
2013-07-17 06:53byJordanZakarin
疯狂英语·阅读版 2013年5期

by Jordan Zakarin

With her 2010 1)SXSW-darling film Tiny Furniture, Lena Dunham captured the malaise and uncertainty of a generation of postcollege 20-somethings with 2)grit, humor, and painful realism, transforming Manhattan into a depressing playground for overeducated, underqualified youths in an economy that had seemingly forgotten about their existence.

As she graduated college, Lena Dunham had a vision of what shed be doing as she 3)waded into real life in New York City.

“I just spent all day getting sandwiches for someone who doesnt know my name, thinking that that was somehow going to get me where I was going to go,” she said, 4)rehashing a projected inner monologue she had prepared for her postgrad self. “And I was always of the mind that I was just going to have a shitty job that had nothing to do with anything and then write when I could write, and that was my hope.”







Of course, its worked out far better than that, and now, at age 25, she produces, writes, directs and stars in HBOs Girls. Dunham picked up the nomination to the pressure-packed position of “the voice of her generation” when her indie film Tiny Furniture debuted at 2010s SXSW; with Girls, she has cleared her throat and made her thesis statement: Life is hard and confusing and messy and endlessly funny, and by being honest, its possible to 5)speak with, not at, viewers.

Girls is, in many ways, the antithesis to HBOs own ladies-in-Manhattan fantasy, Sex and the City, offering a far more realistic portrayal of sisterhood than that of Carrie Bradshaw and Co., though virginal student Shoshanna does have a SATC poster prominently displayed in her“6)bachelorette pad,” and she categorizes herself and other women by Sex and the City character types.

Tracking the personal and professional 7)travails of four recent college grads in New York City, the show captures the particulars of todays 20-something struggle for economic and existential survival in an immediate way that requires intimate knowledge.

Dunham plays an aspiring writer, named Hannah, who has just been cut off from her parents financial 8)lifeline, and suddenly finds herself desperate for an upgrade from her unpaid internship. Unfortunately, she lives in a city filled with employers less than eager to do something as 9)preposterous as compensate for work in a market filled with the young and 10)grasping. Bright and driven (if a little self-destructive) but seemingly unemployable in ways that 11)defy logic or fairness, hers is a problem shared by just about every new 12)transplant to the city.

“People are graduating from college during a recession, and thats a huge deal,”Dunham told The Hollywood Reporter at the New York City premiere of Girls. “And I think that TV shows, at the time I started writing this, werent necessarily reflecting that reality.” She said one of her goals was to “look at that financial struggle, and the fact that students are graduating with these degrees, going like, ‘World! Can you wait for me? And the world is like, ‘Uh yeah, I actually can wait for you.”






For Dunham, success came quickly. But she has seen friends struggle and considers her rocket to 13)stardom a surprise. And there are still plenty of universal difficulties shared by 20-somethings, especially among women. In the show, Jessa gets pregnant and plans to have an abortion, while Hannah goes through her own 14)gynecological dramas. That the national debate has focused so heavily on womens reproductive rights is 15)coincidental, but she isnt afraid of the topic.

“I was raised by a pro-choice mother, and that dialogue was always on the table,” Dunham said. “I think its never fully gone away, but at any election time, it really becomes loud and national again.”

On less 16)charged notes, there are plenty of specific nods to New York and New Yorkers, from the Tasti D-Lite frozen yogurt the girls eat in front of the park (“It was really important to me to have it—a product that exists almost nowhere else, I believe”) to the discussion of different bars in specific Brooklyn neighborhoods.

“It was really important to me to get those details of really what the fabric of New York life is for girls this age,” Dunham said. “I just wanted it to be just like, if a New Yorker watches it, there were subtle nods to them, but it wouldnt isolate anyone else.”



在一些氛围稍微轻松的情节中,有许多是特别对纽约和纽约客致敬的地方,从女孩们在公园前吃Tasti D-Lite冰淇淋连锁店的冰冻酸乳酪(“这情节对我来说真的很重要——我相信其他地方是找不到这种食品的”)到讨论布鲁克林附近的不同酒吧。


It all points back to that 17)perilous title she picked up two years ago, which Dunham seems to 18)wink at in Girls first episode, when Hannah—high on 19)opium tea—tells her parents she thinks shes “the voice of my generation…or a voice…of a generation.”

Dunham said that line was used to give Hannah hilarious delusions of 20)grandeur, but she admits that having been given the label perhaps played into her 21)subconscious. Nonetheless, for all the praise, she wants to avoid the title; after all, her work is predicated on being an outsider.

“I think thats a scary 22)mantle to assign to someone, just because every generation is comprised of so many different types of weirdos,” she laughed.

Ultimately, Girls is 23)achingly original, the sort of television show that comes around but once in a decade, embodying a singular vision and pitchperfectly capturing a voice. Whether it represents the voice of a generation remains to be seen, but its a voice thats not afraid to be unique, to shout 24)at the top of its lungs that it has arrived, and to remind us all of what it means to be young.




