小火柴 大制作

2013-01-31 09:23
疯狂英语·原声版 2013年1期

Southern Sweden, early spring, as the country emerges from another long, dark, and cold winter. With this climate its no surprise that the Swedes are pioneers of instant light and heat. This is the Swedish Match Industrys factory near Tidaholm. The Tidaholm factory churns out 250 million matches a day for export to 80 countries.

Every match starts life as a chunk of wood. A match that bends when you try to strike it would be useless, so they use hard 1)aspen wood to make rigid matchsticks.

Each log will become nearly 400,000 matches, enough to last the average Swede a thousand years. The problem is the logs are covered in soft 2)fibrous bark thats not stiff enough for making matches, so theyre fed into the stripping machine, which ruthlessly grinds away the bark. But the bare logs are still three meters long; too big for the processing machines. A circular saw makes short work of them, slicing the trunks into uniform 60 centimeter-long chunks called “3)billets.” If you tried chopping these chunks of hard wood into matches, youd be at it all year. So, instead of slicing the wood, they peal it with a specialist machine called a “rotary 4)lathe.” One by one the spinning logs are forced onto a blade which shaves them into sheets called “5)veneers,” just one matchstick thick. Veneers that pass 6)muster pile up against this unique machine. It chops the stack into 15 million tiny sticks or “splints” an hour.

The strangest thing about matchsticks is that theyve got to burn well when you need them to burn, and theyve got to go out and stay out when youve finished with them. So Thorsten Hobst pours flame 7)retardant 8)monoammonium phosphate into a giant blender. Here its mixed with water, then piped into these revolving chambers to soak the splints.

Thorsten makes sure theyve been properly dried out. He checks the woods humidity level is below 5%. Then he needs to see that the flame retardant is doing its job. As the wood burns the monoammonium phosphate in this five gram pile of matchsticks expands and chars. This stops the match burning any more once the flame is out. Hes hoping to see just 9)nought point six of a gram of ash remaining. Any less and the matches kept on 10)smoldering, but much more and the match hasnt burnt enough. If theyre burning right, the batch is ready to make the transformation from sticks to matchsticks.

This is the incredible continuous machine. Invented 150 years ago, by Swede Alexander Lagermann, this feat of engineering transforms two million splints into 40,000 boxes of matches every hour. With a bit of shaking and shoving each stick is aligned and dropped into holes in this metal conveyor belt.

Every match has to burn reliably first time, so first stop on the machine that never stops is the 11)paraffin. But even a stick soaked in paraffin wont just spontaneously 12)combust. Thats where the match head comes in. So over in the batching room Peder Johanssen is busy cooking up a mix to start a fire. A 13)squeegee of 14)gelatin works as glue to hold the burning stuff in place. The business end of the match is made from 15)potassium chlorate, also found in fireworks and gunpowder. This kick starts the burn, setting light to the paraffin in the splint. After a drop of red to make it pretty, the mixture is ready to go to the continuous machine. The splints are dipped in the head mixture 4,000 at a time. The trouble is, if they box them now, the 16)gloopy heads would stick together. This is where the continuous machine comes into its own. More than two thirds of its 150 meter length is actually one giant moving drying rack. For the hour it takes a match to move from dipping to packaging, its just airing.

The safety match was born.









Mr. No—Nose
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