
2014-02-16 07:18李静
重庆与世界 2014年3期

□ 文/本刊记者 李静




▲ 荷兰驻渝领事馆媒体见面会。






▲ 荷兰驻渝总领事谭敬南。








近几年,重庆与荷兰经贸关系飞速发展,相互投资日趋紧密。荷兰在重庆对欧洲主要出口国和进口国排位中都稳居第2位。2011年6月,重庆市两江新区代表团赴荷,由荷兰国际贸易促进中心(NCH)和荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)共同组织的“亚洲投资热点推介会”,推介我市的两江新区。







Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing Launched(General)Consular Institutions in Chongqing up to 10

Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing Off i cially Launched

On January 8, 2014, the Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing held press conference, the Consul-General Mr. Guido Tielman said that Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing has been officially launched.So far,(general)consular institutions of foreign governments in Chongqing had reached 10.

Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing is the fourth consulate in China after opened in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, its consular district covering Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces(municipality).Netherlands government had been planning settling a Consulate-General in Chongqing for years, and three years ago governments of the two sides began to have discussions and eventually reached an agreement: the Netherlands will open a new consulate in Chongqing in China while China will open consulate in Curacao in the Dutch Caribbean.

In recent years, as Chongqing making great efforts opening to the world, more and more countries pay important attentions and looking for cooperation with Chongqing. Chongqing is becoming the economic center of Yangtze River upstream in China after more than 10 years of development, playing a strategy support and leading role in the process of West Development,it has became the window of Western China, consulates and foreign media institutions have settled in Chongqing, the number of foreign consular institutions in Chongqing ranks f i rst in the Midwest China,which took a solid step for Chongqing to build consular highland in the Midwest China.

Boosting More Netherlands Enterprises Opening in Chongqing

Mr. Guido Tielman said,the bilateral relations and cooperation between Netherlands and Chongqing will be greatly enhanced through the consulate as platform,and the newly built Chongqing- Xinjiang- Europe railway is also one of the important reasons.

One of the major tasks of Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing is to help the Netherlands companies explore markets in Western China, looking for Southwest local trade and investment partners. “Currently there are not many Netherlands companies in Chongqing,so we need to make more efforts to help more enterprises come to Chongqing.Of course,if Chinese companies are interested in Netherlands technology, we will also help them.We will continue to actively promote breeding technology, automotive industry, transport and logistics industry exchanges and cooperation in three areas in the next few months.Not only that, Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing will also look for opportunities of cooperation between Netherlands and Western China in education and culture in order to increase better understanding bwtween people from Netherlands and Western China.Economy and trade are important, but that's not the main value of life. ” Mr. Guido Tielman said that at present, one writer from Netherlands is writing a book on the history of Netherlands in Chongqing since the 19th century, he hoped it will be released at the opening ceremony of Netherlands Consulate-General in Chongqing later this year.

Mr. Guido Tielman told us that visa service will be operated in Chongqing in the future, "refers to Netherlands, everyone thinks of tulips and windmills, but famous artists such as Van Gogh is also from the Netherlands, where there are many famous museums.By the end of 2012, the Netherlands has received 200,000 Chinese tourists, holding 26% growth rate.I hope that in the future there will be more Chinese tourists and business people go to Netherlands, you won't be disappointed. ”

Consul General Also Has a "China Dream"

The Consul-General Mr. Guido Tielman is an old China hand,he can speak f l uent Chinese.During the interview he told the media that being served as Consul-General in Chongqing made his "China dream" come true.“For my personal side, my idol,the Netherlands diplomat, Robert Hans van Gulik was sent to the Netherlands Embassy in Chongqing to serve as First Secretary in March 1943.During this period, he worked and got married in Chongqing,which was his only work experience in China. ” Mr. Guido Tielman said, Robert Hans van Gulik composed Judge Dee reshaped the image of Judge Dee and endowed him with Sherlock Holmes of eastern version, this detective novel made Dee famous around the world, which is also his inspiration of studying Chinese.

Mr. Guido Tielman studied Chinese at Ryde College in Netherlands, he also came to Nanjing University to study Chinese in the 80 's of the last century, and then went to Taiwan University. “I had lived and worked in Taiwan for three years, so my mainland Chinese friends often tease me with my Taiwan accent. ”In 1995 Guido Tielman was posted to Beijing and worked in Netherlands Embassy for four years.

Guido Tielman started the preparation in Netherlands Consulate in Chongqing in September 2013, "I’m very honored that lay behind his footprints to set up a Consulate General of the Netherlands in Chongqing.In my career, I have two favorites, China and Europe, of course, China ranked first. ”He also disclosed that his wife came to Chongqing in November 2013 and started to study Chinese after settle down immediately.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin Inaugurating the Consulate-General of Myanmar in Chongqing国务委员兼外长王毅与缅甸外长温纳貌伦共同为缅甸驻重庆总领事馆揭牌
枷锁 ——阿伦德(荷兰)▲