
2013-09-12 11:12:50常晓丽董征刘莎姚波满秋红刘铁强李玉芳刘志强刘广贤艾辉胜郭梅
解放军医学杂志 2013年5期




目的探讨伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的临床特点、治疗及预后情况。方法报告1例APL伴t(11;17) (q23;21),分析其细胞形态学、免疫学、细胞遗传学及分子遗传学特点,并对近20年国内外相关文献进行复习。结果本例患者为男性,35岁,白细胞计数38.17×109/L,骨髓早幼粒细胞88.5%,细胞核规则,无Auer's小体,PLZF-RARA融合基因阳性。染色体核型:46,XY,t(11;17)(q23;q21)。诊断:APL伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)。治疗采用亚砷酸、全反式维甲酸(ATRA)和大剂量阿糖胞苷(2g/m2,总量24g,3个疗程)联合化疗,随访至2013年2月,患者完全缓解已10个月。国内外文献已报道伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的APL患者20例,年龄23~75(48.9±16.3)岁,其中男性占90%。3例单用维甲酸治疗的患者中2例死于早期并发症,应用维甲酸联合诱导化疗的10例患者中6例在11~56个月死于复发,1例死于早期脓毒血症,提示大多数病例对维甲酸治疗疗效欠佳。结论伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的APL是一种少见变异型,具有重要的形态学和临床特点。延长亚砷酸治疗时间,采用亚砷酸、全反式维甲酸和大剂量阿糖胞苷联合化疗方案可能对缓解病情和患者存活有益。


急性早幼粒细胞白血病(acute promyelocytic leukemia,APL)的典型特征是伴有t(15;17)(q22;21)染色体易位,并形成特征性PML/RARA融合基因,其多数对维甲酸及砷剂治疗敏感[1-4]。但有5%~10%的APL患者缺乏这种典型的染色体改变[2-6],伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的APL就是其中一种罕见而独特的变异类型,其基因学特点是11号染色体上的早幼粒细胞白血病锌指基因(promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger,PLZF)与位于17号染色体的RARA基因发生融合,而且此类患者对全反式维甲酸(ATRA)不敏感,对砷剂及化疗的反应目前亦无统一的报道[7-12]。军事医学科学院附属医院血液科经治1例伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的APL患者,经亚砷酸、维甲酸联合化疗治疗取得较好疗效,已达持续完全缓解(complete response,CR)期,现就其临床和实验室特点并结合文献讨论报道如下。

1 病例资料

患者,男,35岁,因“周身乏力1年,发热16d”于2012-02-14入院。血常规:白细胞38.17×109/L,血红蛋白72g/L,血小板100×109/ L;出凝血功能:凝血酶原时间(PT) 15.2s,活动度57%,纤维蛋白原定量(FIB)0.47g/L,部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)不凝,凝血酶时间(TT) 21.3s,纤维蛋白降解产物(FDP)72.8μg/ml,伴全身多发出血倾向。骨髓形态学检查提示:①骨髓异常颗粒增多的早幼粒细胞占88.5%,胞核多规则,染色质固缩;②胞体大,胞质丰富,胞质粗颗粒型占31%,细颗粒型57.5%;③未见Auer's小体(图1A)。外周血白细胞分类:早幼粒细胞64%。免疫组化:过氧化物酶(POX)、特异性酯酶(CE)染色阳性率均为100%,非特异性酯酶(NSE)染色阳性率为68%,氟化钠(NaF)抑制试验阴性;PLZF-RARA融合基因定性阳性;PLZF-RARA/ABL1=86.78%。FISH分析间期细胞400个,未见含典型PML/RARA融合信号的细胞,而3R2G信号模式(无BCR/ABL融合基因的异常信号模式)细胞364个,占91%;2R1G1Y信号模式(DC-DFFISH融合信号特征)细胞24个,占6%,提示可能是涉及17q21的RARA基因的少见变异型易位(图1C)。染色体R显带核型分析示46,XY,t(11;17)(q23;q21) [3]/46,XY,?del(9q),t(11;17)[2]/46,XY[9]核型(图2A)。免疫分型:cMPO 77.7%、CD33 38.8%、CD13 92.8%、CD64 22.6%、CD15 26.1%、CD117 44.8%、CD56 63.4%。诊断为伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)易位的APL。


图1 诱导化疗前后骨髓形态学及FISH分析结果对比Fig.1 Comparison of marrow morphology and FISH analysis before and after induction chemotherapyA. Morphology of bone marrow before induction chemotherapy (Arrows indicate the nuclear in regular shape, cytoplasmic particles and no Auer's bodies in cytoplasm) (Wright's ×100); B. Morphology of bone marrow after induction chemotherapy (Arrows indicate the increased caryolobism and decreased cytoplasmic granules)(Wright's ×100); C. Abnormality of chromosome with 17q21 revealed by FISH analysis before induction chemotherapy (Arrow indicates fracture of chromosome 17 after labeled by PML-RARA probe); D. No abnormality was found of RARA gene with 17q21 by FISH analysis in CR patients after induction chemotherapy


2 文献复习

图2 诱导化疗前后染色体R显带核型分析结果Fig.2 Karyotype analysis of chromosomal R-banding before and after induction chemotherapyA. Chromosome abnormality with t(11;17)(q23;q21) and ?Del(9q) before induction chemotherapy (Arrows indicate the translocation of 11q23 and 17q21 and the doubtful deletion of 9q, respectively); B. Normal karyotype of CR patients after induction chemotherapy

图3 诱导化疗期间骨髓、外周血早幼粒细胞比例及白细胞数变化Fig. 3 Changes of promyelocytes proportion in bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) and counts of white blood cell (WBC) during induction chemotherapyMitoxantrone and Ara-C (MA) was added on the 6th day during the course of As2O3treatment; All Trans retinoic acid (ATRA) was added on the 24th day during the course of As2O3treatment; Homoharringtonine and Ara-C(HA) was added on the 28th day during the course of As2O3treatment


3 讨 论


不同于传统的PML/RARA重排,伴PLZF/ RARA基因重排的APL多表现为以下形态学特征:①细胞核规则;Pelger–Huët细胞增多,染色质固缩;②胞体大,胞质丰富,胞质内多为细颗粒;③多无Auer's小体[2,24,27]。Sainty等[2]的研究表明,规则核的出现是伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)APL的关键形态学特征,且这种形态学表现可直接受到RARA/PLZF融合蛋白的影响,提示RARA/PLZF与PLZF/RARA基因一样在该型APL的形成中不可或缺。另外,免疫表型方面也有一定特征有助于与传统APL进行鉴别,即CD56高表达[24]。有文献报道,CD56的高表达表明,与t(15;17)APL相比,t(11;17)APL可能来源于起源更早的白血病前体细胞[2]。

表1 国内外已报道的20例伴t(11;17)(q23;q21)APL患者的临床特征Tab. 1 Clinical features of 20 patients with APL accompanied by t(11;17)(q23;q21) reported domestically and aboard




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Acute promyelocytic leukaemia with translocation of t(11;17)(q23;q21): a case report and review of literature

CHANG Xiao-li1, DONG Zheng2, LIU Sha2, YAO Bo2, MAN Qiu-hong2, LIU Tie-qiang2, LI Yu-fang2, LIU Zhi-qiang2, LIU Guang-xian2, AI Hui-sheng2, GUO Mei2*
1Postgraduate Medical School of PLA, Beijing 100853, China
2Department of Hematology, Affiliated Hospital, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100071, China

, E-mail: guom196801@yahoo.com.cn

ObjectiveTo study the clinical attributes, treatment and prognosis of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) with translocation of t(11;17)(q23;q21).MethodsA case of APL with t(11;17)(q23;q21) was reported, and the cytomorphology, immunology, cytogenetics and molecular genetics of the patient were analyzed. The related literature published in recent 20 years domestically and abroad was reviewed.ResultsThe case herewith studied was a male patient aged 35 years with leucocyte count (WBC) of 38.17×109in peripheral blood, and 88.5% of promyelocytes in bone marrow. Marrow karyotype analysis showed 46, XY, t(11;17)(q23;q21) and PLZF-RARA rearrangement was detected. The patient was definitely diagnosed as APL with t(11;17) (q23;q21). Complete morphological and genetic remission was achieved after a combined chemotherapy of As2O3and ATRA, then a molecular biological remission was achieved after the treatment of 3 courses of large dose cytarabine. The patient was followed up to February 2013 with disease-free survival of nearly 10 months. Up to date, 20 cases of APL with t(11;17)(q23;q21) have been reported domestically and abroad, and their clinical attributes were reviewed. For the 20 cases, the mean age was 48.9±16.3 years and the male/female ratio was 9:1. Among the patients, males aged over 45 years accounted for 55%, implying that the elderly males may be high-risk population. The incidence of DIC was 60%, most of which got poor curative effect of ATRA.ConclusionAPL with t(11;17)(q23;q21) is a very rare illness with distinct morphological changes and clinical characteristics. Prolonged combined chemotherapy with As2O3and ATRA with large dose cytarabine may be beneficial to attain a remission and prolong survival.

leukemia, promyelocytic, acute; translocation, genetic; antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols









100853 北京 解放军医学院[常晓丽(现在军事医学科学院附属医院血液科)];100071 北京 军事医学科学院附属医院血液科(董征、刘莎、姚波、满秋红、刘铁强、李玉芳、刘志强、刘广贤、艾辉胜、郭梅)


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30200116)

家庭医学(2014年8期)2014-09-12 13:41:42