Dear Sir:
Ihave pleasure to write you on behalf of one of our 1933 graduates of the Department of physics Mr.Wang Jwu Shi(Wang Chu-Chi).After he finished his undergraduate courses here,Mr.Wanghas also been a postgraduate student of the same Department for two years.Last summer he obtained a University Scholarship by passing a nation-wide competitive examination given by the University. Now Mr.Wang wishes to apply,with our approval,for admission into your Graduate School to do advanced study in Modern Physics under Professor P.A.M.Dirac,he also wishes to study Hydrodynamics from Professor G.I.Taylor,Nuclear Physics from LORD Rutherford,Quantum Theory from Professor R.H.Fowler,and Relativity from Sir A.S.Eddington.
Attached herewith please find two transcripts of Mr.Wang’s records both as an undergraduate and postgraduate student of this University.As you will see from these records,Mr.Wang obtains a very high grading from his professors here.
Ihope you will give this case your favorable consideration and advise us whether you would be able to admit Mr.Wang as a Regular Student into your Graduate School this coming fall.We would appreciate hearing from you at an early date so that the said studentmaymake the necessary preparation well ahead of time in connection with his trip to England.
Very sincerely yours,
For Y.C.Mei
P.S.Mr.Wang hasno choice as towhich college he should join,so hewill be satisfied to be admitted as a non-collegiate student.