
2014-02-02 13:04:59
自然科学史研究 2014年4期




Dear Prof.Dirac,

After this lapse of five years since Imet you atWisconsin,Ihope you can still rememberme.I have been away from China during the last year on an engineeringmission and Iam at present located in this small town in New Jersey.Iexpected to stay here only for a few weeks and Ishall go to Berlin.During these weeks Imay be able to make a visit to Princeton but if not I hope to see you in England or Europe.

Here isa little thing Iwant towrite you about.A very good friend ofmine,a classmate,Dr.P. Y.Chou,who received his Ph.D.with Bateman of C.I.T.&waswith Pauli in Zürich for a year or so,is at present professor of theoretical physics at Tsing Hua University,Peiping,which is by far the best university in our country.A student of his,Mr.C.C.Wang,who received his B.A.about1 and 1/2 years ago and hasbeen doing some research on theoretical physicswith Chou,is being sent to England on a Fellowship.He has published one paper on some problems connected with the boundary layer theory of Prandtl in the“Tsing Hua Science Reports”.This Mr.Wang would like very much to come to Cambridge,and,if possible,towork as a research student under you(working toward a PhD,Ibelieve).What I can really assure you is that the quality of the year’s graduate study at Tsing Hua University in the case of Mr.Wang is fully equal to that of an average American University,let us say Yale or Johns Hopkins in theoretical physics.Ido hope that you would consider thismatter and give Mr.Wang a“probation”when he comes to Cambridge.

Iwant to tell you a littlemore aboutwhat Ihave been doing butmy circumstances are so comp licated that onlymeeting you ata leisure daywill explain.Iexpect to go and stay around Berlin for the rest of year-again not in connection with physics at all.I shall be connected with the commercial attaché’s office of the Chinese Legation there as a technical assistant.My warmest personal regards from a memory of five years ago.

Yours sincerely

Shou Chin Wang

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