
2013-04-29 04:09
时代英语·高三 2013年5期

1—5 BBADB 6—10 ACCBA

11—15 BACDB 16—20 AAABC

21—25 CBADC 26—30 DBAAB

31—35 DCBBB 36—40 BCDBD

41—45 CCDDB 46—50 DCADC

51—55 DAAAA 56—60 AABCC


1—5 BDBDC 6—10 CBBBC

11—15 BADCD 16—20 DABAB


1—5 CBADB 6—10 CDBAB

11—15 BDBAA 16—20 CADCA



Dear Smith,

Ive learned from a newspaper that some clerks∧wanted


in your company. I want to be one of them. My name is Zhang Hua, born in Guiyang, that is the capital of Guizhou Province,


in 1984. Im in good healthy. I graduated in Guizhou

health from

University. My major is computer. Ive done good in all the


subjects, especially in computer and the English. I can read

science books in English and did some writing in English as


well. Besides, I know a little Japanese. My company is very


famous in China, and Ill be very happy whether I can get


the job. Im sure I can do it well.

Im looking forward to hear from you soon. Best wishes!



Zhang Hua


One possible version:

Do We Need to Fear the Popularity of Christmas?

Nowadays Christmas is becoming more and more popular with Chinese youngsters. Meanwhile they dont know and dont care much about the Chinese traditional festivals. Some people are worried that the increasing popularity of Christmas might take youngsters attention from the traditional festivals in China.

As far as Im concerned, there is no need to have fears over western culture expansion. Youngsters are interested in new things, but it doesnt mean they are turning their backs on Chinese traditional culture. However, we should bear in mind the Chinese traditional culture and value of celebrating our own traditional festivals.



Dear Green,

Im glad that you are coming to Beijing to travelling. Beijing


is famous for its many places of interests, such as the Temple


of Heaven, the Forbidden City∧the Great Wall. Its a good


idea to buy the guidebook before travelling. When you will


go around the city, you may pick up a little Chinese, what


brings you a lot of fun. A camera is necessary so that you can share what you see in Beijing with you friends when you go


back. By the way, because it is usual hot in summer in Beijing,


remember to bring a hat, a pair of sunglasses or some T-shirts


with you. Im looking forward to your going.



Li Hua


One possible version:

Not long ago, opinions were collected on line about whether the Golden Week should be kept or canceled. Ten thousand Netizens took part in this survey. Here are the results.

45% of the surveyed people hope to keep the Golden Week. They think a long holiday not only provides them with enough time for a trip but also makes them relax themselves completely. Whats more, with a long holiday, they have more time staying with their families.

However, 55% of the people think the Golden Week should be canceled. They point out that during the long holiday, there are more traffic jams and even traffic accidents. In addition, the crowded people gathering in some famous places has caused damage to the relics and led to poorer service quality.



How many time do you spend with your parents? Your


parents were your dearest people in the world when you are


young. And they always care of you deeply. And even though

for But

many children still love their mums and dads, families may become less close as you get older. The end of the year is a


time for family member to get together. Have you ever


thought what you can show your parents you love them? Find


a chance and do something for them or to have∧sincere talk


with them. If you can do this, your parents will be very happily.



One possible version:

Dear Mr and Mrs Green,

Im writing to tell you that I have returned home safe and sound. It was because of your help that I had a wonderful time in America. Thank you very much.

When I think of the wonderful time I spent in America, I cant help thinking of both of you. It is very kind of you to have provided everything for me. I have learned so much, not only English, but also American culture. Moreover, I really enjoy the fun and laughter we shared with each other. Ill always remember this trip and your kindness.

I hope you will come to visit China and I can return your kindness.


Li Hua

Passage One: 1—5 BACBD 6—10 ADDCB

11—15 CACBA 16—20 DBDCA

Passage Two: 1—5 CBDAC 6—10 CBDAD

11—15 BBDAB 16—20 DCACD

Passage Three: 1—5 BACCB 6—10 AABDC

11—15 ACBDD 16—20 BCABD

Passage Four: 1—5 BCADB 6—10 ADCBC

11—15 DACBD 16—20 CBCAC

Passage Five: 1—5 ABDCC 6—10 DACDB

11—15 DCBDA 16—20 CBDDA

Passage Six: 1—5 DDBAC 6—10 AACBD

11—15 DACBA 16—20 CDBCB

Passage Seven: 1—5 BDABC 6—10 CABCD

11—15 ABBDC 16—20 DBADC

Passage Eight: 1—5 CDBCA 6—10 DBABC

11—15 DAACD 16—20 BABDC

Passage Nine: 1—5 ACDDC 6—10 DAACB

11—15 DBDAB 16—20 DACBC

Passage Ten: 1—5 BDDDA 6—10 CDCAB

11—15 BDBCA 16—20 DDACB






1. Students who wish to do something productive and rewarding.

2. It is to encourage students to be active citizens and make a difference in society.

3. Changed.

4. She thinks highly of the Program. /She is in favor of the Program. /She holds a positive attitude toward the Program.

Or: She thinks its a great experience of changing ones life.

Or: She is thankful/grateful for the Program.

5. I am interested in helping kids with their lessons because education is important to them.

Or: I want to raise money for families in need because they are poor and need our help.

Or: I am interested in collecting data for environmental research because the environment should be protected.


6. By asking/raising questions.

7. you answer “yes” to any of the questions

8. ① stress ② anxiety ③ relationship problems

9. It may become the most common form of addiction, especially among the young.

10. How to get rid of text addiction.


11. Families benefit from eating together. /Having dinner together is beneficial to families.

12. Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relation-ships.

13. No family dinner can benefit/ Family dinner may not benefit

14. Their childrens school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life

15. 父母也有更好的机会来减少孩子沾染烟、酒和毒品的可能性。



16. The year 2012 has one extra. /Why does the year 2012 has one more day?

17. was associated with/was relative to/had something to do with/was linked to/was involved in

18. 365 days and 6 hours.

19. you are born on February 29th

20. Females/Women. /Girlfriends.


21. Tips on making a successful interview.

22. It is about making full self-preparation.

23. To be a very good listener and find some common ground with your interviewers.

24. I should wear smartly and casually. /I should get dressed in a smart and casual style.

25. You are nervous.




When I walked into the classrooms, the teacher was handing


out the test papers. I was feeling very nervously. I didnt study


at all at the weekend as I had thought it would be∧easy test.


I went through the test many times but I could only answer three out from the twenty questions. I did not want to fail the


exam. Then, I put my book under my desk, opening it and


started looking for the answers. The teacher wasnt looking at me, but I copied something. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my


shoulder! The teacher caught me cheat. I didnt know how

cheating what

to say. Unluckily, the teacher did not punish me for cheating


but, instead, gave me a second chance.



We know the turning of the earth makes a sun and the


stars seem to move across the skies. Daylight, of course, begins


with the sun rising in the east and ends with the sun set down


in the west. Being highly in the sky, between the two positions,


the sun has traveled∧quarter of the journey and half of the daylight


hours have been spent. However, by noticing where the sun


stands in the sky, man in the old days learned how to tell the


time of the day. At night, as the stars∧observed, man could


also knows the time.



Dolphins are not fish nor warm-blooded animals. They


live in group, and speak to each other with their own language.

groups in

In this they are like other animals, such as bees or birds. But


dolphins are very difference from almost all land animals.


Their brain is near the same size with our own and they live a

nearly as

long time—at least twenty or thirty years. Strangely, dolphins

seem to be like man. And for thousands of years there have

∧stories about dolphins and its friendship with people.

been their


Dear Tom,

I am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.

I want to have an e-pal, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling, swimming and playing table tennis. Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept one at home for some time. With such an e-pal, I think I can share with her our traveling experiences, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Zhang Hua


Dear Zhao Qifei,

I understand how you feel. My mum bought me only second-hand clothes until I was 14. I once talked to her and explained how different I felt from other students. It worked! She started giving me a small amount of money for extra clothes. So, talk to your parents to let them know that clothes are important to you and that you would prefer T-shirts or jackets to food on your birthday.

Not all parents can give their children everything they want. You can think about getting a part-time job during the school holidays. With the money you earn, you can buy the clothes you want.



How Senior High School Students

Do Their Reading out of Class?

A survey has been carried out on “How Senior High School Students Do Their Reading out of Class” among 600 students from 6 nearby senior high schools. The result is shocking.

60% of the interviewed students have no time for out of class reading at all because of too much work given by teachers of all the learning subjects. Those able to finish the given work on time and lucky to read 5 to 8 hours a week take up 30%. However, there are only 10% of the students who can finish their class work ahead of time, sparing themselves 10 to 12 hours a week to do reading out of class.

Its high time for us to solve the problem now.


1—5 BCBBA 6—10 BDADA


11—15 ACBDA 16—20 CDBCA

21—25 CBDCD 26—30 ADDCB


31—35 DAABC 36—40 DABBA

41—45 CDBDB 46—50 AADCB


51—55 DEGFA


56. How silent reading habits developed.

57. It was the disturbance to others that led to the popularity of silent reading.

58. Libraries and trains/offices.

59. on the other hand

60. Silent reading.


We were driving along a road when the car stopped working.

We try to fix it and there was nothing we could do. David

tried but

and I wanted to go off to find help but Bill insisted∧staying


near the car. He said it was worse to stay until help arrived rather


than go into the forest and getting lost. However, David and I


did not agree and David pointed to a path in which he thought

would probable lead to a village. We followed the path but


soon we was lost. We wandered on. After a hour or so we began

were an

to feel very frightening and hungry.



One possible version:

The factory nearby has caused serious pollution. The smoke from the chimneys makes the air dirty and the waste water from the pipes smells terrible. Whats worse, the waste materials pile up without being dealt with and they make people sick. People living there are angry about this for fear that the gas sent out by the factory will do harm to their health and cause diseases.

Efforts should be made to prevent the factory polluting our environment. The factory must take measures to treat the gas, water and other materials before they are sent out. If it continues doing harm to people, it must be closed by the government.


1. B。 考查功能口语。Sure, go ahead用来同意对方的请求,符合语境。

2. C。 考查冠词。第一空make the most of是固定短语,表示“充分利用”;第二空后的rise作“增加;上涨”讲时是可数名词,其前须用不定冠词a。

3. B 。 考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语library是动作的承受者,可以理解为once it is built省略了it is。

4. B。 考查定语从句。one是teacher的同位语,其后的who是关系代词,引导定语从句修饰one。

5. A。 考查动词的时态。根据语境中的when you called me可以看出此空应该用过去进行时态。

6. B。 考查倒装句。当否定词放在句首时,要采用部分倒装结构。此处not once位于but引导的分句的句首。

7. D。 考查动词短语辨析。break in意为“闯入;打断”;drop in意为“走访”;take in意为“吸收;欺骗”;turn in 意为“上交”。

8. A。 考查副词的比较级及其修饰词。首先构成正确的比较级more slowly,比较级的修饰语a bit放在more slowly前,故答案为A项。

9. D。 考查情态动词。对过去发生的事情进行肯定推测,应该用“must have + 过去分词”结构。

10. A。 考查主语从句的连接词。what在主语从句中作主语,相当于the thing that。Im sure为插入语。

11. A。 由下句中的Please come in and have something to eat可知答案。

12. C。 由第三段最后一句可知答案。

13. B。 由上下文可知,此处在问原因。

14. D。 由第四段可知,选Wealth。

15. A。 由第四段第一句可知答案。

16. C。 从后面的How nice!可知答案。

17. D。 Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth.这句话意思是:既然是这样,让我们邀请Wealth进来吧。

18. B。 由上下文和介词with可知此处要选fill 。

19. C。 由上下文可知妻子不同意。

20. A。 由于本段后面有Would it not be better to invite Love,所以此处应选Success。

21. C。 由于下一段第一句是Let us listen to our daughters advice,所以此处选daughter。

22. B。 倒数第三段第一句中的advice与该空照应,因此选suggestion。

23. D。 由第四段最后一句... our home with wealth及该空所在句的意思,可判断此处应选home。

24. C。 该空所在段最后一个词是guest,故此处选C项。

25. D。 从该句的下一句The other two also got up可知答案为D项。

26. A。 根据上下文可知另外两个是跟着Love进屋的,因此选A项。

27. D。 由后文可知the lady是对Wealth和Success一同进来表示惊讶,根据词意只有D项符合文意。

28. D。 由句意可知,她只邀请了Love,因此D项正确。

29. C。 由上下文可知此处应该表示选择,用or表示“或者”。

30. B。 由上下文可知此处表示“其他两个待在外面”。

31. D。 根据上句...the mayor of Boulder happened to hear the Arvada mayor tell someone, ‘They...可知,They在这指的是Boulder的市民。

32. A。 根据第三、四两段可知后来是Boulder的球队输了比赛,所以按照事先所赌,Boulder的市长给Arvada的市长送来了10磅番茄片。

33. A。 因为事先两个城市的市长打赌,根据打赌,Boulder的球队输了,所以Boulder的市长应该向Arvada的市长送10磅番茄片。

34. B。 由于Boulder的市长在番茄片里加了辣椒酱,可想而知猪吃了一定会感觉难受。

35. C。 根据第二段第一句Harry clearly considers it a duty of his noble birth to serve his country,说明Harry王子认为去伊拉克战场是他为国家服务的职责,因此D项“Harry不得不去,尽管他本人不愿意去”是错误的,A、B两项由文章内容可知错误,故选择C项。

36. D。 根据全文的叙述,Harry王子去伊拉克的背景与他接受了一次电视采访无关,而是他已经决定去后才在电视采访中表达了他的意图,因此C项错误。A、B两项由文章内容可知是错误的,故选D项。

37. A。 根据第五段第二句He has always said he wants to be treated like any other soldier,说明他希望自己能被当成普通士兵一样对待。

38. B。 根据第四段第一句Many people doubted whether the young prince would actually serve in the army及第八段中的...some are worried that his presence could encourage attacks on the army可知,并不是所有的人都支持他去伊拉克,D项错误。A、C两项由文章内容可知是错误的。

39. B。 A,C,D三项均是一些次要的原因。根据第一段第二句But there is one building particularly showing the thoughts and ideas of the writers and composers of the world可知,该图书馆与众不同之处是特别展示了作者的不同观点。

40. A。 根据第二段可知,在肯尼迪总统遇刺后,政府面对了各种各样的困难,举步维艰,LBJ总统也面临着巨大的挑战。但是LBJ总统面对重重的困难,都一一克服了。B、D两项是错误的理解,C项是字面上的理解。

41. C。 仔细阅读第二段,可知事件发生的正确顺序。

42. D。 根据第三段第四、五句Within the library, there are, naturally, books. But there are also memorable and important papers from when LBJ was in office,可知答案为D项。

43. B。 根据文章末段If you plan on visiting the Lyndon B. Johnson library, it is recommended that you make a day of the trip, using your spare time to take in the nearby sites of Austin,可知正确答案为B项。A项错在first,C项与文章内容无关,D项犯了常识性错误。

44. D。 根据第一段的描述可知人的价值观一旦形成就很难改变,势必会影响他的生活方式,比如如何用钱。因此D项“影响他的行为”为最佳选择。

45. B。 根据第三段第一句The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesnt think too much about the future可知,Smith先生的行为方式很符合蟋蟀的作为,故选择B项。

46. A。 作者在谈论蟋蟀和蜗牛的时候都有这样的表达They should learn to save and buy insurance和They should plan more carefully,说明作者对这两种人的行为方式是批评的,相反对蚂蚁的行为方式持赞同态度。

47. A。 本文主要讲述了三种不同的用钱方式,因此Spending Nature比较符合主题。B项“什么是最重要的”说得太空泛;C项“怎样理解你的价值观”没有提到怎样用钱;D项“工作和娱乐”也与主题无关。

48. D。 根据第三段第二句They figured out that the area where summer temperatures can fall to 40℃, has at least 9,000,000 years of snowfalls, kept as neat as the growth rings of a tree可知,答案为D项。

49. C。 根据第六段Eric Wolff说“... a new ice age is not hanging over our heads...”,可推知新的冰期不会很快到来。

50. B。 第一段讲述全球变暖并不会使地球很快进入一个新冰期;第二段第一句提到下一个冰期要过15,000年才可能会到来,而这两段正是文章的主题,因此选B项。


1—5 ABACB 6—10 CABBD


11—15 CBDAC 16—20 CBDAD

21—25 BCDAB 26—30 DCACD


31—35 CCDBC 36—40 BDDCD

41—45 CDDBA 46—50 CDABA


51—55 AGCDE


56. High School Classes Start Later? /Change High School Start Time

57. not getting enough sleep

58. They will have difficulty/problem(s) (in) learning early in the morning.

59. It is necessary, because students can study full of energy in the whole morning.

60. A later start time.


Last Friday on our way to home, we heard a loud shout

behind us. When we looked around to see what∧happened,


we found a woman lying on the ground with blood. We soon realize that she had been knocked down by the car in front of


her. We hurried to help her, and a man came over and tried to


stop us from getting closer to the wounded women. We got


very angrily with the man. How could he stop us from helping


a died woman? The man asked us to turn around and we


were surprised to see the man carrying a video camera on


their shoulder. In fact, they were just shot a film!

his shooting


One possible version:

Dear Mr Smith,

Im writing to request the chance to be one of the host families for the American students.

Im willing to host an American student and my parents are in favor of my idea. We live in a beautiful community and we have an extra room for a guest. Im a Senior 3 student of our school, open-minded and active. Besides, Im good at English, so we wont have much difficulty in communication. If an American student stays with us, Ill be a good guide to some local places of interest and some typical towns and villages in this area at weekends. My parents will help him/her make Chinese dishes, such as dumplings and noodles. Well do our best to make his/her stay a happy experience.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


1. A。 考查功能口语。对别人提出的看法表示赞同用“Im with you on that.”相当于说“I couldnt agree more. / I agree with you on that.”;B项表示对一件事情评价不高;C项的意思是“你这样说真好/真客气”,一般用于回答别人的赞扬或祝贺;D项“Its quite all right.”相当于“Its OK.”,意思是“没事”、“行”。

2. B。 考查冠词。Chengdu属专有名词,不用冠词,但专有名词前如有形容词修饰,就是对它进行描绘,表示“什么样的一个……”,故需用不定冠词;one后有一个定语从句,应特指,the one指代Chengdu,况且也没有a one的说法。此句意为“现在的成都已经不是我十年前所见到的那个成都了”。

3. A。 考查动词的时态。根据题干中的Nowadays(现在,时下)时间状语及“越来越多高科技产品已进入我们生活”这一事实选出答案。B项表示过去情况,C项表示通常情况,不强调“已经”之意,D项表示将来情况,故A项为最佳答案。

4. C。 考查情态动词。根据情态动词的意义及用法:can(可能)用于否定句或疑问句而选出答案。

5. B。 考查状语从句和省略句。根据句意,句子补充完整应该是“Im not going to stay overnight unless its really necessary.(如果不是真的必要,我不打算过夜)”。not until直到……才……,侧重时间上的先后,与语境不符。

6. C。 考查代词。根据后一分句“我不肯定是否是你的”选出答案。one泛指某一物件;it特指同一物件;that指上文提到的事情或特指上文同一类东西;this指下文即将提到的事情。

7. A。 考查动词短语辨析。make out弄清楚,看清楚;get out出来,拿出,发表;make up构成,编写;turn up开大(音量),来到,出现。

8. B。 考查倒装句。not until... 在句首时,要求用倒装语序。在宾语从句的句首或在并列句后一分句的句首时,也要用倒装语序。

9. B。 考查非谓语动词。句意是怎样写请柬,首先列出将被邀请人的名字,故选不定式的被动式。表示将来用不定式,在此作those的后置定语。being invited表示“正在被邀请”,与句意不符。

10. D。 考查表语从句。该句改成肯定句为This school is...,visit是及物动词,what在从句中作它的宾语,相当于the one that。

11. C。 随时都可能夭折的早产儿,与其让她生下来受苦受难,还不如趁早放弃算了,因此医生做的是说服工作。

12. B。 由于是早产儿,存活的概率不是很大。

13. D。 就算侥幸存活下来了,也有可能各项功能不健全。

14. A。 医生给她说了风险极大,但这位母亲还是坚持要把这个孩子抚养成人,说明她意志坚定,因此strong-willed正确。

15. C。 显然母亲怀着极大的希望,希望自己的孩子健健康康,因此主观相信孩子会没事。

16. C。 所有的这一切都是母亲坚持的结果,因此多亏了母亲的决心(determination)。

17. B。 这里存在让步的语气。随着时间的推移,尽管Jane没有突然变强壮的一刻,但她确实在慢慢增长体重。

18. D。 由于孩子在娘胎里不足月,因此体重很轻,生下来一段时间后,慢慢地在增长体重。

19. A。 最初太柔弱,连抱一抱都不行,现在有足够的体重了,父母第一次可以抱她了。

20. D。 虽然可以回家了,但是医生仍然警告(warn)孩子随时都可能有生命危险。

21. B。 上文提到母亲相信孩子会健康的,照应这位母亲主观的愿望。

22. C。 下文... glittering blue eyes. She shows no 22 of any mental or physical problems,可推断这是一个活泼的小女孩。

23. D。 一切和同龄人没有什么差别,没有生理和心理缺陷的迹象(sign)。

24. A。 ... she is nothing but a healthy girl of her age,由此可知她是一个完全健康的小女孩。

25. B。 前文Jane was talking non-stop with her mother when she suddenly...提到她喋喋不休,说个不停,突然却保持沉默(fall silent)了。其余三个选项与后面的故事情节不符。

26. D。 下文Noticing the black cloud in the sky, Diana replied, “Yes, it smells like 27 .”由此句可知答案为D项。

27. C。 后句I think were about to get wet我们要淋湿了,说明是要下雨了,嗅到了雨水的味道。

28. A。 从后面小女孩的解释,可推断她不赞同母亲的答案,因此摇头反对符合上下文逻辑。

29. C。 小女孩大声地回答,更能表现当时小女孩天真无邪。其余三个选项与上下文情节不符。

30. D。 她突然记起了女儿度过的那艰难的两个月。

31. C。 从第一段最后三句He continued using his violin to perform for sailors. In one show he was chosen more for his funny jokes than for his skills with the violin. That experience made him believe that his future job was a comedian可知答案。

32. C。 从破折号后的he refused to spend any money unless forced to do so推知答案。再从下一段第一句In real life, he was very giving得到答案印证。stingy/mean吝啬的;giving慷慨的。

33. D。 从第一段第一句Jack Benny was one of the most famous names in show business和第三段第五句By 1960 Benny Show had already been a weekly television program可知答案。

34. B。 从Bob Hope话中的He gave us only eighty years得知,他对于Benny的去世感到惋惜、难过。

35. C。 从第一、二段的内容得知答案,再从第三段第一句A US company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China得到答案印证。

36. B。 从第四段第一、二句得知答案。

37. D。 从第三段第三句People who join the companys“mother club”can get lectures on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the companys educational toys and childcare books得知答案。

38. D。 本文主要是谈BabyCare在中国的教育性玩具。

39. C。 由第一段内容可知选C项。

40. D。 由最后一段最后一句But everyone will appreciate the Alpine alcohol—either the fine wines in Italy, or the beers in Germany and Austria可知,正确答案为D项。

41. C。 由第八段可知它的theatres and music festivals是著名的。

42. D。 由第二段第一句可知A项错误;由第四段第二句可知B项错误;由第七段第三句可知C项错误;由最后一段第一句可知D项是正确的。

43. D。 由前三段可推断出正确答案为D项。

44. B。 第四段第一句提到The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned,其中the theory正是上一段中police officer Chen所说的内容。

45. A。 根据第三段最后一句中的... and waits for the car owner to place an ad in the newspaper asking for help可知,他是在报纸上读到了车主的寻车启事。

46. C。 本文通过记叙实验来说明好的睡眠对记忆力至关重要。第一段就阐述了整篇文章的中心思想,对本题有提示作用。

47. D。 第四段中Professor Stickgold的话说明:睡眠是不让记忆力衰退的方法之一,因此睡眠有助于记忆环境的改善和提高。

48. A。 第六段介绍参与的实验者被分成两组,一组第一天晚上睡觉,另一组第一天晚上不睡觉,因此A项符合文意。而B、C、D三项均有与文意不符之处,所以排除。

49. B。 最后一段说明了slow wave睡眠阶段的重要性。

50. A。 归纳第一段的内容可得出本题答案,整篇文章通过实验结果验证了睡眠对记忆的重要性。
