Principal Architect: zHOU Yanmin
Chengguan Social Welfare Housing, Lasa, Tibet, China, 2011
Principal Architect: zHOU Yanmin
1.2 外景/Exterior views
The Chengguan Social Welfare Housing is located in the suburbs of Lhasa. The project sits on a 4200 m2site and provides 5400 m2of space for 150 residents. Our team analyzed the needs of the elderly population and carefully studied the social conventions of the region. Our design principles synthesized commitments to building in harmony with nature, providing for the operational requirements of the project and respecting local living habits. To maximize its social benefits, the public facilities of the project were designed to be open to villagers. Passages connect adjacent buildings and form several itinerant paths increasing service efficiency. To respect residents' religious beliefs a place for circumambulation was also provided. The welfare house, completed in July 2011, is widely appreciated by residents, villagers and the local government.
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 程晓青,王富青,温雅宸/
CHENG Xiaoqing, WANG Fuqing, WEN Yachen
建筑面积/Floor Area: 5400m2
摄影/Photos: 顾志琦/GU zhiqi
3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
4 西立面/West elevation
5 北立面/North elevation
1 高年级教学楼/Teaching building for senior class
2 书院/Garden for reading
3 清晨的校园/School in the morning
4 长廊/Corridor
5 细部/Detail
6 风雨操场/Gymnasium
7.8 细部/Details