
2013-08-31 07:12伦敦FARRELLS
世界建筑导报 2013年5期



业主:Stanhope / 总部基地(中国)控股集团

Architect: Farrells, London

Location: London, UK

Client: Stanhope / ABP China (Holding)

Farrells 获总部基地(中国)控股集团委任,改建位于伦敦Royal Albert Docks占地 35 亩的地块,为中国乃至亚洲多个寻求在欧洲设立总部的企业,以及其他计划在伦敦拓展业务的商户开辟门户。皇家艾伯特码头自古以来一直是伦敦贸易的心脏地带,本次的开发将重新确立皇家艾伯特码头为21世纪的商贸中心,提供近 200,000个全职工作,为纽汉区大幅增加了三成的就业机会。

项目竣工后,该区将成为伦敦三大商业区之一。同时,根据原先估计,项目对英国整体经济而言,约值60亿英镑,其每年业务生产值将达2,300万英镑,是促进该区进一步发展的原动力。作为英国最大规模的顶尖商业区,皇家艾伯特码头将是汇聚金融、高科技与知识的平台,吸引不同行业进驻并拓展业务至英国及欧洲市场。这是中国发展商首次直接投资伦敦房地产市场的项目,将提供超过320万平方呎的优质办公、零售及休闲空间,当中包括 250 万平方呎甲级办公空间,并于伦敦水道沿岸开创出新一代全天候的繁华商业区。

本次总部基地(中国)控股集团与Farrells及伦敦发展商Stanhope携手合作,承诺项目首期开发至少达到60 万平方呎的空间,目前中国多家著名企业已表示对项目的办公空间深感兴趣,当中包括多间中国首屈一指的银行。第一批企业将于2017年进驻。

The 35-acre site at Royal Albert Dock is set to be transformed by Farrells on behalf of ABP China (Holding),into a gateway for Asian and Chinese business seeking to establish headquarters in Europe as well as other businesses wanting to set up in the capital. Historically the trading heartland of the capital, the development will re-instate the Royal Docks as a commercial and trading centre for the 21st century ,delivering around 20,000 full-time jobs and boosting local employment in Newham by 30 per cent.

When complete the site will become London’s third business district and, according to initial projections, be worth £6bn to the UK economy, generating £23m in business rates annually and acting as a catalyst for further development in the area. The largest development of its kind in the UK, the state-of-the-art business district will act as a platform for f nancial, high-tech and knowledge driven industries looking establish and drive forward their business in UK and European markets.The deal represents one of the f rst direct investment by a Chinese developer in London’s property market and will eventually be home to over 3.2 million square feet of high quality work, retail and leisure space, including 2.5 million square feet of prime off ce space, creating a new, vibrant 24/7 district on London’s waterways.

Working with Farrells and UK developer Stanhope, ABP have a commitment to developing a minimum of 600,000 square feet in the f rst phase, with strong interest for off ce space already being shown by Chinese companies, including some of the country’s top banks. The f rst occupiers are due to move in in 2017.

It Couldn’t Be Done/by Edgar Albert Guest这是不可能的