bar=prevent;例5中的cap=complete;例6中的drive=campaign,curb=control;例7中的mark=celebrate。这样的短小词在报刊英语中比比皆是,不胜枚举。张健教授列出了158个[12]4。而笔者研究发现,这类报刊英语中常用的小词超过200个,限于篇幅,不一一列出。
(1)由旧词剪短 (clipping)构成,如co-ops(cooperations合作),coml(commercial商业广告),frat(fraternity 博爱),Govt.(government政府),homo(homosexual同性恋),mod(modern现代的),sub(submarine潜水艇),univ(university大学)。
(2)由两个词剪短后再合成,如heliport(helicopter+airport直升飞机场),terrorilla(terrorism+guerrilla 游击恐怖战),Euromart(European+market欧洲市场),humint=(human+intelligence间谍情报),psywar=(psychological+warfare心理战)。
(3)由首字母缩略(acronym)构成,如OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织),SOE(State-Owned Enterprise国有企业),IMF(International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织),SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Talks战略武器限制谈判)。
例8 And after all,if IAEA does want to cosy up to China,those oil execs are the ones it needs to please,as the report notes.(Financial Times,Apr.1,2011)
IAEA=International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构
例9 U.S.officials will discuss this week with NATO allies the possibility of establishing a military training mission for Libya’s fledgling security forces,defense officials said Monday,as Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel arrived in Brussels for a meeting of defense chiefs.(The Washington Post,Jun.7,2013)
NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织
例10 The treaty bans the development and possession of nukes among ASEAN member nations and requires each state to declare whether nuclear-powered ships or nuclear-armed aircraft are visiting or passing through their territory.(Financial Times,Oct.30,2006)
nukes=nuclear weapons核武器
ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
例11 A recent letter by their(American automobile companies)supportersin theU.S.Congress,all Democrats,have pressured the Obama administration not to accept Japanese participation in TPP talks.(Wall Street Journal,Mar.21,2013)
TPP=Trans-Pacific Partnership跨太平洋伙伴关系
例12 John McCain,who recently traveled to Gitmo with White House ChiefofStaffDenis McDonough,praised theadministration’srenewed efforts on the issue.(Newsweek,Jul.31,2013)
Gitmo=Guantánamo(Bay Prison)关塔那摩湾监狱
例如民主党总统候选人奥巴马 (Barack Obama)在2008年11月大选中击败共和党对手麦凯恩 (John McCain)担任美国总统,并于2012年连任美国总统后,用他名字杜撰的词汇Obamacare(奥巴马倡导的医保计划)、Obamacrime(奥巴马罪行)、Obamacracy(奥巴马式民主)、Obamaian(奥巴马色彩的)、Obamanism(奥巴马政策)、Obamanise(推行奥巴马政策)、Obamanite(奥巴马支持者)、Obamanization(奥巴马政策的执行)、Obamanomics(奥巴马经济政策)等等频频出现在英美各大报刊上。请看下面例13至例17:
例13 Obamacare,conservatives promised,would raise your taxes,take away your doctor and possibly put you in front of a death panel.The fight to keep it from passing was a fight to keep bad things from happening.(The Washington Post,Aug.2,2013)
例14 In the Obamaian universe,the units of the private economy—companies large or small—are satellites orbiting the great fixed planet of public spending.(Wall Street Journal,Feb.27,2013)
例15 Obamacracy in Egypt:Wealthy Arab Tourists Buy Under-aged Egyptian Girls For Sex Slaves.(New York Post,July 2,2012)
例16 Another defect of Obamanomics was that part of the increased spending authorized by the 2009 stimulus bill was held back.(Wall Street Journal,Jun.30,2010)
例17 Thomas A.Daschle,a stalwart Obamanite,nominated to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services,did not pay more than$128 000 in taxes over three years,a revelation that poses a potential obstacle to his Senate confirmation.(The Washington Post,Jan.31,2009)
(1)合成词:把两个或两个以上的词按照一定的次序排列构成的新词。例如:aid-fatigue援助疲劳;infant industry初创企业;skysleeper飞机卧铺;stakeholder利益攸关方;street smarts应对城市生活困难的技能。
(2)拼缀词:由两个截短的旧词再合成而构成的词。例如:c’wealth=commonwealth 联邦;dawk(dove+hawk)中间派;Demopulican(Democratic+Republican)(美国)民主党内的保守派;ecothug(ecology+thug)生态破坏者;edutainment(education+entertainment)寓教于乐。
(4)逆生词:去掉被误认为的后缀而产生的新词。例如:attrition→to attrit消耗,preemption→to preempt先发制人,escalation→to escalate逐步升级,cosy→to cose使感到舒服,lazy→to laze偷懒,muckraker→to muckrake搜集报道丑闻。
(5)类比词:仿照原有的同类词而创造出的对应词或近似词。例如:由landscape(风景)类比出:cityscape市景,moonscape月景,marscape火星表面,netscape网景。由air pollution(空气污染)类比出:light pollution光污染,noise pollution噪音污染,heat pollution热污染,culture pollution文化污染,vision pollution视觉污染,graffiti pollution涂鸦污染,spiritual pollution精神污染。
例18 The contrast with President Reagan’s antirecession and pro-growth measures in 1981 is striking.Reagan reduced marginal and corporate tax rates and slowed the growth of nondefense spending.(Wall Street Journal,Jun.30,2010)
例19 The capsule,containing the astronaut,known as a “taikonaut”,oryunhangyuan in Chinese,is scheduled to orbit Earth before touching down near the Jiuchuan launch station in the Gobi Desert,1 000 miles west of Beijing.(The Washington Post,Oct.15,2003)
2003年10月15日,中国神舟五号载人飞船成功将航天员杨利伟送入太空后,西方各大媒体纷纷予以报道,该句就摘自当天的《华盛顿邮报》。作者John Pomfret杜撰了taikonaut这个词,指“中国宇航员”。taikonaut由taikong太空 (汉语拼音)和astronaut(宇航员)拼缀而构成。此外,作者还用了“宇航员”的汉语拼音yunhangyuan来解释taikonaut。
例20 The strange disappearance from public view of China’s presumptive new leader is turning a year that was supposed to showcase the Communist Party’s stability into something of an annus horribilis.(New York Times,Sept.10,2012)
笔者在新华书店查遍了所有的英汉词典,都没有找到annus horribilis的中文翻译。但是通过分析,很容易发现文章作者是按照拉丁词annus mirabilis(惊喜之年)用类比法杜撰了annus horribilis这个词,不难猜出其意思是“恐怖之年”。了解一定的构词知识对猜测杜撰词词义,提高英语报刊阅读能力大有裨益。
报刊英语词汇的另一个显著特点就是外来词的大量涌现。当新闻记者在报道外国或新近出现的事物时,为了吸引读者的兴趣,或表达某词的内涵,或烘托一种气氛,经常使用外来词。有些外来词由于经常使用,已经完全英语化了,如 kowtow(磕头)、abattoir(屠宰场)、vanilla(香精)、kamikaze(冒险的)等;有些尚未完全英语化,使用时大多印成斜体字,如ad hoc(特别的)、bona fide(真诚的)、de facto(事实上)、debut(初次登台)、en route(在途中)、rapprochement(和睦,亲善)等。
例21 In his(Roh Moo-hyun卢武铉)2002 election campaign,he promised never to kowtow to the Americans .(The Washington Post,May 24,2009)
例22 NATO lost its raison detre at the end of the Cold War,a view shared by many who live in NATO member countries.(China Daily,Apr.22,1999)
例23 The quid pro quo that Mr.Bashir is offering is clear:Accept him as legitimate president and set aside the war crimes indictment,and he will allow southern Sudan to go peacefully and will preserve the fragile peace in Darfur.(The Washington Post,May 2,2010)
quid pro quo来自拉丁语,意思是“交换物”。
例24 China is consciously copying the Japanese model of economic development and transforming its state-owned enterprises into Japanese-style zaibatsu.(U.S.News &World Report,Mar.22,1998)
例25 The other party for financial aficionado was thrown by none other than Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Management to open posh new 40 000-squarefoot office in Capital Square on Church Street.(Asian Business,1999,P47)
例26 While the coastal region has steamrollered ahead and made China into the world’s factory floor,the western provinces have been exploited than developed—used for their natural resources and a penal colony,a nuclear testing zone and Lebensraum for China’s people.(Prospect,Jun.4,2009)
例27 Words like glasnost(openness)and perestroika(restructuring)began to replacethe gradually outmoded Leninist philosophies that had become warped under Stalin and Andropov.(Foreign Affairs,May 12,2012)
例28 In the wake of Kim’s sudden death on Dec.17,it is the military brass who will be firmly in control of the country,even as the young Kim Jong Un formally becomes what the Koreans call the Suryong(supreme leader).(Time,Dec.22,2011)
例29 Saddam Hussein outlawed them,but when we paid with American lives to hand Iraq back to Iranian-backed Shiites, mut’ah(temporary marriage),was legalized and is common there now.(New York Post,Jul.2,2012)
例30 At the times,only unions were legally permitted to supply labor under a law designed to break yakuza(the Japanese Mafia)control over labours in such industries as stevedoring and construction.(Asian Business,P56,Apr.1996)
例31 The wars were hidden from view.Access was severelyrestricted,especiallyon the Russian side where the most controversial,dangerous and secret work was carried out by the Spetsnaz—Russia’s elite special-forces units.(The Sunday Times,Oct.31,2010)
例32 One of the complaints of the traditional teaching system was that it was geared towards the gaokao,a series of final exams that decided which university a studentcould attend.(FarEastern Economic Review,P43,Jul./Aug.2006)
例33 On Saturday night at Adawiya Square,where 200 were shot dead by the Egyptian security forces,I didn’t see any major American TV channels covering the massacre in Egypt.I didn't see the CNN reporters at Adawiya Square who covered the demonstrations in istanbul live over more than 10 hours.(Today’s Zaman 《今日时代报》Jul.29,2013)
例34 Mr.Panetta’s weeklong mission to Japan,China and New Zealand is intended to show allies that Washington’s strategic rebalancing toward Asia is a reality,not just a rhetoric.(New York Times,Sept.19,2012)
例35 In recent weeks,more Syrians have been entertaining the notion of not only violent resistance,but of imposed no-fly zones,arms transfers,safe havens and even ground troops.(New York Times,Oct.21,2011)
例36 So it is likely that the government will stand behind the some 2.1 trillion renminbi of outstanding ministry ofrailwaysdebts.(New York Times,Aug.15,2011)
例37 The third side of the triangle is,of course, low growth itself, which threatens to condemn the whole Continent to a decade of high unemployment.(New York Times,Jul.11,2011)
例38 NATO continued its precision strikes against regime military installations in Tripoli overnight,including striking a known command and control building in the Bab al-Aziziyah neighbourhood shortly after 1800 GMT Saturday.(The Washington Post,May 2,2011)
例39 He(President Obama)also requested a long-term plan to rein in the debt projected to spiral in coming decades as the baby boom generation retires and beginslaying claim to SocialSecurity and Medicare.(The Washington Post,Nov.11,2010)
例40 But Mr.Ishihara has reserved his fiercestattacks for the Japanese establishment,especially the country’s bureaucrats—a sentiment that has resonated with a public weary of governance widely seen as ineffective at best and cronyism at worst.(New York Times,Oct.25,2012)
例41 “Our rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region is not an attempt to contain China,”Mr.Panetta said Wednesday in a speech to People’s Liberation Army officers and cadets.“It is an attempt to engage China and expand its role in the Pacific.”(New York Times,Sept.19,2012)
例42 In his own White House,Mr.Bush is encouraging a different chemistry with the man who has taken his place.(New York Times,Apr.24,1989)
遗憾的是,端木义万教授在其编著的《美英报刊阅读教程》[11]一书中不慎把chemistry一词也理解错了。原书132页注释27如下:Under such hermetic conditions,the chemistry has proved volatile and relations explosive.书中的译文是“在这种炼金术般情况下,化学物很容易挥发,关系很容易爆炸”。显然,该句中的“chemistry”不是“化学”,而是“两人之间的关系”。笔者冒昧试译如下:“在这种封闭的环境下,个人之间的关系易于恶化,团体之间的纽带极其脆弱。”
[2]Crystal D,Davy D.Investigating English Style[M].London:Longman Group Ltd,1969.
[3]Geoffrey L.What the Papers Say:Key to the Exercises[M].London:Longman Publishing Company,1981.
[4]Geoffrey L.Behind the Headlines[M].London:Longman Group Limited,1989.
[5]Brooks B S,KennedyG,Moen D R,etal.News Reporting and Writing[M].New York:St.Martin’s Press,1992.
[6]Sanderson P.UsingNewspaper in Classroom [M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1999.
[7]Fredrickson T L,Wedel P F.English by Newspaper:How to Read and Understand an English Language Newspaper[M].Rowley,Mass:Newbury House,1984.