刘延华 梁志强 何发明 郑向阳 宋鹏 王磊 王平凡
刘延华 梁志强 何发明 郑向阳 宋鹏 王磊 王平凡
目的 探讨先天性矫正型大动脉转位(CCTGA)患者行形态三尖瓣置换的手术适应证及术后效果。方法 2007年至2012年河南省胸科医院收治CCTGA患者6例,男性5例,女性1例,年龄28~47(34.0±5.2)岁,术前心功能Ⅱ级1例、Ⅲ级5例(NYHA分级),术前合并室间隔缺损1例、房颤1例、完全性左束支传导阻滞1例、完全性右束支传导阻滞1例、Ⅰ°房室传导阻滞2例。术前形态右心室射血分数(49.0±13.2)%。6例患者均施行形态三尖瓣置换术,术后随访患者心功能、形态右心室射血分数等指标。结果 全组无住院死亡。随访13~72个月,1例患者术后41个月因主动脉夹层死亡,余5例均存活。人工瓣膜功能正常,心功能较术前明显改善,术后1年时心功能Ⅰ级2例、Ⅱ级3例、Ⅲ级1例(NYHA分级),与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后1年时形态右心室射血分数(48.0±5.6)%,与术前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 CCTGA患者行形态三尖瓣置换手术效果满意,能够防止形态右心室功能的进一步损害。
先天性矫正型大动脉转位(congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries,CCTGA)是一种心房与心室连接不一致、心室与动脉连接不一致而血流方向正常的复杂畸形[1],常合并房间隔缺损、室间隔缺损、肺动脉瓣狭窄等,目前多主张早期行双调转术以达到解剖矫治,并已取得良好效果[2]。无其他合并症的患者,早期多无症状,因先天性畸形、形态右心室维持体循环等原因,成年后常出现形态三尖瓣关闭不全(MTI)、形态右心室功能不全的症状而就诊。2007年至2012年我院共施行形态三尖瓣置换术(MTVR)6例,现对其临床资料进行回顾分析,总结手术适应证并评价手术效果。
1.1 研究对象 本组共6例患者,男性5例,女性1 例,年龄 28~47(34.0±5.2)岁,术前心功能Ⅱ级 1例、Ⅲ级5例(NYHA分级)。所有患者均经心脏彩超明确诊断,形态三尖瓣为中度以上关闭不全。术前合并室间隔缺损1例、房颤1例、完全性左束支传导阻滞1例、完全性右束支传导阻滞1例、Ⅰ°房室传导阻滞2例。术前心胸比(0.58±0.01),术前形态右心室射血分数(49.0±13.2)%。
1.2 手术方式 经胸骨正中切口,升主动脉插供血管,上、下腔静脉插静脉引流管建立体外循环,经主动脉根部灌注冷氧合血停跳液。经形态右心房-房间隔入路,剪除病变形态三尖瓣,从心房侧进针,间断褥式双头针带垫片,缝合置入人工瓣膜。所有患者均置入人工机械瓣膜,其中ATS机械瓣27 mm、29 mm各2枚,St Jude机械瓣27 mm、29 mm各1枚。同期行室间隔缺损修补术1例,术后心表放置临时起搏导线2例。
全组无住院死亡。气管插管时间8~33(16.0±4.9)h,ICU 停留时间 1~3 d,引流 230~720 (380±170)ml。随访13~72个月,1例患者术后41个月因主动脉夹层死亡,余5例均存活。人工瓣膜功能正常,无瓣周漏。心功能较术前明显改善,术后1年时心功能Ⅰ级2例、Ⅱ级3例、Ⅲ级1例(NYHA分级),与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后1年时形态右心室射血分数(48.0±5.6)%,与术前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
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Outcomes of themorphologic tricuspid valve replacement for patients w ith congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries
LIU Yan-hua,LIANG Zhi-qiang,HE Fa-ming,et al.Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,Henan Chest Hospital,Zhengzhou 450008,China
Objective To investigate the surgical indications and the results of morphologic tricuspid valve replacement for congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries(CCTGA).M ethods From 2007 to 2012,6 cases with CCTGA were treated in Henan Chest Hospital.There were 5 male and 1 female,aged from 28 to 47 years(34.0±5.2)years.Of the 6 cases,1 was in grade Ⅱ and 5 were in grade Ⅲ according to New York Heart classification(NYHA).There was 1 complicated with ventricular septal defect,1 complicated with atrial fibrillation,1 complicated with complete left bundle branch block,1 complicated with complete right bundle branch block,2 complicated with first degree atrioventricular block.The preoperative mean morphologic right ventricle ejection fraction was (49.0±13.2)%.6 patients had undergonemorphologic tricuspid valve replacement.Postoperative indices such as cardiac function and morphological right ventricle ejection fraction were followed up.Results There was no death in hospital.During the follow-up of 13-72 months,1 patient died of aortic dissection 41 months after the surgery,the other 5 patients survived with normal function of the prosthetic valve.The cardiac function of the cases was significantly improved.When one year after the surgery,2 was in gradeⅠ,3 was in gradeⅡ and 1 were in gradeⅢ according to New York Heart classification(NYHA),while the differences were significant after treatment.There was no statistical significance between preoperative and postoperative mean morphologic right ventricle ejection fraction when one year after the surgery.Conclusion Morphologic tricuspid valve replacement can prevent the further damage tomorphologic right ventricular function with satisfactory results.
Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries;Morphologic tricuspid valve replacement;Morphologic right ventricular function
450008 郑州市,河南省胸科医院心血管外科