
2014-02-18 09:41:12景观设计北京林业大学园林学院北京多义景观规划设计事务所
世界建筑 2014年2期


Landscape Design: School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University/Atelier DYJG


Garden of Hearts, Singapore, 2012


Landscape Design: School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University/Atelier DYJG

1 白色的帷幕在翠绿色的竹丛中展现出优美的非线性轮廓/ The serpentine veil takes on an elegant nonlinear appearance in the bamboo.



(1) 花园面积很小,如果想要创造空间的变化,最好用一种非常薄的材料来分隔空间,而游览路径则要尽可能长;

(2) 展览在室内进行,所以可以尝试一些非常规材料;

(3) 花园是临时性的,只能在展览开始前一周建造,所以它必须材料简单、建造简便,构件可以预制,通过高效的现场装配来完成。



2 鸟瞰/Bird's-eye view

项目信息/Credits and Data



项目主持/Principal in Charge:王向荣,林箐

设计团队/Design Team:王向荣,林箐,刘通,华锐,肖起发


设计时间/Design Period:2012

建设时间/Construction Period:2012

摄影/Photos: 王向荣,刘通

Garden of Hearts was one of 7 Fantasy Gardens in the 2012 Singapore Garden Festival, a 10 days biennial festival with an exhibition area of 100 square meters.

(1) The allotted garden area is so small that any spatial separation should be achieved by thin material and the path should be long.

(2) Because of the garden's interior location, some unusual materials can be tried.

(3) Since the garden is temporal and must be built in one week, it must be easy to using simple and prefabricated components that can be efficiently assembled on-site.

The final built version of this indoor garden installation turns the 10m×10m booth into a maze using bamboo and a white veil. Fixed to bamboo pillars and framed by steel wire, the soft fabric is a dramatic nonlinear presence. Enclosing, floating, winding and splitting, it produces infinite formal variations in the limited space. A gray stone path guides people away from the outside world and into this dreamlike garden. Elaborate lighting reveals the layers of space behind the translucent veil. At the center of the garden, a peaceful black pool with beautiful lotus serves as the focus of this Zen space. The faint smell of water lily, rising mist and meditation music work to cloak the garden in mystery. It is hoped that under its influence, visitors will sink into deep meditation and, perhaps, enlightenment.

This design reminds people of all cultures that a garden is not only a place for pleasure but also a situation for cultivating the soul.

3 花园结构/Garden structure

4 平面/Plan





ZHANG Lufeng:How can one create infinite variety within a limited space? How can one conjure illusory dreams using concrete materials? How can one express a sense of certainty when using temporary means and methods? How can one inspire visitors' souls via the experiences of their bodies? By using a minimal design element-a continuous translucent veil-the designer creates a complex maze with a series of flips and bends along the way. Walking through the space, one can feel the effect of "shadows whirling" and a "dense haze". But, in the end, do you feel more lost after waking up from an artificial dream?

ZHENG Xiaodi: Walking can be a form of meditation, a way to communicate with one's inner mind. This exhibition garden maximizes walking distance to allow visitors to from noise to tranquility, from the bustling world into self-awareness. Bamboo is a popular plant in exhibition gardens since it forms a dense volume effectively and instantly. Fine bamboo leaves provide detail and texture at eye-level. And the transparency of the screen was critical in this design-a screen that was too transparent would allow distraction, one that was too opaque could seem constraining. The translucent effect achieved creates the right conditions for endless imagining.

5 花园中央宁静的水池中盛开着美丽的莲花,成为这个禅意空间的焦点/In the center of the garden, a peaceful black pool contains beautiful lotus, acting as the focus of this Zen space.

6 镜面般的水池反射出莲花、翠竹和白色帷幕的倒影,仿若在水下还有另一个世界/The mirrorlike pool reflects the lotus, green bamboo and white veil, as if there is another world under water.

7 竹丛中蜿蜒曲折的白色帷幕/White veil twists in the bamboo

8 轻薄的帷幕分隔出神秘多样的空间/The light veil separates mysterious and varied spaces

9 竹子的光影投射在半透明的帷幕上,透出传统水墨画的意蕴/Shadows of the bamboo on the translucent veil, looks like a Chinese ink painting.

10-13 立面/Elevation

14 竹丛中的小径引导人们探索花园/Pathway guide visitors to explore the garden.

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