
2014-02-18 09:41:16景观设计北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司
世界建筑 2014年2期


Landscape Design: Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Ltd.


Yanxiu Park, Liaoyang, Liaoning, China, 2012


Landscape Design: Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Ltd.

辽阳衍秀公园位于辽阳市河东新城起步区,太子河东岸,与老城区隔河相望。总长约1km,占地面积约28 hm2。










项目信息/Credits and Data

项目主持/Principal in Charge:胡洁

项目顾问/Project Consultation:安友丰,吕璐珊,David Clough,赵明

设计团队/Design Team:孙百宁,潘芙蓉,蔡丽红,梁超,滕晓漪,张凡,常广隶,范汉,朱闫明子,张申亮,胡子威

项目规模/Area:28 hm2

设计时间/Design Period:2011-2012

Yanxiu Park is part of the first phase development of Hedong New City in Liaoyang. It is separated from the old city by a 1km stretch of the Taizi River. The site is within a 28 hectare flood plain of sharp topographical shifts, steep slopes and complex embankment configurations-land on which development is difficult and buildings cannot and should not be built.

The primary planning objective was to resolve conflicts between environmental protection and human activities and to formulate a landscape design approach that would provide for flood control and minimize the potential for damage due to variations in water level during storm events.

Most of the park’s land area is above the 100 year flood elevation, so typically it is not flooded and allowed for good planting conditions. Concepts consistent with the design approach included:

(1) Dredging within the area to increase the depth and width of the lake and connect water bodies, in effect creating two parallel river ways.

(2) Creating a hidden dyke along the river's edge, making the mostly rectangular or trapezoidal section shape a twin section and creating a "soft planted" embankment along the river.

(3) Creating flora and fauna habitats.

(4) Providing water based or other activities for residents in non-flood seasons.

(5) Locating sites for recreational sports, various activities and amenities in comparatively high elevation areas.

(6) Planting interesting ornamental plants along the gentle riverbank slopes, forming open spaces with attractive visual effects within the urban landscape.

The design demonstrates a practical and economical approach to creating an attractive public park that preserves, restores and enhances the site’s original landscape elements of water, roads and planting. It improves and enriches the relationship between the site's natural and man-made spaces, creates a stable secure ecological balance and adds valuable amenities for local residents.

1.2 从空中俯瞰衍秀公园/Bird's-eye view of yanxiu park

3 从空中俯瞰衍秀公园/Bird's-eye view of yanxiu park

4 总平面/Master plan





DING Liyang: Regarding its particular location where water and land converge, the bench land is the generator that creates the species diversity and landscape features of the park. By wisely applying a number of strategies along the waterfront areas of the site, the designer tries to eliminate the threat of flood. The resulting design creates rich topographical conditions which in turn create diverse man-made and natural water bodies, an intriguing and safe waterfront platform, foster a colorful plant-community and open spaces. Together these features create a wonderful scene in the city.

HU Yike: A temporal landscape. Because the design regulates the water at the park, citizens have an opportunity to experience the many expressions of the river. Embankments and infrastructure created along the river form a dynamic landscape boundary, a setting that is psychologically and emotionally satisfying. Yanxiu Park is a landscape system with time attributes, its appeal lies in the interaction between landscape elements and people. Visitors engage the dynamic landscape through their behavior, activities, thoughts and emotions. The park offers the connected visitor the possibility of a diverse range of moving moments.

5 溪流/Stream

6 河道淹没区设计/River flood plain area design

7 植物景观/Plant landscape

8 木栈道/Wooden deck

9 从空中俯瞰衍秀公园/Bird's-eye view of yanxiu park

10 公园夜景/Night view of the park

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