Landscape Design: Department of Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University/Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Ltd.
Nuclear Memorial Park, Haibei, Qinghai, China, 2009
Landscape Design: Department of Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University/Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Ltd.
1 站在“高瞻远瞩”台上,透过青杨林望向和平之丘/Standing on the "overlook" platform, looking toward the Hill of Peace through populus cathayana woods.
2 青杨林形成东西向视廊/Populus cathayana woods forms an east-west view corridor
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目主持/Principal in Charge:朱育帆
设计团队/Design Team:刘静,姚玉君,郭湧,王丹,潘克宁,杨展展,张振威,唐健人,李烁,孟凡玉,魏方,杨觅,曹然,许愿
雕塑家团队/Sculpture Team:王涪波,李富军
设计面积/Area:12 hm2
设计时间/Design Period:2006-2009
The project, including a Memorial Hall and Park, was constructed in honor of the contributors to the creation of New China's atomic and hydrogen bombs. Haibei Prefecture has the distinguishing geomorphic features and bad weather conditions of the Qing-Tibet Plateau. The Populus cathayanain trees on the site, planted by the founder, form a 150m long view corridor. It is a strong impressive gesture that marks the starting point of the design. Mani stones-a profound symbol of the culture of the region-and rusted steel plate-recalling the earth-sheltered buildings of the detonation test site-are materials closely related to the natural features of the site and the memorialized event.They create the formal language of the project.
To protect the Populous cathayana, the design orients around an invisible north/south axis while assigning circulation through the site to a zigzag "Road of 596 (June, 1956)" through the woods. The path allows the interpretive narrative (about the development of the two bombs) to unfold linearly. It is an independent and unique route: a sightline between any point the target looming at distance is kept purposely clear. After the compaction of the route to the "Hill of Peace," there is release upon arrival. Moving through "Door of Peace" to the mountaintop, the prospect and overlook (reverence on natural world) enhances the spirit.
This memorial landscape fully understands and utilizes the natural elements and forces of the site. It uses metaphor and integrates historical remains, site information and a memorial spirit in a light way that discovers an earth-based design vocabulary and style.
3 场地文脉/Site context
4 玛尼墙与锈钢板墙构成延展的界面,通过精细的变截面设计来形成之字形路上丰富的空间变化/Mani wall and rusted steel plate wall constitute an extension interface and forms rich space variation of the zigzag road through elaborate variable section design.
5 景观叙事线索/Landscape narrative clue
6 平面/Plan
BAO Wei: Linear narrative space is an organizational device commonly used in museum design. This project eloquently adopts this approach as its landscape strategy. Existing Cathay poplar trees were chosen as the context against which the design's more composed landscape moments-its tangible story-telling program-plays out. Great sensibility is at work in both the formal composition and material selection of this outdoor museum.
QUE Zhenqing: Together the Mani wall-a metaphor of uncompromising confidence-and the rusted steel plate-representing the hard history of the development of Two-Bombs-describe a tension-filled memorial path. Along the path is traced by cathayana trees planted by the founder of the Atomic City and the voids left after the demolition of its buildings. The glorious epic of New China's generation of atomic and hydrogen bombs creates a solemn atmosphere. The sequence of represented events works in harmony with the undulating terrain, building towards a climax at the "Hill of Peace." On the vast plateau, under the endless sky, looking into the shining mirror pool and feeling the emptiness, visitors find emotional release and a kind of sublimated spiritually. Rooted in the earth, the park is designed to touch our souls.
7 下沉广场空间分析/Spatial analysis on the sunken square
8 山势绵延起伏,看似舒缓却蕴藏着地壳运动般的无穷张力/Rolling hills seem to be gentle, but contains infinite tension as the crustal movement.
9 在青杨的掩映下,人物群雕左顾右盼栩栩如生,“书信”故事的主人公夫妇仿佛穿越时空来相会/Amid the populus cathayana, group figure sculpture are animated as if the protagonist couple in the story of "letter" were passing through the time and space to meet each other.
10 在青杨的掩映下,人物群雕左顾右盼栩栩如生,“书信”故事的主人公夫妇仿佛穿越时空来相会/Amid the populus cathayana,group figure sculpture are animated as if the protagonist couple in the story of "letter" were passing through the time and space to meet each other.
12 青杨集中分布的区域成为最重要的情景展示场/The most centralized area of populus cathayana becomes the most important scene showground.
13 《在那遥远的地方》在和平之丘上回响/The song "In a Faraway Fairyland" is resounding above the Hill of Peace