by Stuart Miles
Angry Birds Magic for iPad iPad新玩法——《愤怒的小鸟:魔法版》
It turns out that we can play as the pigs in Angry Birds now. All you need is the new King Pig toy to play within the original Angry Birds HD app. The new Angry Birds Magic lets you play any level of the original[最初的] game with a new twist[转变].
There are four special modes that can be unlocked by placing the King Pig character on your iPads screen:
Material Mix Up sees the changes of the material of the structure. Wood can suddenly become rock or rock can become ice, which brings a very different spin[旋转] to the game. In Bird Frenzy, you dont get a limit on the birds but you do get a time to complete the level, while Total Destruction sees you having to destroy the constructions as fast as possible by swiping[猛击] your King Pig toy over the structure and ignoring[忽视] the birds altogether. King Pig mode is where you get to play as the pigs, allowing you to launch naughty pigs at unsuspecting[无猜疑的] eggs.
Angry Birds Star Wars《愤怒的小鸟:星球大战版》
Youve played Angry Birds on your phone or tablet, but what about in real life? Angry Birds Star Wars AT-AT 注1 Battle Game lets you recreate the battle over and over again without a screen in sight.
The AT-AT Attack Battle Game includes 21 blocks to create the massive AT-AT, a Lightsaber注2 launcher[发射器] and 12 Angry Birds Star Wars figures. Birds become the heroes like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and so on, while pigs the evil AT-AT drivers, etc.
A variety of cheaper Battle Game add-ons[配件] are also available[可用的]. Each introduces more construction parts and more characters. Also, there is a series of Angry Birds Star Wars plush[长毛绒] toys for every fan.
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《愤怒的小鸟:魔法版》(Angry Birds Magic)是针对诺基亚手机中的近场通讯技术开发的游戏版本,如今又落户到iPad。猪国王的塑胶玩偶在iPad上可打开四个专属模式:材料反转、疯狂小鸟、反转阵营和彻底歼灭。同时,美泰公司专门研发了与iPad相关的延伸玩具(apptivity),并将该玩法也应用到了其他游戏,如《水果忍者》(Fruit Ninja)、《割绳子》(Cut the Rope)当中。
《星球大战》(Star Wars),简称“星战”,是美国著名的科幻电影系列,讲述在一个远古的银河系中,绝地武士(Jedi)与邪恶势力作斗争的故事。除了电影所描述的时空外,还有以动漫、电视等形式扩充的宇宙(Expanded Universe),共记录了星战长达五万多年的历史。