考研英语图表作文的写作指令有两点:① Interpret the chart;② Give your comments。在上期的文章中,笔者介绍了考研英语图表作文第一段(图表描述段)的写作要领(具体请参看《新东方英语》2013年12月号《考研英语图表作文图表描述段写作攻略》一文)。在作文的第二段,考生要完成写作指令中的第二项任务——Give your comments。虽然写作指令要求考生“给出你的评论”,但并没有明确要求考生评论什么,这就为考生发挥主动性留下了空间。笔者建议考生在第二段分析原因,理由如下:首先,既然第一段已经给出了图表所反映的主要内容,那么第二段分析其产生的原因显得顺理成章;其次,从降低写作难度的角度来说,分析原因一般都可以从两三个方面展开,这样段落显得层次清楚、条理清晰。
社会现象类: 深入分析,详尽透彻
Whats behind this phenomenon? Some students work part-time to make pocket money. With living costs soaring, students from disadvantaged backgrounds are eager to help ease their familys financial burden. Others take a part-time job to know the society better. Take John, a junior at Shanghai University, who is now working at KFC as a waiter. The only son of a well-to-do family, he never lacks money, but he is very happy waiting tables which he says has helped him realize the hardship of making money. The most important factor, however, is perhaps the forbidding job market. With the competition at job fairs getting increasingly fierce, many college students, especially seniors, want to accumulate sorely needed work experience by working as a part-timer.
There are a number of factors behind this change. The most important one is the rapid development of the Chinese auto industry, which now turns out cars reaching or approaching international standards in reliability and fuel efficiency. Low pricing also contributes to the popularity of domestic brands of cars, which usually cost only one third or even one fifth the price of imported autos. On the other hand, the recent spate of recall scandals of Japanese cars has scared away potential buyers in China. Besides, the right-wing views of some Japanese politicians have led many young Chinese to boycott Japanese cars.
Several factors may shed light on the difference. Employees between 41 and 50 bear the brunt of work stress. It is precisely these workers who often have to work overtime and travel on business. No surprise workers in this age bracket harbor the most grievances. For workers over 50, who are reaping the fruits of their long service, life is easy and comfortable, so they tend to be satisfied with their work. A third of workers under 40 are dissatisfied because they are not provided with ample scope for their potential.
Despite the lead, Chinese car makers, rather than being smug about the achievement, should redouble efforts in order to compete successfully in the global market with such auto giants as General Motors, Toyota and Volkswagen.
Middle-aged and young workers are too valuable an asset for any company to neglect. The figures bode ill for the companys future. It is time for executives to take effective measures to improve the situation.
Though part-time jobs bring some benefits, too much work is definitely detrimental to students studies. It is advisable for college students to strike a balance between study and work.
The rapid growth in American population coincides with widespread extinction of wildlife in the U.S. As is shown in the line graphs, America witnessed a population explosion from 1 million to nearly 80 million in the 19th century. In the meantime, the number of extinct species in the U.S. rose from 30 to 70.