
2013-04-29 22:57
时代英语·高三 2013年5期

1. ___ English we must learn other eight subjects at school.

A. Except for B. Besides

C. But D. Except

2. I know nothing about him ___ that he is an English-man.

A. besides B. except

C. apart from D. except for

3. Who is to ___ for the accident, the driver or the walker?

A. blame B. scold

C. punish D. pay

4. When you are being taken photos of, you should stay ___ .

A. quiet B. silent

C. calm D. still

5. In face of danger, he remained ___ .

A. silent B. calm

C. quiet D. still

6. When you live in a ___ village, you cant be well-informed.

A. quiet B. silent

C. still D. calm

7. The police havent discovered the ___ of the serious traffic accident so far.

A. reason B. explanation

C. cause D. excuse

8. Have you turned to the dictionary to find out the ___ for the new word?

A. direction B. description

C. explanation D. introduction

9. All his classmates ___ him on his winning the prize in the maths contest.

A. celebrated B. congratulated

C. welcomed D. greeted

10. The taxi driver ___ me too much for driving me to the airport that day.

A. charged B. spent

C. cost D. paid

11. The students are given $50 a term to cover the ___ of books and studying materials.

A. price B. cost

C. pay D. value

12. High unemployment ___ the government billions of pounds in lost taxes.

A. costs B. charges

C. loses D. spends

13. However, the customer would only ___ half the price for the skirt.

A. charge B. cost

C. offer D. buy

14. As you know, all the natural resources are possessed and managed by the ___ .

A. country B. land

C. nation D. state

15. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the ___ about the prevention against the terrible disease.

A. state B. nation

C. country D. land

16. They cant live on ___ . They must stay in the water.

A. land B. earth

C. ground D. soil

17. For the next ten years, he had not sent a single ___ to his parents.

A. message B. news

C. information D. notice

18. The ___ why Eileen didnt turn up at the meeting was not made clear.

A. reason B. cause

C. excuse D. matter

19. He thought this painting of mine of great ___ , and would ___ at least $10,000 for it.

A. worth; buy B. value; pay

C. price; offer D. use; charge

20. The government provided them with food and ___ through the hard years.

A. dress B. coats

C. clothing D. suits

21. His father found ___ in a factory. There was always a lot of ___ for him to do.

A. work; job B. a work; jobs

C. a job; work D. a job; works

22. Im sorry the babys cry last night must have ___ your sleep.

A. troubled B. disturbed

C. interrupted D. worried

23. Dont ___ them; they are talking business.

A. interrupt B. trouble

C. disturb D. break

24. His grandma has been ___ for five years, but he still remembers her clearly.

A. death B. died

C. dying D. dead

25. Most houses were ___ in the terrible earthquake and many people became homeless.

A. damaged B. harmed

C. destroyed D. shaken

26. Look! The cock is ___ where a hen ___ an egg just now.

A. laying; lain B. lying; lied

C. lying; lay D. lying; laid

27. The ___ made by the judge was not just and the public didnt accept it.

A. decision B. judgment

C. choice D. conclusion

28. It is quite difficult to make a ___ between Mary and Alice because they are both very attractive.

A. choice B. decision

C. selection D. agreement

29. He has a good ___ of business and his company is running well.

A. sense B. feeling

C. touch D. thought

30. However, she ___ to talk to the manager immediately about the matter.

A. required B. demanded

C. suggested D. requested

31. As you know, parents are ___ to send their children to school in our country.

A. requested B. demanded

C. expected D. required

32. The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ___ of 60 miles.

A. length B. way

C. distance D. space

33. ___ a red skirt, the teacher came in.

A. Weared B. Dressed in

C. Putting on D. Being having on

34. We couldnt cut the rope because the ___ of the knife was not sharp enough.

A. side B. edge

C. front D. point

35. It was ___ hot today, and he came into the shopping centre ___ to enjoy the cool air.

A. specially; especially

B. especially; specially

C. particularly; especially

D. specially; particularly

36. Its clear that the citys underground ___ more people than the bus does.

A. fetches B. carries

C. sends D. brings

37. The peasants are busy ___ the seeds now. Shall we help them?

A. choosing B. taking

C. selecting D. electing

38. After the long and tiring journey his ___ completely gave out.

A. spirit B. power

C. force D. strength

39. Tom is full of ___ and he doesnt know what tiredness means.

A. power B. energy

C. strength D. spirit

40. It is ___ impossible to make such a long journey in such an old car.

A. rather B. very

C. fairly D. quite

41. I havent seen Ann for ___ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.

A. such B. very

C. so D. too

42. The manager believes prices will not rise by more than ___ four percent.

A. any other B. the other

C. another D. other

43. The weather was ___ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.

A. really B. such

C. too D. so

44. The performance ___ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.

A. covered B. reached

C. played D. lasted

45. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which ___ of the parents spoke the language.

A. none B. neither

C. both D. each

46. He doesnt have ___ furniture in his room—just an old desk and a new chair.

A. any B. many

C. some D. much

47. Last night Mr Crook didnt come back at the usual time. ___ , he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.

A. Meanwhile B. However

C. Instead D. Yet

48. — Shall we go out for a walk?

— Sorry. This is not the right ___ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.

A. moment B. situation

C. place D. chance

49. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting.

A. normal B. ordinary

C. common D. typical

50. I ___ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.

A. make B. look

C. take D. think

51. Her shoes ___ her dress; they look very well together.

A. suit B. fit

C. compare D. match

52. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ___ like coal, gas and oil.

A. fuels B. articles

C. goods D. products

53. You have to be a fairly good speaker to ___ listeners interest for over an hour.

A. hold B. make

C. improve D. receive

54. Dogs have a very good ___ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.

A. sense B. view

C. means D. idea

55. — How do you find your new classmates?

— Most of them are kind, but ___ is so good to me as Bruce.

A. none B. any one

C. every one D. some one

56. Whats the ___ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?

A. sense B. matter

C. case D. opinion

57. The fact that she never apologized ___ a lot about what kind of person she is.

A. says B. talks

C. appears D. declares

58. I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real ___ .

A. exchange B. bargain

C. trade D. business

59. — Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon?

— Sorry, lets make it ___ time.

A. others B. the other

C. another D. other

60. — Do you want tea or coffee?

— ___ . I really dont mind.

A. None B. Neither

C. Either D. All

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