巴黎 (75)
面积12 000 平米造价/ 40 000 000欧
图像C. Wallon
Paris (75)
Completion 2017
ASSOCIE Architram
IMPORTANCE 1.200 m² shon / 40 M€ HT
DÉMARCHE Eco-conception
IMAGE C. Wallon
我们的方案涉及到巴黎四个新的地铁站:地铁14号线从目前的终点站 - 圣拉扎尔车站延伸,新站分别位于卡迪内桥、克利希门、克利希圣旺和圣旺市政厅。这个项目的构建的重要性在于满足了我们参与到整个城市协调发展的意愿。其空间将映衬出21世纪大都市的活力和热闹的城市氛围。
基于对新建筑图景的无限潜力的信心,我们秉承了一个开放而全局性的设计方法, 摒弃了先入为主的观念。撇开怀旧历史主义, 我们的任务是重新诠释并赋予地铁空间新的感官体验。我们的设计目标是:可持续发展,经济的手段,并且追寻城市的象征。对于地铁,可持续意味着维修的便捷,坚固顾耐用材料的选择和清晰的技术细节准则。 我们希望使用易于使用者识别的元素:陶瓷、石材玻璃等。 这些材料能在城市空间类似的位置被发现,如广场上的铺路石。诸如楼梯、自动扶梯、地铁等特定元素没有被刻意回避和消隐,它们有助于促进问题的解决,同时增强了品质。而空间得以从繁复中释放。
Our project concerns four new Parisian metro stations that will extend line 14 past its current st. lazare station terminus, with locations at Pont Cardinet, Porte de Clichy, Clichy st. Ouen, and Mairie de st.Ouen. Of particular importance for us in the envisioning of this project is the willingness to engage in coordinated urban development through the city. the space will exude the dynamic, urban, buzzing atmosphere of the 21st century metropolis.
Confident in the enormous potential of a new architectural image, we have maintained an open and global approach to the project, free of preconceived notions. leaving aside nostalgia and historicism, we have made our task one of reinterpreting and giving new sense to the metro’s space.Our architectural objectives are: sustainability, economy of means, the search for the symbolically urban. With regard to the metro, sustainability also involves its easy maintenance, a choice of durable materials, and the clarification of very precise technical detail guidelines. We wish to work with elements readily identi fi able by users: ceramic, stone, glass; elements found in urban spaces in similar placement, such as paving stones in public squares. Without leading to the exclusion or erasure of specific elements (stairwells, escalators, metro), it will help facilitate resolution of problems, while reinforcing the qualitative aspect. The space is freed of all super fl uous elements.