The Stories of Number One数字“一”的故事

2014-03-18 01:34何苗
中学生英语·中考指导版 2014年2期


There are many expressions with numbers. Let us start with the number one. Numbers can be tricky(棘手的). On the one hand, they are simply numbers. On the other hand, they have meanings. I for one use these expressions a lot.


Many people consider themselves number one, the most important person. They are always looking out for number one and taking care of number one. It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. Some people however, are not so self-centered. My brother is such a person. It is true—no joke. I am not trying to pull a fast one on you.


First, you have to understand that my brother is one in a million. He is such a nice person. All his friends like him. They consider him one of the boys. Recently, my brother had a bad day at the office. It was just one of those days. Nothing went right. So he stopped at a local bar — a drinking place — after work. My brother planned to have a glass of beer with his friends — a quick one before he went home. But a quick one turned into one or two, and soon those became one too many.


As my brother was leaving, he ordered a last drink — one for the road. His friends became concerned. One by one, they asked him if he was able to drive home safely.


Now my brother is a wise and calm person. He recognizes when he has had too much alcohol (酒精) to drink. So he accepted an offer for a ride home from a female friend.


At one time in the past, my brother had been in love with this woman. She is a great person — kind, thoughtful and intelligent — all good qualities rolled up into one. But sadly their relationship did not work. He always used to say “One of these days, I am going to marry this girl.” But that never happened.


For one thing, she did not love him as much as he loved her. It was just one of those things. The situation was regrettable (可惜的) and my brother had to accept it. But even now, he considers her the one that got away.


However, they are still friends. And because my brother had been kind to her, she felt that one good turn deserves another. He was good to her and she wanted to help him in return. So she drove him home.


If my brother had driven home from the bar that night, his number would have been up. Something bad would have happened. Thankfully he made it home safely. And, he and the woman are back to square one. They are back to where they started being friends.


Now, its your turn to guess the meaning of the expressions using number one!


1. on the one hand 在一方面

2. for one 举个例说;作为其中一个

3. number one 第一;最好;自己的利益

4. look out for number one/ take care of number one 先为自己着想;照顾自己的利益;为自己打算

5. one and only 唯一的

6. pull a fast one on 欺骗

7. one in a million 百里挑一;极稀有的人或事

8. one of the boys 真正的玩友;其中的一员

9. one of those days 一段倒霉的日子

10. a quick one 干一杯;喝两口;一饮而尽

11. one too many 多余的;过多的

12. one for the road 临行前最后一杯酒

13. one by one 一个接一个

14. at one time 曾经;一度

15. roll up into one 兼于一身;合为一体

16. one of these days 总有一天

17. for one thing 首先;一则

18. one of those things 不可避免的事;命中注定的事

19. the one that got away 离……而去的人;离开的人

20. one good turn deserves another 善有善报;以德报德;礼尚往来

21. number would have been up 就要完蛋了;就要遭殃了

22. back to square one 回到起点;重头再来

Wine ahead餐酒吧