建筑师:TFP Farrells
Architects: TFP Farrells
Location: New Delhi, India
Client: MOR, India
TFP Farrells设计的新德里站总体规划建议根据原来场地所需,以建立行人路网与开拓周围的邻里为本。总体规划将会为该地段朔造一个令人向往的生活和工作地区,并成为整个该地区之一个重大的公共设施。它必将是一个变化的过程,总体规划作为催化剂的目标是让这个过程发生加上随着时间的推移将积极改造该区。TFP Farrells的设计方法著重于保留城市历史发展的重点。总体规划特显围绕其周边的多个多元领域,并沿场地长度提供一系列的节点。这些节点响应它们相对的现有领域。
新德里最宜人的地方之一是青葱茂密的绿林; 这相对于其狭窄、拥挤的小巷和寨城扩展形成鲜明的对比。总体规划要在新德里的心脏地带创建一个浩大的城市公园,灵敏地整合随机扩展的城寨。一系列的公园、花园和开放式城市广场,形成一个长达整个场地长度的绿肺网络,进一步向北部扩大Lutyen的总体规划,提供一个郁郁葱葱的绿林链。
The masterplan will become one of the most desirable areas to live and work and become a major public amenity for the entire district. It will inevitably be the catalyst for a process of change that will positively transform the district over time and the Masterplan seeks to allow this process to take place. TFP Farrells’ design approach focuses on the retention of the urban historical development. The masterplan acknowledges the diverse areas around its perimeter by providing a series of nodes along its length. These nodes respond to the existing areas which they bound onto.
One of the most pleasant aspects of New Delhi is its lush greenery; this is in sharp contrast to the narrow and congested alleys of the walled city and its extension. The masterplan creates a great urban park at the heart of Delhi to sensitively integrate the organic unplanned areas of the walled city and its extension. A series of parks, gardens and open urban plazas which form a green lung reaching the entire length of the site, extend the green of the Lutyens’ Masterplan further north to provide a link to the lush forest and parkland at Kamlu Nehru Ridge.
总平面图 masterplan
剖面图 cross section