
2013-04-15 01:50胡万宝吴小兰李倩
科学时代·上半月 2013年2期

胡万宝 吴小兰 李倩

【摘 要】广义汉明重量刻画线性码性能的一个重要参数,而代数几何码来自于代数曲线,拥有较丰富的纠错能力强的好码。一些学者通过不同方法计算出代数几何码的广义汉明重量,本文就其研究现状及发展作一综述。



差错控制码广泛应用于不同信道的信息传输,为增加信道可信性设计。码字的汉明(Hamming)重量是指这个字中的非零的项的个数,这在线性码中决定码的纠错能力。广义汉明重量的概念由第Wei [1] 在1991年引入,一个线性码的r-级广义汉明重量就是指其最小的r维子码支集. 之后不久, Feng, Tzeng, and Wei [2]研究BCH码及其它某些循环码的广义汉明重量. 在文章[3, 4]中, 第二和第三级几何Goppa 码(代数几何码)的广义汉明重量由Munuera C. 和Ramirez D 部分得出,后来胡[7]将这些结果推广到更高次数上.在系列文章[8-12]中, Homma M. 和 Kim S.J. 决定了Hermitian 曲线上的两点码的第二级汉明重量.





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文章[3,4,7,8,9,10,11] 等都利用Hermitian曲线上构造代数几何码,并刻画其广义汉明重量. 由于篇幅所限,本文不再赘述.

实际上,除了Hermitian曲线外,还有更多的丰富的曲线能构造更好的代数几何码,如(超)椭圆曲线等、有理函数域的初等 Abelian扩张等都有良好的性质和丰富的内容, 可以作为未来研究码的广义汉明重量的发展方向.


[1]Victor K. Wei, “Generalized hamming weights for linear codes”, Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1412-1413, 1991.

[2]G. L. Feng, K. K. Tzeng, and V. K. Wei, “On the generalized Hamming weights of several classes of cyclic codes” , IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 38, pp. 1125-1130, 1992.

[3]Munuera C., Ramirez D.,”The second and third generalized Hamming weights of Hermitian codes”. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, pp.709-713, 1999.

[4]Munuera C., “On the generalized Hamming weights of geometric Goppa codes”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 40, pp. 2092-2099, 1994.

[5]H. Stichtenoth, “Algebraic function fields and codes”, Springer Universitext, 1998. The second version.

[6]Wolfmann, “New bounds on cyclic codes from algebraic curves,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 388. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 47-62, 1988

[7]Wanbao Hu, Generalized hamming weight of algebraic geometric codes from algebraic curves, J. of university of science and technology of China, vol.33, no.6, pp 641-645, 2003.

[8]Homma M., Kim S.J., “Toward the determination of the minimum distance of two-point codes on a Hermitian curve”, Des. Codes Cryptogr. vol. 37, pp. 111-132, 2005.

[9]Homma M., Kim S.J., “The two-point codes on a Hermitian curve with the designed minimum distance”, Des. Codes Cryptogr. vol. 38, pp. 55-81, 2006.

[10]Homma M., Kim S.J., “The two-point codes with the designed distance on a Hermitian curve in even characteristic”, Des. Codes Cryptogr. vol. 39, pp. 375-386, 2006.

[11]Homma M., Kim S.J., “The complete determination of the minimum distance of two-point codes on a Hermitian curve”, Des. Codes Cryptogr. Vol.40, pp.5-24, 2006.

[12]Masaaki Homma, Seon Jeong Kim, “The second generalized Hamming weight for two-point codes on a Hermitian curve”, Des. Codes Cryptogr. Vol. 50, pp.1-40, 2009.

[13]Zhi-min Li, Xin Xu, and Cun-hua Li, “On the Generalized Hamming Weights of Some Product Codes” Advances in Computer, Communication, Control & Automation, LNEE 121, pp. 281-288.

[14]Henning Stichtenoth and Conny VoB, Generalized Hamming Weights of Trace Codes, Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 40, no. 2, pp554—558,1994.