
2013-10-23 01:38:38作者纳塔利格力罗
世界建筑导报 2013年6期









图1 (fig.1)CREDIT:D.A.Horchner/DesignWorkshopOne of Design Workshop’s signature projects, Daybreak, a 4,126-acre (1,670-hectare)new community just 25 miles (40 kilometers)from Utah’s capital, Salt Lake City, illustrates the value and power of incorporating a research-based methodology into design.DW的一个标志性项目,Daybreak,4126英亩(1670公顷)的新社区,离犹他州的首府盐湖城仅25英里(40公里),说明了将研究为基础的方法转化为设计的价值和力量。
















图2 、图3(fig.2andfig.3)CREDIT:D.A.Horchner/DesignWorkshopOnce the largest open-pit copper mine in the world, Daybreak is now the largest master-planned community in Utah and boasts an extensive trail system, recreational water features, active sports f elds, community vegetable gardens, performance space, and demonstration gardens of native plants.曾经是世界上最大的露天铜矿,Daybreak如今是犹他州最大的总体规划社区并拥有一个广泛的步道系统、娱乐性水景、活跃的运动场地、社区菜园、表演空间以及本地植物示范园。


































图4 (fig.4)CREDIT:D.A.Horchner/DesignWorkshopAcanallinedwithpoplarwindrowsrecallstheculturallandscapeofMormonpioneersandcreatesapopularwadingarea.Thecanalcarriesstormandlake-outfallwaterandleadstoaseriesofconstructedwetlandsthataerateandremovetoxinsfromthewater.两旁排列着白杨树的人工水渠使人想起摩门教拓荒者的文化景观,并创造了一个受欢迎的浅水区。水渠将洪水和湖泊排出水引向一系列的可以净化水质的人工湿地。














图5 (fig.5)CREDIT:D.A.Horchner/DesignWorkshopA stormwater inf ltration basin f lled with native grasses at the Daybreak Information Center celebrates the on-surface stormwater management infrastructure of the community. Walls created from recycled stone from Bingham Mine express the local mining heritage.在Daybreak信息中心长满本地牧草的雨水渗透洼地强调并展示社区的表面雨水管理设施。从宾厄姆矿回收石材砌成的墙壁表达了当地的矿业遗产。


“The trap is always to enslave one set of skills and values to the other . DW Legacy Design®embraces broad and measurable goals across dif fering skill sets and value systems, and it takes on the challenge of a rational approach to design.”

Those words, from Design Workshop Chief Design Off cer Todd Johnson, speak to the enormity of the task those at Design Workshop have set out for themselves – to provide innovative, ever-evolving, all-inclusive design thinking and solutions that emerge from principles which have developed from years of practice.

A key to fulf lling this self-imposed mandate is to create designs that are evidence-based– design built around measurable targets and built upon acquired data that inform the f rm’s continually increasing knowledge base.

Following the maxim “what gets measured gets done,” Design W orkshop’s chosen research methodology is centered on metrics, enabling the firm to measure the efficiency, performance, progress, or quality of its work against a project’s intended goals. While fully cognizant that no list of measurement topics could wholly encompass the wide breadth and scope of all that is landscape architecture or even of the complexities and variances of just one specific project, Design W orkshop employs its metrics-based process on every project as both a checklist and an opportunity for discovery to help teams determine project goals and envision the benefits those accomplished goals will bring.iThese performance measures provide a baseline from which to start, but the outcome of each project is tailored to its unique circumstances

and objectives. On a given project, the real power of evidence and DW Legacy Design®relies on the transparency and the relevance of the metrics. They must be related to desired outcomes while also working in concert with the other chosen metrics.

The firm’s decision to focus on this research-based methodology is most concisely explained by Chairman Kurt Culbertson’s words in an early 2002 firm memo as this process was being established, “These metrics can become a common vocabulary against which to evaluate our progress.”iiThe firm believes that an evidence-based approach – whether centered around metrics like Design W orkshop’s or not – is the profession’s key both to monitoring success and shortfalls in planning and built work and to learning from them. (see f g. 1)

The Quadruple Bottom Line Approach

DW Legacy Design®is Design W orkshop’s comprehensive, evidence-based research and practice methodology based on four categories – the traditional elements of landscape architecture (art and environment)combined with what it believes are components of equal value: community and economics. The f rm’s philosophy of design in the context of these categories is:

Environment: Human existence depends on recognizing the value of natural systems and organizing its own activities to protect them. Design should fit purpose to the conditions of the land in ways that support future generations and drive value for the long term.

Economics: The flow of capital that is required to develop a project and the capital generated over its life de f nes economic viability. Design should seek to create longterm economic mechanisms that promote and protect the integrity of a place.

Community: Physical connections between people create the cultures of families,groups, towns, cities, and nations and are the foundation upon which they prosper .Design should organize these communities in order to nurture relationships and promote mutual tolerance.

Art: Aesthetics help def ne the real, distinct places that bring meaning to life and act as a restorative inf uence on the human spirit. Design should incorporate art to inspire and rejuvenate, boost economic value, support viability, and attract capital, thereby helping to ensure a project's longevity.

Design Workshop has always believed that the most compelling places are those where environment, economics, community, and art intersect. (The f rm refers to this as the quadruple-bottom-line.iii)Long before the f rm off cially def ned its DW Legacy Design®process in the late 1990s, team members were infusing these principles into project work. In the pages that follow, deeper explanations of the f rm’s perspective on each category will emerge, as will examples and the narrative about its process from one of its signature projects, Daybreak, a 4,126-acre (1,670-hectare)new community in South Jordan, Utah.

The story of Daybreak, highlighted here, speaks to the value and power of incorporating a research-based methodology into design work. This narrative describes ef forts such as exceptional methods employed for protecting and restoring the environment and the use of design and aesthetics to reinvigorate a community’s economy. These are good examples to advance the notion that excellence and rigor in the practice of landscape architecture and related disciplines can produce results that meet the needs and goals of today while preserving opportunities for tomorrow. Design Workshop notes that measurement in any of these categories contributes little to the success of our communities, our cultural life, and the f nancial and long-term stability and sustainability of our world if the metrics employed are completed in a vacuum. Design W orkshop believes the power of its methodology is due to its holistic fusion of all four categories.(see f g. 2 and f g. 3)


Regarding the environment as part of the design and planning process should be second nature to those in the design professions who shape the built environment. From Patrick Geddes and Ian McHarg to Anne Whiston Spirn and Charles Waldheim, leading thinkers in academic and professional landscape architecture practice have emphasized the need for design to take its cue from the surrounding natural environment and either create – or re-create – functional natural systems.

However it is more than just designers who are aware of the environment and humanity’s impact and dependence on it. Global warming and atmospheric changes have caused many people – political leaders, planners, architects, economists,environmentalists, and the general public – to think about the environment as more than just measures of sustainability, energy eff ciency, and emissions. Collectively, we now widely believe that we cannot use the earth’s natural resources without, at the same time, creating impacts on the ability of future generations to enjoy a quality of life equal to ours. This is true not only for non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels but also for renewable resources like air and water. In today’s world, environment is the primary concern upon which our collective future depends.

Design Workshop’s consideration of environmental impacts and goals in its design process is grounded in the idea that design solutions, to be truly measurable and meaningful, must be based, in part, on empirical, replicable scientific research and data. This means establishing metrics to monitor and model such things as energy use, building and landscape performance, and client use patterns over time. It means continually comparing and refining these factors so that landscapes, buildings,communities, cities, and even countries can lessen their impact on the environment and improve performance.

The term “environmental metrics” implies that measuring and comparing issues of air quality, stormwater quality and re-use, energy, wildlife habitat, noise pollution reduction,open space preservation or creation and many other quantitative elements are essential to the ultimate success of a project. Simply stated, however, a baseline establishes the existing condition of what is being measured and substantial data helps to identify a target performance for improvement. And while the metrics are typically quantitative rather than qualitative, they point to the inherent need in landscape architecture and community design for measurable results that indicate an awareness of the cause and effect of our actions on our surrounding natural environment.

The Daybreak Community, located just 25 miles (40 kilometers)from Utah’s capital, Salt Lake City, was carefully planned with both recognition of the cause-ef fect nature of our actions as well as with the intent to enrich present and future generations with a beautiful community, plentiful water, and clean air. The community’s developer, Kennecott Land,charged Design Workshop to create a framework of parks and open space for its new community, which is situated in a fragile, high-desert environment where conventional,water-intensive development and manicured terrains are neither sustainable nor desired. To meet local stormwater regulations and fit into the environmental context,the team designed Daybreak’s public parks and open space to be visually engaging yet environmentally sustainable.

Water | In any design discussion that incorporates environmental considerations, water use must be paramount. W ater is a constant in our everyday lives. It is the singlemost important human need we have: we need it to drink, cook and clean; we need it for sanitation and f re protection. We need it to live. And, as such, issues including stormwater management, regional water use, water use reduction, water conservation and/or wastewater technologies surround nearly every project.

Specifically with the Daybreak Community, the public landscapes were designed to shift the prevailing paradigm of greening the desert with extensive water use by demonstrating effective and eff cient ways to create beautiful and rich environments with responsible water use. (see f g. 4)

Since South Jordan’s average annual precipitation is just 18.18 inches (46.2 centimeters), water is a precious commodity at Daybreak.ivDesigners created a system that captures, cleans and infiltrates 100 percent of stormwater that falls on the site into the ground through a series of connected bio-swales, basins, and constructed wetlands including Oquirrh Lake (a 65-acre/26.3-hectare lake that is the community’s central organizing feature)during large storm events. The system reduces runof frelated pollution, prevents downstream f ooding, and helps to recharge the local aquifer.The design eliminates the need for any connections to the city’s municipal stormwater system. This is remarkable considering that most residential communities in Utah require the stormwater capture and in f ltration of a 10-year/24-hour storm. This means that in a 100-year storm event, the Daybreak Community is capturing and in f ltrating 44 percent more runoff than most other Utah communities. A secondary water system,connected to the regional canal network, supplies the entire open-space system and Oquirrh Lake with raw water for irrigation needs rather than using the municipality’s potable water. (see f g. 5)

It is worth noting that the benefits of Daybreak’s stormwater infrastructure alone are more than merely environmental. Engineers estimate over $70 million ($432 million Renminbi [RMB])in stormwater infrastructure savings over the life of the Daybreak project due to the elimination of municipal impact fees and the dramatic reduction in conventional conveyance infrastructure. This estimate includes $30 million ($185.1 RMB)in residential impact fees, residential entitlements by owner, and reduced inground infrastructure. Additionally, this infrastructure offers community benef t because it creates parks and gathering spaces as well as an aesthetic benef t because it creates a beautiful network of open spaces. These statistics illustrate the power of the integrated nature of Design Workshop’s design philosophy.

In addition to ef ficient stormwater management, Daybreak boasts of high water conservation rates. By using low-flow fixtures in each home, high-tech irrigation systems, and the installation of native drought-tolerant plants, Daybreak homes save an average of 5,206 gallons of water each month when measured against comparable homes in older neighborhoods.vAs of August 2009, the community’s 2,106 homes had saved over 41,000 gallons (155,202 liters)of water per home for a total of 79,759,877 gallons (301.9 million liters)saved.vi

Native and Water-wise Planting | The benef ts of re-introducing native or water-wise plants to a given landscape are many. These plants can help meet the needs of native wildlife (such as habitat and food)without causing long-term damage to local plant communities. They help prevent the introduction of invasive, exotic plants into a region.And, native plants generally grow well, require fewer pesticides, and – as mentioned above – need less water.vii(see f g. 6 )

Design Workshop chose native plants including bitterbrush (Purshia tridentate),elderberry (Sambucus), and rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa)to connect Daybreak to its natural history, including wildlife corridors that run to the mountains and vegetative patterns of the area. With Founders V illage, the first village completed within the community, 72 percent of the parks and open space system is native or water-wise plant material. (Irrigated turf was limited to required active play f elds.)

Overall the incorporation of native and water-wise plants into the landscape has been beneficial in that it has conserved large volumes of water, as explained above, and has provided habitat for fish, small mammals, and waterfowl that annually traverse the Great Salt Lake migratory bird f yaway. The Audubon Society of Utah has been watching bird species since the construction of the lake and its wetlands. To date, they have documented and identif ed over 100 species of birds at the lake.

Along with the benef ts of using native and water-wise plants, Design Workshop learned a few important lessons at Daybreak that it has since incorporated into the design of future Daybreak villages as well as into more recent projects (Lowry Development, a 1,848-acre [747.9-hectare]former U.S. Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado and Blue Hole Regional Park, a 126-acre [51-hectare]nature preserve in Wimberley, Texas). The Design Workshop team found cultural acceptance of native grasses by homeowners and prospective buyers to be challenging because the grasses can appear to be weedy and unkempt until the meadows begin to mature and re-seed themselves, a process which typically takes several seasons. In addition, the design team learned that residents accept and understand the intent of the native meadows and plantings much more readily when the native landscape is framed with a more traditional, manicured landscape. A simple two-foot (0.6-meter)lawn swath next to a path that transitioned into large tracts of native planting frames the meadow and signif es the intentional nature of the meadow creation and is understood by a much wider audience. In addition, the design team learned that if a more native landscape was installed prior to the selling of lots or building of homes, the future homeowners were more able to accept it than if planting were installed after a resident bought a home. (see f g. 7)

Carbon Footprint | Much has been made of late regarding reducing development’s carbon footprint. It has been proven that large carbon footprints have harmful ef fects on the environment – including climate change, the depletion of resources, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. The best methods of reducing carbon footprints include reducing consumption, recycling waste, and reusing materials.viii

Design Workshop helped the Daybreak Community reduce its carbon footprint by decreasing the need for motorized transportation. The open space system was designed to be located within a five-minute (or 0.25-mile/0.4-kilometer)walk from every home. The system then contains trails, pathways, and links to all major community destinations such as schools, churches, village centers, and light-rail stations. These walkable neighborhoods have caused 88 percent of Daybreak students to walk to school, compared to 17 percent in surrounding, less-walkable neighborhoods.ixThere are 22 miles (35.4 kilometers)of trails throughout the community, and the developers have plans to create many more in future villages.These efforts have so far kept a total of 8,505.6 tons (7.7 million kilograms)of carbon from entering the atmosphere (which is akin to saving what would have been the impact of 177 standard U.S. households).x(see f g. 8)

Another way Design Workshop helped Daybreak reduce its carbon footprint is through recycling and reuse of existing materials. Builders and contractors recycled more than three fourths of their construction waste. And 43,500 tons (39.5 million kilograms)of waste rock from the adjacent Bingham Copper Mine has been utilized in walls and gabion baskets within the parks and open space system. The gabion walls have become an iconic element in the Daybreak landscape. They are used throughout the community for many dif ferent purposes and help tie the aesthetic to the site and its connection to the Bingham Copper Mine.


Evidence of economic success in the marketplace is typically obvious if balance sheets and basic economic principles are the sole points of measurement. For example, if the expected outcome of an endeavor is positive (meaning that the numbers add up to favor even the most pragmatic of investors), then the bottom line should equal a net prof t. Economic measurement is our most familiar and well-tested system of metrics. In real estate development projects, Return on investment (ROI)is a popular performance measure because of its versatility and simplicity. It is used to evaluate the ef f ciency of an investment or to compare the ef f ciency of a number of dif ferent investments. If an investment does not have a positive ROI, or if there are other opportunities with a higher ROI, then intuitively, the investment should not be undertaken.

The precision needed to establish economic feasibility and impact starts at the beginning of a project with the determination of an intended result. Once this is in place, the critical questions are developed and the metrics – clear and accepted standards and guidelines for what constitutes “credible evidence” – are established so that successes and failures may be documented, shared, and either built upon or, conversely, not repeated.However, for many companies, true success is no longer measured by focusing on the bottom line of f nancial performance alone. It now also includes measuring social and cultural ramif cations, environmental impacts, and quality of life indicators. In landscape architecture, design, and planning, this quadruple-bottom-line approach is the key to establishing evidence and points for measurement. Without guidelines in place for each of these categories, developers and landscape architects are hard-pressed to measure outcomes and establish proof of success or failure.

The guidelines established and the outcomes measured at the Daybreak Community illustrate the effectiveness of this approach. The financial returns to the developer and the region have been profound and, as with all Design W orkshop projects, these positive financial results were strengthened by the fusion of economic viability with environmental acuity, community collaboration, and aesthetic identity. Once again,the real power of evidence relies on the transparency of the metrics and their ability to coincide with one another.

Environmental Conservation | Increasingly, sustainability efforts are proving to benef t more than just the planet, but people and prof ts as well. And, for a development project,when the value of resources conserved or restored exceeds the value of the resources expended, the project is a f nancial success.

Such is the case for Daybreak. Many established sustainability initiatives have contributed to the enormous financial success of the community. As previously mentioned, the use of on-surface stormwater management systems eliminated stormwater impact fees and greatly reduced underground piping, infrastructure and maintenance, saving an estimated $70 million ($432 million RMB). Also, over $1.6 million ($9.9 million RMB)in concrete and transportation costs have been saved by recycling construction waste and reusing materials onsite.

In addition, as all homes built at Daybreak are required to be Energy Star®-rated,homeowners are already saving an average of up to $400 ($2,466 RMB)on utility costs annually.xi

Return on Investment (ROI)| The target ROI for each project takes into consideration the nature of the local market, other investment opportunities, the risk in the project, and the attitude of the investor(s). The goal is for the developers/investors to make more money than they invested.

Daybreak’s parks and open-space system has created value in the community for the land owner, homeowners, and future tenants and has provided enormous ROI to the developer. With $67.3 million ($414.9 million RMB)spent to date for design,consultation, and construction costs, Daybreak has been the top-selling new home community in Utah since 2009; one in five new homes sold in Salt Lake County is located in Daybreak. Also in 2009, Daybreak was ranked as the sixth best-selling master-planned community in the entire United States. The developer’s commitment to have all homes close to parks or open space has paid off: one-third of all homes face open space and thereby command premium prices and resale values of greater than 10 percent over other locations.xii(see f g. 9)

Employment | Part of the success of any new community development is how many jobs and how much revenue the development brings to a region.

Daybreak has been planned to create 20,000 new jobs by full build-out. The regional light rail system has just been extended into Daybreak’s planned town center and development of the f rst commercial buildings (such as the new South Jordan Medical Center complete with 24-hour emergency room, primary care facilities and medical off ces, Rio Tinto Regional Center [Headquarters to Kennecott Utah Copper – Utah’s largest private economic driver], and many small retailers at SoDa Row)are just being

completed. The Town Center will eventually be home to corporate of f ce headquarters,a regional full-service hospital, regional retail destinations, urban townhomes,condominiums and apartments, and perhaps, a university campus. Daybreak’s design and layout has drawn these entities into the community and will bring numerous jobs to the region.


The modern and decentralized American city – where housing is geographically separated from the workplace by great distances – created an entire nation reliant upon the automobile. Communities were fractured, social interaction was curtailed, physical health declined, and lack of public investment in central parts of cities resulted in a complete abandonment and cessation of the traditional city center.

To overcome this relational and physical breakdown, planners, designers, and developers are now creating places that encourage a dif ferent quality of life through physical activity; sustainable design; and the creation of public spaces and communities connected by trails, open space, and gathering areas. Designing these elements into new community plans can play a signif cant role in elevating the positions of community and the ways in which people interact with one another – thus reversing declines in public health, urban sprawl, auto-centric and auto-dependent neighborhoods, and environmental degradation.

Urban streetscapes – designed here to be pedestrian friendly and to create connections between residential neighborhoods and parklands – have proven to generate positive health impacts on residents. An increase in daily activity levels brings about decreases in obesity and the onset of diseases related to inactivity. In addition, neighborhood green space reduces crime and increases the sense of safety in a community. It also creates the potential for a more socially sustainable, cohesive community that can improve social capital and civic engagement. On a global level, urban green spaces help conserve natural ecosystem functions by improving air quality, protecting watersheds,and connecting wildlife habitats. The increases in tree cover, green roofs, and native vegetation can help reduce urban heat island ef fect, thereby reducing energy demands and fuels consumption which, in turn, creates greenhouse gasses. Added vegetation also acts as a carbon sink, reducing carbon dioxide levels. Green streets get people out of their cars and out on their feet and bicycles. (see f g. 10)

Performance-based measurements that relate directly to the improvement of the community, both physically and spiritually, are interchangeable with environmental,economic, and aesthetic standards. And, as evidenced by the examples that follow from the Daybreak Community, measurement lies at the heart of a desire to provide locations and opportunities for people to interact. This is accomplished by observing the ways in which a community integrates its multiple human networks, the methods in which design elevates these networks and intersections at places in the community, and the means by which people interact with one another and their environment in these spaces.

Walkability | To combat a community’s reliance on the automobile, developers and designers now strive to create locations that embrace and celebrate pedestrian mobility.Walkable neighborhoods provide so much more than the environmental benefit of reducing vehicle emissions. They have been proven to advance the physical health of residents and to increase social interaction among neighbors. (see f g. 11)

While it has already been noted that the Daybreak Community’s walkable neighborhoods (where amenities are within a 0.25-mile/0.4-kilometer walk from every home)have provided enormous environmental advantage, the community benefits are notable as well. Daybreak’s walkable design encourages face-to-face interaction and connects residents with each other; in addition, the extensive trail system links neighborhoods to schools, churches, community centers, and nearby Oquirrh Lake. In 2010, a report noted that 88 percent of Daybreak students walk to school, compared to 17 percent in surrounding, less-walkable neighborhoods. While no data currently exists to prove the health benef t specif c to Daybreak’s walkable neighborhoods, it is accepted that the benefits of walkability are best guaranteed if the entire system (and not just certain specialized routes)of public corridors is walkable, which is something certainly true of the Daybreak Community.xiiiAs this development matures in years to come,Design Workshop hopes to have more substantial documentation and quantifiable evidence to support the specif c health impacts of Daybreak’s walkable design.

Open Space | The value provided by urban open space is substantial. Ecologically,open space offers a home for natural species in environments that are otherwise uninhabitable due to city development. Aesthetically, the benef t is obvious – open space supplies beauty and respite to an otherwise gray landscape. And, recreationally, open space provides opportunities for active and passive pursuits and for interaction among neighbors. (see f g. 12 and f g. 13)

Public landscapes form the backbone of the social and cultural systems at Daybreak. Of the 4,100 acres (1,659 hectares)in the entire development, up to 1,000 acres (404.7 hectares)are planned for parks and open space. Each component of the system, including the more than 22 miles (35.4 kilometers)of passive trails,recreational water features, active sporting activities, performance space, and native demonstration gardens, is carefully designed and programmed to play a specific role in community life and sized and located to appropriately serve the demographics of each specif c Daybreak village. As mentioned previously, the open space network was planned to be interconnected, intentionally promoting walkability and stormwater conveyance routes. This design concept illustrates the effectiveness of Design Workshop’s integrated approach.

Community Gardens | Community gardens and urban farms integrated into community plans are gaining ground in the United States. Such plans attract residents, support local farms, provide economic development, create opportunities for neighbor/broad community interaction, and provide educational opportunities for people of all ages. (see f g. 14)

Within Daybreak’s current open space network, there are six community gardens with over 250 individual garden plots that provide community gardens for approximately 3 percent of the current population. The gardens, carrying on a tradition of self-suff ciency in the mountain valleys or the W estern United States and teaching residents about responsible landscape methods within the Great Basin ecology, have proved to be so successful that the developer was prompted to insert additional gardens into open space areas where they had not been originally planned. Future goals are to provide enough community gardens to support up to 10 percent of the community’s population.


The f nal Legacy category, Art, may be the most dif f cult one to measure and quantify and therefore, the most dif ficult category for which to create ef fective metrics. When art is applied within landscape architecture, its success becomes even more complex and diff cult to measure. After all, how does one explain something which is subtle or bold, public or private, ostracized for its statement or adored for its appeal, criticized or celebrated, excessive or re f ned, transitory or timeless? In addition, how does one measure the value of something so open to subjectivity and opinion?

Any discussion about “measuring” the impacts of art or aesthetics must begin with a disclosure of def nitions. For this discussion, art is de f ned as a dimensional attraction– something that adds artistic value to an environment, whether a public space, a street corner, or a building façade. Aesthetics def ne how things look. It is a method for characterizing beauty and feeling. Both include some level of subjectivity; however, the very act of evaluating art or aesthetics is vital to a project because it establishes a range of opinions that launch a framework for addressing basic questions such as meaning,permanence, innovation, and authenticity. DW Legacy Design®suggests that two methodologies can be applied to measuring art: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative metrics are those which can be counted: the numbers of art pieces included in a project,the inclusion of an art museum, performing arts center, or public arts programming in a project; whether a visual artist was engaged in a collaborative process; or what venues for public performance are included in the design. Public reaction to these issues is vital to measuring outcomes. W as the public engaged in the public art process, or asked to assess the visual quality of an existing landscape or to comment on the quality of a proposed design? Is there a contingent valuation methodology in place that addresses the public’s willingness to pay for public art and accept the responsibility that comes with adding community benefit to a landscape? Does public art foster opportunity for a community to discuss and determine its approach to art or its collective idea of art’s value? Qualitative metrics are a bit more nebulous, suggesting that “good” art(subjectively def ned as beautiful, charismatic, or ful f lling a communal need)attracts similar components. While such measures don’t ensure a consistent end result, they do increase the chances that a successful aesthetic component or identity will be a part of the end result. (see f g. 15)

When used to achieve a speci f c outcome, art, in any form, becomes measurable because it is attached to something with identity and character. The intellectual and emotional content inherent in the creation of a space – from the compositional idea to the spatial layout to the materials used – becomes a showcase. Measurement can be applied to the manner in which these ideas converge, including the applied aesthetics and narrative qualities inherent in the art itself, and the health and human safety of the community that interacts with the art.If art becomes a successful focal point by elevating the community culture and stability of the surrounding environment, then it has probably succeeded in intent. The number of art pieces present in a streetscape or the existence of a performing arts center in a new community is no doubt important, but far more essential to this discussion is the qualitative authenticity of the art. If art – in whatever form it takes – adds signi f cance and distinction, then it has achieved a specif c outcome and it can be measured.

The Daybreak Community’s art is the community structure and its native aesthetic.Quantitative evidence of the value of these elements is challenging to obtain; however,proof of their aesthetic value can be perceived from the community’s economic,environmental, and community successes, as have been discussed earlier. The obvious correlation is that, once again, achieved targets in any of the four Legacy categories will produce impacts and affect elements in some or all of the remaining categories.

Site Specif city | Design Workshop feels that taking the site’s location into account while planning and designing helps link a project to its surroundings. Using site specificity as a design strategy requires a thorough understanding of the cultural, environmental,and economic systems at work. In addition, it helps dif ferentiate the project from other locations and experiences, allowing residents and visitors to feel deeply connected to the site and also to the region in which it sits and the people who live there. This sense of place and identity can imbue an area as large as a region or de f ne an area as small as a village or garden.

For the Daybreak Community, the design intent was to root the landscape within its region and create a new authentic, forward-thinking, Rocky Mountain landscape that acknowledges the past while it meets the environmental challenges of today and embraces fresh aesthetic forms. The landscapes are intentional, artistic expressions of their natural and cultural context. Innovative, geometric landforms and battered gabion walls constructed of reclaimed waste rock from the Bingham Mine express connections to the region’s heritage. The forms recall the geometrical waste rock slopes of the mine that is the backdrop to the community but are softened by native grasses and plant communities. Since the community is a man-made construction, no attempt was made to make the open space look “natural” or like unspoiled nature. Rather the manmade nature of the project was celebrated through intention, geometric forms that were planted with water-wise plants – nature AND culture, environment AND community were fused to create a new aesthetic rooted in the environmental and cultural context of the community. Instead of going to waste, over 43,500 tons (39.5 million kilograms)of recycled mine rock were re-used throughout the landscape. This reinforces connections to the mine through the color, texture and forms that can be seen on the hillsides behind the community. Native plants including bitterbrush, elderberry, and rabbitbrush connect the community to its natural history and create wildlife corridors that run to the mountains and replicate native the region’s vegetative patterns. (see f g. 16)

Hillside Park offers a sculpted landscape abstraction of natural foothill forms and vernacular water courses. The water canal serves as an outfall and aeration channel for newly constructed Oquirrh Lake and carries water to the constructed wetlands below. Poplar windrows along the canal recall the iconic early Mormon pioneer tree plantings along irrigation ditches that W estern writer Wallace Stegner dubbed “The Mormon Landscape.” The riparian corridor fosters wildlife habitat and supports a growing cottonwood gallery. Water courses also serve as a storm water conveyance system leading to infiltration basins where 100 percent of a 100-year storm is inf ltrated into the ground.

Toward Synthesis

As previously mentioned, Design W orkshop believes that the most compelling places are those where environment, economics, community, and art intersect. And, relatedly,one of the f rm’s highest pursuits has been to prove the value of this belief, which it has aimed to do through a performance-based research methodology. This methodology allows the firm to gauge the progress, execution, and quality of its work against a project’s intended goals. The transparency and relevance of the metrics relate to desired outcomes while they also work toward synthesis with the other chosen objectives.

A comprehensive look into how Design W orkshop employed its performance-based methodology into the parks and open space network of South Jordan, Utah’s Daybreak Community, illustrates the impact of this process on the region as well as on the f rm itself. The project’s narrative provides examples to advance the notion that quality, rigor,and accountability in the practice of landscape architecture will generate results that meet today’s needs and goals while preserving opportunities for tomorrow.

Whether centered around metrics like Design W orkshop’s or not, an evidencebased approach is landscape architecture’s key to analyzing and to learning from accomplishments and failures in planning and built work. Individuals and firms who undertake this approach will discover value and great benefit to themselves, their projects and the profession overall.


i As Atul Gawande explains in his 2009 book The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, published by Picador,“[Checklists]not only offer the possibility of verif i cation but also instill a kind of discipline of higher performance” (p 36)and “Checklists…established a higher standard of baseline performance” (pg 39). Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. New York, New York: Picador, 2009.

ii Kurt Culbertson. Memo to Design Workshop Staff. “Metrics for Sustainability,” January 6, 2002.

iii This quadruple-bottom-line approach is an expansion of triple-bottom-line (TBL)accounting, a phrase fi rst coined by Freer Spreckley in the 1981 publication ‘Social Audit – A Management Took for Co-operative Working’ which expands traditional reporting to include environmental and social performance in addition to fi nancial performance.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_bottom_line. [accessed May 15, 2013].

iv http://www.usa.com/south-jordan-ut-weather.htm [accessed June 15, 2013].

v “The results of a sustained effort.” http://www.daybreakutah.com/why/sustainability/learn-more [accessed May 12, 2013].

vi “Daybreak Environmentally Friendly Real Estate, But How?” http://inside-real-estate.com/leeyoungblood/2009/08/19/daybreak-environmentally-friendly-real-estate-but-how/ [accessed May 12, 2013].

vii “Benef i ts of Going Native.” http://www.ncsu.edu/goingnative/whygo/benef i ts.html [accessed May 12, 2013].

viii “Carbon Footprint.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint [accessed May 12, 2013].

ix If you build it, will they walk to school? http://daybreak-beta.location3.com/if-you-build-it-will-they-walk-to-school[accessed June 16, 2012].

x The average U.S. household’s carbon footprint is 48 tons of carbon dioxide per year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint [accessed May 12, 2013].

xi Geoffrey J. Booth. “The Sustainability Dividend: Environmental Science delivers Kennecott Land a competitive advantage.” Developer Magazine, 26-32.

xii Ibid.

xiii “Walkability.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkability [accessed May 10, 2013].

About the author:

Natalie Grillo has over 10 years’ experience in writing, editing and public relations. A graduate of Taylor University,she began her career in non-pro f t communications and public relations, working speci f cally to create, ref ne and streamline all marketing and communications program collateral. In 2005, she accepted a position with Design Workshop where she served, in part, as both writer and editor on a variety of projects until 2013. Now a freelance writer, Natalie excels in clear, direct and appropriate communication for a given audience or project.

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